
What Was It That Modric Told Pienaar?

Image for What Was It That Modric Told Pienaar?

Good evening.

This landed and was far too enticing to let simply simper by.

Hey boys, can you hear banjos? We git ourselves here a caption comp. 

The last caption comp was insanely funny. 

  • Funniest caption suggestion wins a major prize.
  • Judges decision is final. No cash alternatives.
  • Your home may be at risk if you go out and leave all the doors and windows open.
  • Lines close at midnight tonight although if I can connive some way of charging you afterwards, rest assured I will.

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  • MitchellThomas says:

    Look i know that he’s not quick. I know that, when he turns with the ball lights flash and you can hear that noise that Lorries make when they reverse. BUT – he is as good a passer of the ball as i’ve seen since Hazard was back at the club for his second spell. So let’s rejoice in Big Tom being fit again.
    Allez Le Thudd!

  • mouville says:

    WTF is it with the continuing media Bale bashing?? No one mentions Fergie declaring no players will be released other than the ones allowed. Would that not contravene Blatter’s non release directive? As for Blatter stating he can ban Bale if the FA submit a complaint..which FA would that be as Bale is responsible to the Welsh FA! Interesting point that the non release rules apply to international teams and Team GB is not a recognised international team….yet! Is this Blatters way of trying to get Team GB official status paving the way for his wish to amalgamate England/Wale/Scotland for good?
    Funny the press do not mention the three players that clubs have refused to release to play for Senegal tonight. This press release mentions a slap down for Blatter in a previous attempt to sanctions clubs.

    • mouville says:

      Doh! Gabon not Senegal. Need to cut down on the coffee!

    • lamf1958 says:

      Blatter is a dinosaur and a stupid one at that. Our club statement about Balers injury put him in his place. Notice how he resisted goal line technology until England benefitted from the lack of

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