
The Late Late Late One

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Good evening. 

From a erstwhile very reliable source and I see (before I am barked at by some child with an attention deficit disorder) also ‘on message’ with The Goat on Spurs Community to a certain extent…

Moutinho’s recent unchecked praise for the boy Boas looks like it weren’t just throwaway remarks. Word is that serious efforts on both sides are being made to make this happen. 

Also the talk of Carvalho which will obviously split opinion is thought to be accurate. My guy in a refreshing expression of honesty says that he is less certain of this as – despite Modric doing the off – this is being negotiated as an entirely separate issue. 

I am really liking the way this club is being run. 

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  • Bukkake-breath says:

    Mourtinho is a class act and would be a great replacement for NLCB. Wouldn’t be too happy with carvalho as his 34 and chops legs rather than tackles, higuin thou there’s a deal!

  • Astromesmo says:

    Despite nappies piling up left and right and picking bits of baby food, discarded with the force of an exocet missile out of what’s left of my hair, I keep finding myself walking round the house whistling ‘Love is in the air’.

    This is what the feel-good factor feels like. Bloody hell. I am 100% stonewall stunned at the way our club is putting the pieces together and the sight of the media desperately trying NOT to look and be impressed is hilarious.

    I mean, last year if we were so much as linked in the dreams of 14-year old to a player it was in every paper – Now, they’re putting their fingers in their ears and shouting la la la at the revolution going on, while fastidiously reporting any knock back.

    Problem for them is… There aren’t any. Arsenal, their perpetual ‘purist’ wet dream are a shambles, Utd are offering dodgy shares on last years toilet rolls, Chelsea are watching to see who AVB looks at then are shouting buy, buy, buy like a 1980’s stockbroker and City… Well, City are actually behaving with a little class to be honest – Rewarding Mancini with a new deal etc.

    The best they can come up with is that Harry is off to Russia… Yes, along with 20 other possibles including Pep, Capello and half the ex-Russian World Cup squad. Good luck Harry! Is all I can say.

  • Astromesmo says:

    I’m a moderate, being moderated… Modders? Mods and models on a module by Modest Mussorsky.

    Moderator? Pleeaaase?

    2, 2, 2, testing, mike check, 2, 2, 2?


  • Astromesmo says:

    I’ve broken it?

  • Astromesmo says:

    Ahhhh, I’m back! Hussssahhhh!

    Ah, but the important (Not that there’s any) comment isn’t?

    50p for the meter guv?

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