

Image for ‘We’

Good afternoon.

You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression. I frequently opt for a Hawaiin shirt and perhaps few balloon animals, just as a simple ice breaker. Andrea Villas Boas’ first encounter as our head honcho with the press  this afternoon was to his and indeed, our credit both classy and considered.

All the propaganda and disinformation doing the rounds courtesy of Arry’s hyena hack pals will now subside. 

Boas is clearly an intelligent and polished communicator who instead of skirting the issue of his previous role at Second Hand Fridge (which was bound to proliferate) he addressed it head on and quite rightly without the need to blush.

Yes of course we got a good few new broom platitudes, but vitally he spoke of ambition and above all spoke respectfully and exuded professionalism. He is interested in winning competitions and titles.

The last bloke shamed us all by failing to touch on any of these qualities in his tenure. There is talk of a ‘high line’ there already are reports from players emerging that reflect the ‘buzz’ the new gaffer has brought with him

A ball has yet to be kicked in anger, but I have a confession to make.

He had me at ‘we’.

The salient quotes below courtesy of the BBC. His SSN interview is here.

“The dimensions of the club speaks for itself and it’s a massive, massive opportunity for me and I’m extremely privileged to have been given that opportunity.

“It’s fantastic to come to a club with such high ambitions for the future and I want to respond to the trust that the chairman has put in me with success and hopefully I can repay that trust.”

“There have been a couple of discussions with clubs. I think that a couple of them were even made public but I was always willing to wait for the right opportunity at the right time.

“For me after the Chelsea step it was important to choose somewhere where I was surrounded by the right commitment and the right people and I think I found it and I’m extremely privileged to be here.”

“The interest that we have from various different clubs [for Modric] shows the importance of the player and what he’s done for Tottenham.

“Ongoing discussions will continue with these clubs until we reach an agreement which is acceptable for each party.”

“[Ade] Adebayor is another player who was important for last season and it will be a lie if I say we are not looking for a striker and Ade is part of that list.”

What About Carroll then? “It’s not fair of me to comment on that. I’m not sure of Liverpool’s intentions on Andy Carroll but it’s certainly not a player we are looking for.”

You’d like to bring him here? “No, no, no.”

“I think it’s excellent for Chelsea to have won a trophy they have desired for so many years and there were so many ambitions towards winning it.”

And adds: “I’m just grateful that I was able to work there and in some way put it on the road to that.”

“We just have to continue with the quality work that Harry [Redknapp] left us. To lose what Harry left us is a mistake so we’ll have to try to build from that and put Tottenham on road for titles.”

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  • Catcher says:

    He has basically come out and said Modric will be sold, would much prefer an answer like, “I am not in a possition to discuss that matter” and move on. He also seems to be trying to claim a level of credit for Chelski winning the champions league which is nt great either, but glad so many of you are pleased with his press conferance, looks like a young Arry in the making to me, wonder how long until he is giving the car window interview !!!!!

    • essexian76 says:

      All he did was to reiterate exactly what Levy told Modric this time last season which was
      ” you will only be sold when an suitable to both parties can be agreed!”

      • essexian76 says:

        SuitableOffer that should read, which unlike Harry, AVB is actually towing the company line..!

        • Harry Hotspur says:

          Agreed essexian76, it was this ‘being on message’ that he has grasped in what, ten days in office? That feckwit never even acknowledged.

          I would put the rent on Boas knowing what to do as he was brought up the right way in a football sense.
          Bloody Jose Mourinho never spoke to people out of car windows. Bobby Robson was never undignified.

          A really positive thing to do in your first day at a new job?

          Refer to the company as ‘we’. It’s so naffin’ basic. ‘We’ve got a the world’s worst canteen I see.’ ‘We’ve been seriously busy today, is it always like that on Mondays?’

          Boas is a grown up.

        • essexian76 says:

          Maybe AVB isn’t on a commission?

      • astromesmo says:

        Just once, I want him to wind down the car window for shits & giggles, say nothing & drive off. Somehow, I don’t think AVB is going to have Freund driving him around… not unless he gets a company Panzer in the parking lot at the new training ground of course.

    • cyril says:

      i am 100% confident that whatever he said about modric has the approval of levy, expressly or from conversations he has had with him
      he is not going to risk his new employers wrath like that, because he is singing from the same hymn sheet instaed of making uo crap as he goes along with a mouth that works at three time the speed of his brain, like the last one, whose name i sahll not utter again

    • Bobbles says:

      I would agree that some of the comments about how he put the chelsea squad together so he deserves some credit were a bit much though.

  • cookiebun says:

    Whats this ‘Modric is willing to leave’ craic. Modric was willing to leave a year ago and nothing’s changed. Why does a guy with perfect english use these words. He should have said that because of the players wishes, he would be sold. Not this ‘he’s willing’ shite. Also he shouldn’t have started taking the credit for the FA Cup and the CL Trophy. I’m not so sure as I was and will wait and see.

    • AlphaT says:

      I’m afraid he’s right he managed them as far as they were in the tournaments, and anything they did after that was out of pure spite

    • edspur says:

      The interview I saw he gave full credit to Di Matteo and their mutinous players for what they achieved afer he left.

  • essexian76 says:

    One disappointing statement was that we’re not looking at a new goalkeeper. No disrespect to Friedel but at 41, you’d have thought a quality keeper would be a priority? If he’s considering Gomes again, then I’m afraid for his and our future!

  • Happy hamster says:

    19th yippee

  • Wales for yid says:

    Is it true lloris is a no??

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