
The Late Late Late One

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Good evening. 

From a erstwhile very reliable source and I see (before I am barked at by some child with an attention deficit disorder) also ‘on message’ with The Goat on Spurs Community to a certain extent…

Moutinho’s recent unchecked praise for the boy Boas looks like it weren’t just throwaway remarks. Word is that serious efforts on both sides are being made to make this happen. 

Also the talk of Carvalho which will obviously split opinion is thought to be accurate. My guy in a refreshing expression of honesty says that he is less certain of this as – despite Modric doing the off – this is being negotiated as an entirely separate issue. 

I am really liking the way this club is being run. 

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  • SimonPWise says:

    It’s all coming down to AVB. I was worried he’s damaged goods but I’m getting the feeling that the club, and hopefully the players, are behind him. I hope he gets off to a flyer.

    Harry – What news on the rumour that BAE was in dispute over his contract. From being a liability he turned into a star – He would be a major loss.

  • mynameisluka says:

    Just spotted Freund is coming in as assistant manager…Thanks for the heads up HH!
    This just gets better. All his team are experienced with developing young professionals.
    If Mastercard did projects…

  • Spurs 37001 says:

    Apparently Benoit thinks there’s been a mix up in the THFC office. He wants the one that’s been offered to ADEBABEEDO.

  • Northern Spur says:

    Northern Spur asks where can one get to see pictures of the new training facility?

  • astromesmo says:

    I see silly season has started after the first press conference.

    To many bulls**t articles to list. You’d think the bloke got caught fiddling with kids or something – Has TRBKA John Terry really got that much clout among journo’s?

    • Alspur says:

      Welcome back, Astro – this blog has been the poorer for your absence…

      ps my favourite headline, so far:

      “I’ve learned from Chelsea flop”

      • astromesmo says:

        Thank you, I’m trying to make up for lost time!

        It’s great, the Chelsea hacks are having kittens over the ‘credit for the CL’ statement. Can’t wait to read what pompous bilge Martin Samuel – aka ‘The queen of the Huffington Post’, writes about it.

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