
The ITK Type 10 O’Clocker

Image for The ITK Type 10 O’Clocker

Good evening.

Friday night for most readers so what better than whistle stop tour of transfer rumours, hints and allegations?

Well some might argue watching Superstar for a dash of car crash TV. I tried the team GB game but for pity’s sake, that needed the old fake crowd noise special FX box the match commentator had in Escape To Victory. Oh yes and Team GB’s kit not to have been designed by Quentin Crisp.

To work. 

Moutinho contact has 100% been made but as per Madrid Spur on FTL the ownership of the player or his contract or whatever makes a consortium of lashed up Paddys at Cheltenham look like a sound business model. 

Adebayor? Nothing to remotely suggest that this isn’t done other than 146 articles not worth reading written by journalists who need to fill column inches daily and that is it. They need to fill the empty spaces. Greedy, nasty Adebayor. Boo hiss. Repeat till fade. Adebayor is done. Contracts signed and paperwork sent off today. Hertyid on COYS. A highly regarded poster. 

Modric is the killer. Such is the passion of the little git to get out of The Lane for anywhere with brighter lights, such is the interest in Real Madrid signing him that the combination has everyone presuming this too is a done deal.

The problem as Villas-Boas made crystal before the emphatic win™ at Stevenage, is that we will sell if the gun held against our head is loaded with about £40M quid in cold hard cash. 

The other problem which touches again on the Ade tales is that the printed press has a remit to print. If you feel patronized by me sharing this, I apologise. But this is where these Carvalho plus cash type things come from. No development in the saga? Hang on a mo. This other bloke used to play in that league. Oh don;t worry about how Fosters weak the tale is. Wallop. 

Last up.  I ask nothing of you, do I?. Well, other than  continuously suggest you sell furniture, property etc to but copious amounts of tee shirts. I need a very good, very cheap lawyer and I specifically need one in Dublin.

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  • cookiebun says:

    Do we really want to become a Chelski or Man C, or indeed a Liverpool or a Man U. I know I don’t want the club to go into debt with the owners intentions deeply distrusted by the fans, or some ‘camel wanker’ with pots of gold turning us into his plaything. Give me AVB honestly going for 4 competitions and progressing the young players and winning ‘silverware’. We don’t need a ‘sugar daddy’, we need to support the existing owners and the trust in the Chairman is pretty obvious with all the blogs I have written.

    • Will says:

      It’s rather like swimming: do you wnat to keep up with the others, or do you just wish to tread water and or drown. The glass ceiling’d field moves on and unless you do as well you are screwed.
      I always love those who preach from the high ground on their lonely atoll in the middle of nowhere land and nary a ship ever in sight.

      • Boy Charioteer says:

        Yes, but surely the glass ceiling reaches a point where it becomes unsustainable. You will reach a point where football becomes the preserve of the mega rich through outrageous subscription to tv channels and prohibitive gate prices. I am no longer able to go and see my beloved Spurs because of various medical reasons and living over 100 miles away. I don’t feel I’m preaching from a high ground when I can see my beautiful team handed over to people with shall we say, questionable motives for owning our club. The elite of the Premiership are already an exclusive club, light years away from where we were a few years ago. Whether being owned by Russian oligarchs, Arab billionaires or American racketeers, I would think long and hard about who is the puppeteer and who are the puppets.

        • Will says:

          I don’t disagree with that in theory but I am afraid what you and I want is immaterial and that the PL is simply big business in action and you either keep up or are taken over, or you go under.
          Many sports have been turned into TV celebrity shows and money rules and everyone laughs at Platini. What is so funny about the french Hitler(Platini) is that the Italian holy trinity and the spanish Duet used money for decades as a CL winning lever but it was only when the CL started to have huge funding that der klein Fuhrer climbed onto the money bandwagon and in reality he is just anohter anglophobic fench jerk still smarting from their cooperatioon with the Nazis (the Maquis wre a joke until 1944 and it was obvious that we were winning)

    • sheikh352 says:

      If we just sit tight and continue to practice good governance, FFP may yet ride in to save the day. That said, the biggest expense is going to be the cost of building NDP. It is blatantly obvious that we don’t have the resources to do that alone. Frankly, whoever comes in and purchases naming rights, I will still refer to it as “the Lane”, or “White Hart Lane” (indeed, we are moving EVEN CLOSER to the actual White Hart Lane) but the Chairman has made it clear we need outside investment in order for it to happen.

  • cookiebun says:

    Meant all the blogs I have read.

  • Shelfy says:

    HH – I used to think you were a jaded old git who liked the sound of his own voice …
    The same stands true, but I find myself nodding my bonce sagely/sniggering more & more.
    Fook me! I’m getting old :freu

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      I guess the odds of you being a sexually deviant, yet simultaneously sexually pent up Swedish air hostess who’s hungry for a mildly overweight socially inept oaf are slim. Which is fine. No really.

    • Habib says:

      I got a call the other day in which the dude said “You know me – Can you guess?” – I hung up on him. Who has the time for such tossers. HH I hope you don’t.

  • david says:

    The team fly out to USA tomorrow. Will be interesting to see if Modric goes with them.

    The scum are also flying out for their tour but RVP has been left behind ” to gain match fitness”. Yeah, right!

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      Eunice Tweeted that his ‘little surprise’ was happening tomorrow…

      Interesting, Mr Bond…

      • Stu Barney says:

        Does this happen to any other club?

        I love these surprises!

        Off to my brother in law’s wedding and am the designated driver so no booze for me today, keep posting any news H to give me something to read while others get merry’

    • Will says:

      Modric wont go: his mind is elsewhere: Zagreb’s bank I hear.

  • Tony_Spursano says:

    “Last up. I ask nothing of you, do I?. Well, other than continuously suggest you sell furniture, property etc to but copious amounts of tee shirts. I need a very good, very cheap lawyer and I specifically need one in Dublin.”

    If this is regarding that scanned image doc you posted regarding previous movements of a previous mover then please email.

    DOes Bono pay tax?

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