
Sex, Lies & Oven Chips

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Good afternoon.

Gareth Bale’s in the public eye. Not for his ear adjustment, rather the fact that he swerved playing football in the Olympics for Team GB. Sepp Blatter wants the Welsh wizard banned. Nice work Sepp.

With all the corpulent corruption that exists in the modern… oh hang on, you’ve been on the take since ’88 so the route of this is almost certainly down to trying to some elaborate five star junket this summer…

 “If a club does not release a player then this association can come to FIFA and we will then ban this player during the Olympics.

“So far nobody has come to us but it is a possibility we could ban these players if they are not at the disposal of the national team.”

Bale is quoted as saying:

“My rehab’s gone very well at the club. We are well ahead of schedule and I am glad to be back.”

Gary Lineker tweeted:

“Once in a lifetime opportunity thrown away. Baffled.”

Well Gary, maybe he’s actually interested in taking part in something useful like a  preseason with a team that are part of the real world – opposed to some public school boy, London centric w@ankfest.

Not everyone is basking in the glow of the spirit of the games.  The majority of people see The Games exactly for what they are; an over hyped, over priced hotch potch of minority sports that nobody really cares about. 

Elsewhere Gomes has been opening his heart to The Sun. I say opening his heart but anyone with half a brain could have guessed what he had to say. Arry was a poor communicator, froze out a player who’s form dipped rather than addressed issues and cost the club millions by refusing to sell the player on. What a blessing that parasite was eventually binned.

After watching some highlights on ESPN I see that some some proclaimed tactical geniuses are already declaring themselves not only experts but severe critics on the Andrè Villas-Boas ‘high line.’ 

I’ll keep this brief. 

One, if you could discern or deduce anything from watching what’s occurred out there so far please forward me a mailing address because I want to send you a special shiny medal (not one of the normal ones).

And two, if you are worried about the implementation of a high line after three seasons of applauding A&E and Walker playing as out and out wingers then you know more about oven chips than you do about football.

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  • Do you not think that all these attacks on Tottenham the past few days are somehow linked to some strategic insidious plan orchestrated by none other than the dastard Jose Mourinho?
    Could it be by chance that so many events stretching across continents have taken place all within days excactly at the very moment the Modric saga seems to have hit a roadblock?
    Team GB,Kranjcar,GDS,G4S and a host of other problems including the weather have fallen onto the scene while each side looks for negotiating leverage.
    Are we not likely to see Frogs,Boils,Locusts,fires and famine next?

  • essexian76 says:

    To paraphrase Kranjcar..
    ‘All Levy has is the interest’s of his club and to make a profit’ Levy,you bastard, how dare you!

  • Finn says:

    Anyone come up with “a Kennel of Terrys” yet?

  • dixta says:

    niko’s comments seem laced with underlying cultural prejudice if you get my meaning. on that score he’s on solid ground in the USSR.

  • honestabe says:

    f2ck Sepp Blatter the thieving racist cnt !!
    I am a South AFrican who has to drive past a montrosity of a stadium built at FIFA’s behest in the wrong place where it is hard to access by the majority of football fans due to travel costs. My City has to pay the upkeep etc of this white elephant which was built where it is only so that cnts like Blatter could swill champers paid for by my tax with a nice view …f@ck him and the horse he rode in on ….COYS!!!

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