
Villas-Boas Blasts Modric & City Drag Their Feet On Manu

Image for Villas-Boas Blasts Modric & City Drag Their Feet On Manu

André Villas-Boas spoke briefly with a reporter from as the lads were waiting to depart from Thiefrow Airport.

When it was suggested that he would know Jose Mourinho’s ambitions in relation to Modric as well as perhaps anyone, Villas-Boas referring Real Madrid’s existing midfielders said “There are eight, right?” as he then physically counted out the players names on his fingers.

Here Villas-Boas is implying that perhaps Real Madrid may not quite see Modric to be the invaluable missing piece of Jose’s puzzle he might view himself to be.

On Modric not travelling Villas Boas was to the point.

“I think Modric is wrong. This will go against you. Has worsened the situation with what you are doing and now the president is very angry.

Also has not caught in good time to Daniel Levy. is happening these days in the U.S. because his wife is ill. ” 

 When asked, “Are you interested in Cazorla?” André Villas-Boas replied,  “Our team is constantly looking for players. But I do not talk about it.”

What a refreshing change to have coherant manager who is ‘on message’ with the both the club and it’s supporters.

Adebayor? Well has has been widely reported, he’s in the States, but the other side of the country. That said, he’s closer to the Spurs first team than he is the Manchester City’s which is in Austria.

As previously on here, Ade has signed off everything with Tottenham but the delay is at the City end, this corroborated by Jasper and Marcspurs on Spurs Odious as well as JJetset formerly of Spurs Community. 

Quite why people expected this to be a deal wrapped up in the time it takes to make a Pot Noodle whilst beyond me, it doesn’t surprise me. 

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  • Will says:

    And a little light in the striker department…oh well maybe heurelio can put one in someone else’s net for a change : )

  • MysteriousStranger says:

    I read Modric has been fined. I wonder if the asking price has also gone up? :freu :daumen:

  • Legoverlass says:

    Modrics actions underlines everything that is wrong with so called professional footballers these days. I think the word ‘professional ‘ is an important one in this context. He signed a contract and at the time was happy to do so. He would be jumping around like a little furry hobbit if his wages were suddenly stopped because Daniel Levy said ‘sorry son you just are not putting a decent shift in out on the pitch’ yet he thinks he can just say ‘Im not honouring my professional contractural obligations because you wont do what I want you to do’. He should be saying ‘I am contracted as a professional football player to THFC a club that has been very good for me as a player in raising my profile and I will honour the terms of that contract until such time as that arrangement is no longer applicable. That would stand him in much greater stead with the owners, the manager, the players, the fans and I suspect create a more favourable environment to reach a mutually acceptable deal.This is why it is so important that we get to the top table in European football so these spoilt brats cannot continually pull these strokes. Berbatov did it and tbh I have not seen it happen to many other clubs. Havent seen RVP pull out of training that I know off

  • Boy Charioteer says:

    Angry now that all the optimism of a few weeks ago is being dissipated by this poisonous little toad. Maybe he can be sold to a team from the Moon where the grounds have no atmosphere.

  • Xildnparadise says:

    Thought GDS was on the Olympic team….. No????

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