
Liverpool Need To Talk To Charlie Adam Before It’s Too Late

Image for Liverpool Need To Talk To Charlie Adam Before It’s Too Late

Good morning.

Brian Clough addressed his assembled new charges, the Leeds United players and told them, 

Well, I might as well tell you now. You lot may all be internationals and have won all the domestic honours there are to win under Don Revie.

But as far as I’m concerned, the first thing you can do for me is to chuck all your medals and all your caps and all your pots and all your pans into the biggest fcuking dustbin you can find, because you’ve never won any of them fairly.

You’ve done it all by bloody cheating. 

I was thinking about Charlie Adam and once the colourful stuff subsided I came to the conclusion he was an anachronism. In the 1960’s they would have called him Charlie ‘Chopper’ Adam – or something equally trite.

But the desperately sad thing is Adam wouldn’t have made grade to play for Revie. Adam has won nothing and it’s highly unlikely he ever will.

When I say nothing I meant nothing of any worth. He has a Carling Cup winners medal where Liverpool after what seemed like days eventually beat European heavyweights Cardiff City on penalties.

Adam’s main contribution you might recall was to hit his penalty kick past the goal with such force the ball eventually landed in a car park.

In Hammersmith. 

Cheating and getting nowhere has got to be even more lamentable than cheating and getting away with it.

Liverpool owner John Henry fired ‘King’ Kenny Dalglish for a number of reasons. One was certainly the commercial damage and general disrepute that was achieved by backing a racist. If Adam pulls another stunt like the tackle on Bale – that took place in a friendly – in a Premiership game …it’ll be Brendan Rodgers taking the call from the States. 

Adam’s disciplinary record isn’t in itself eye-watering. You start waving stats about and you automatically get involved in horse trading. No, this is just as when Wayne Rooney sees the red mist it’s the chilling execution of the fouls that is the cause for concern.

Liverpool Football Club used to win lots of medals and pots and pans but they won’t return to winning ways anytime soon employing cheats and thugs like Suarez and Adam. It won’t happen.

Adam needs to be sat down and told; the modern game is too fast and too athletic to accommodate ‘old fashioned’ hackers. And football needs to make sure that Adam is strictly monitored from hereon in, or someone’s going to have their career ended. 

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  • adam69 says:

    I would love to see Sandro smash him up and get what’s coming to him. Charlie Adam is number 1 on my shit list. Even Scholes can tackle better than this c###.

  • m williams says:

    spurs fans are a joke just take a look at that thug parker

  • lfc4life says:

    First and foremost. Adam isn’t goner play next season he most likely goner be sold. Second we are not goner win things. We got to the two finals! When have spurs won something? You have just won one thing in the past 12 years… Which is pathetic. We can beat teams like man utd,man city,chelsea unlike you… You get a beat 5 or 4 nil. An suarez? Got 17 goals an how he a cheat? He goes down easilt yeh but not like bale! Remeber spurs liverpool last season? He dived an got booked.CHEAT!

    • Cuddlestone says:

      Looks like cheating to me guv

      • lfc4life says:

        Here the thing yeh? Even gyan said he would of done the same… A lot of players have done that even spurs players…

        • Eyeball Paul aka The Eyeballer says:

          Liverpool for life….life sentence more like. You live in history, we will be part of the future.

          What has poor Brenden Rogers got himself into?
          Quality players / men / humans like Suarez, Adam, Gerard etc….

          Bring back ‘King’ Kenny – Leg END

        • lfc4life says:

          Lol are GK.defence is better than yours? How many times you get hammered last year? You play one system, pass the ball to bale an he runs and runs and passes to the feet of the striker… When he doesn’t play you look crap. And modric going bless… And no more adebayor… Shame ;)

        • essexian76 says:

          Is 4-0 a hammering or is it not!

        • lfc4life says:

          Lol with 9 men? Yes how many times last season more than 4 goals went past your team? Oh yeh more than liverpool;)

        • essexian76 says:

          9 men!, well, if Adam’s hadn’t been guilty of persistent fouling, perhaps you’d then see what the point of this issue is?
          The guy’s got history against Spurs, hence the vitriol, but trying to cloud over the fact we played you off the park, and when you stopped chasing shadows, you then resorted to agricultural football of the lowest order…yes, I too would have difficulty in trying to defend that, nice try…no cigar though!

      • lfc4life says:

        Tbh I don’t care.adam is not even first team. He most likely to be sold. End of matter.

        • essexian76 says:

          So why try and defend the thuug and with it your cruddy team? ….Also, if our side is that poor, why didn’t you score a solitary goal against us?

        • BrisbaneLillyWhite says:

          The point I have noticed here and on other Liverpool forums is that there aren’t any LFC fans (none I’ve seen anyway) defending Adam. I think most if not all want him gone for just this sort of behaviour. The discussion about who has won what seems pretty irrelevant although it was interesting that lfc4life choose to discuss silverware from the last 12 years. Why that number I wonder? The only relevant season is the one just gone or the one that is currently being played. I think all agree the League Cup amounts to nothing.

    • Life sentence? He cant even write one word.
      So many of those putzes on here today its a joke.
      Oh wait dont maybe we will buy Andy Carroll for threepence

      • lfc4life says:

        Yes I can?:L an lol. You bid 25 million for him that january… An you have big flops too… Bently,bent,bassong,corluka,pavchenko,hutton to name a few :)

    • davyspurstillidie says:

      What was thename of your goakeeper again.The one that took money to loose games.Look up the word “cheat” for me you will his name there.

      • lfc4life says:

        Reina? Who is better than friedel and way younger… An cheat? Like

        • Harry Hotspur says:

          Think he meant Grob. But as you appear to be about 8 years old…

        • davyspurstillidie says:

          No like Bruce the keeper who took money to cheat and played for cheaterpool.Remember him.Next.

        • lfc4life says:

          “Cheaterpool” yeh okay then lol.. Think you should be worryinh about your team. With only one striker lol and with modric going to real madrid:) your in a bad state.

        • BrisbaneLillyWhite says:

          Will never forget the titles to Have I Got News For You that showed an animated Grob diving across to his left post to catch a bribe while the ball hit the back of the net at the other side. Brilliant.

    • Les Paul says:

      lfc4life – Is English your first language or do you normally communicate by means of grunts and cave drawings?

      • lfc4life says:

        Shut up you idiot… Course it is.. Fucking twat

        • Eyeball Paul says:

          Les Paul – think you hit a nerve on lfc4568975668life (whatever the gimp’s name is)….

          He don’t like being called a neanderthal (cave man to you lfc………life)

          Get back to your cave, hairy boy – your mam’s teets are getting dry

        • essexian76 says:

          The caveman analogy is probably why they have a fixation with bricks instead of wheels

        • Les Paul says:

          Well, you illiterate buffoon, might I suggest you improve your knowledge of your mother tongue to give your comments more gravitas…

        • lfc4life says:

          Lol.. You don’t know me so you wouldn’t know.. Clever guy…not..

        • BrisbaneLillyWhite says:

          Calm down, calm down…

    • `rich g says:

      yeah, we beat you, finished in front of u in the league, scouse cunit, go away, the 70s are over

  • rudeboyyidd says:

    whats adam’s problem with bale,looking at both clips its like he wants to finish bale’s career….dirty hacking bastard.

    • Eyeball Paul aka The Eyeballer says:

      The Eyeballer actually saw the dirty little weasel in Blackpool during the summer. Should’ve hit the cnut in the mush with a porcelain tea-pot as a pre-emptive strike….if only

  • Bruxie says:

    He’s a sly barsteward.

    Refs won’t see half of his fouls. It needs a retrospective punitive system to deal with stuff like this.

    Trial by television if you like.

    Joint responsibility from Sky/ESPN/BBC/ITV and the FA will be needed…

    So it will never happen and thugs will get away with it.

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