
50 Shades Of Jim White

Image for 50 Shades Of Jim White


Vide Cor Meum ushers in the first strands of morning light.

He has been preparing for this day from the moment he survived an Amyl Nitrate overdose twenty minutes after the last transfer window closed. Gently woken from a medically induced coma at an undisclosed location, a woozy middle aged man takes his first few sips of nuromuscular blockers in solution.

So here we are once again then. I was toying with the idea of a live blog but to be honest until someone makes one that is actually ‘liver’ than this format there’s little point. So this page will be with us until 2300hrs and then a new blog with detailed analysis of where we are tomorrow morning will be published, tomorrow morning. 

The news about the hiccup on the Loris deal cause heated angst to be sprayed at Levy & Co. with fire extinguisher pressure. I don’t have a problem with opinion, but today may prove too action packed for comments with rude words in to be tweaked and salvaged from moderation. So perhaps weigh up the loss of impact your expletive has with an asterisk compared with the loss of impact of the entire comment never being read.

So what might happen?

Well, Moutinho is very likely if want him to be our most expensive signing ever.

‘Porto is an extremely difficult club to deal with. I don’t think he is a player we can afford. I have never hidden that he is a player of tremendous qualities – there are only a few players who can come in straight away to a team and have a direct impact.

Only world-class players do that and he is certainly one of them but it doesn’t mean it’s within our reach.’

Villas-Boas yesterday.

I think we are most likely to land Daniel Sturridge. And that’s my punt. The Club may well be playing a straight bat on this whole striker business, but they know that aside from managing the expectations of the angry mob supporters, Defoe and Adebayor isn’t all that much to get excited about. It doesn’t obviously smack of Champions League qualification.

Berbatov anyone?

What becomes of the broken hearted? See you at close of play. BIOYC!

Hotspurs Half Hour – Show 3 by hotspurshalfhour

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  • Mitchell Thomas says:

    O jogo (portugese newspaper) front cover says Moutinho deal failes by 4 minutes.

    Not sure how they know. But no matter i don’t understand the reaaoning behind leaving such an important signing so late.

    It smacks of brinkmanship for it’s own sake.

  • Clarkspur says:

    I skipped the circus from about 2pm till this morning, so I never let myself believe some bullsh1t from a budgie with a twitter account….

    2 good proven strikers in
    2 good proven attacking midfielders in
    1 superb looking CB in
    1 international level keeper in.

    6 quality purchases. Extract all the nonsense you’ve let yourself believe about Llorente, Messi, Ronaldo or Xavi coming to WHL and you have 6 great acquisitions that can help us get back into the CL.

    • Gus says:

      Well said. I’m quite excited about Norwich. I’d expect Dembele to start in VdV’s place and Clint to take JJ’s place on the bench. Let’s hope we can put away a few of our chances this time COYS

  • nottmspur says:

    Hmmm. Reading between lines – Willian and Moutinho were AVB’s first choice targets. We have ended up with Dembele and Dempsey!! Strange. Sounds like Levy is back to his best. Top 4 last season, team ripped to shreds and manager and chairman not going in same direction by the looks of it. Back to the good old days.

  • nottmspur says:

    “”They promised me a big apartment on the beach and I found myself 200m from the sea with a view of my neighbours,”

  • LLL says:

    It was a catastrophic balls up and no Happy clapper will be able to convince me otherwise.

    Leaving all this business til the last day, the bloke above is right, it’s amateurish in the extreme. Especially when you are talking about your main target and replacement for your best player.

    Fact is we’ve sold our best player and haven’t anyone to replace him with because of Levy’s brinkmanship and last minute fiddle faddling.

    Dempsey is ‘good business’ in the same way exactly that Pienaar was. I wouldn’t be surprised if he goes the same way and we sell him back to Fulham in a year or so. He’s also this years Frazier Campbell, Razsiak. Yes, he’s more talented but does anyone believe he was ever, ever, ever part of AVB’s plans? Of course not, he is a consolation offering and ‘good business;.

    I feel sorry for AVB, he’s been sold a pup and the press already have their knives out. He’s been briefed to do a top 4 and had his squad disassembled and patched back together.

    It’s a right royal balls up I tell ya!

    • jfdit says:

      it’s groundhog day again, we’ve been here before haven’t we?

      we’ve lost a lot of creativity which is my main concern, we have no midfield playmaker as such now, hudds still here so let’s get him doing the business

      as we left it so late, up front dempsey was the best available and will do a great job for us – he loves scoring against the goons as well which is a major plus imo

      fact is as much as we loved VDV he wasn’t going to be a bit part player under AVB so best to let him go before we fell out

      disappointed in our last day’s business as the deals were there to be done, let’s hope AVB can get the side winning and keep us in contention until the January window when the likes of moutinho and Llorente could make us real contenders

    • Mitchell Thomas says:

      I’m not blogging today in protest at you writing exactly what i was thinking triple L.

      It’s absolute nonsense to think Levy shouldn’t have had every aspect of Moutinho’s transfer tied up well in advance of yesterday. He was the marquee signing. The ‘Gascoigne’, ‘Klinsmann’ that would have taken us upto that next recognition level.

      From Llrois, Llorente and Moutinho we’ve ended up with Lloris and a yank twat in a backwards baseball cap of limited ability and resale value.

      What happened to Willian? Remy? Sturrudge even as back ups?

      I’m delighted at the pre deadline transfers. Just absolutely guttedw didn’t get the ‘one’

      Whilst it may not have been through lack of effort i’m afraid i’ve fone from #inlevywetrust to #wontgetfooledagain

    • Frontwheel 2 says:

      Levy spent £57m in this transfer window,got rid of players AVB deemed surplus to requirements or who refused to play for us.He drove a hard bargain(all in Spurs interest)and came away with £6m banked.
      What type of Chairman would you like?Its a big shame we never got moutinho but why do you assume it was Levy,s fault,if his agent was asking for unreasonable amounts it would be mad to pay them and unsettle a whole squad and set a precedent for future signings which we can not afford.
      I’m excited and looking forward to see how our team will evolve,we have a core of players who want to be here it all looks bright to me.

      • jfdit says:

        wasn’t the whole reason the modric deal dragged on for ever and a day was to enable us to line up his replacement?

        we obviously haven’t replaced him so complete failure on our part in that regard

        we’ve culled the squad and wage bill to boot, all good news but we’re still light up front and have no natural playmaker as such

        we’ve also still got *****, bentley & gomes clogging up the place

        • Frontwheel 2 says:

          As I wrote above if a player wants too much,let him go.As for replacing the rat,lets give what we have at least a chance,the often used words play maker are a bit hard to define and our whole midfield could turn out to be one great play making machine,here’s hoping anyway.
          As for Bentley and Jenas if no one wants them what’s Levy mean’t to do?

        • jfdit says:

          get them off the wage bill by any means, free transfer if necessary

          those three players are costing us about 200k a week, that’s just over 10 million a year for players who have barely played for us

          our wage bill hit over 90 million two years ago, deadwood like that are the reason

      • UnkleKev says:

        What really grates with me is the fact that no one has any idea what went on during the Moutinho negotiations, but it won’t stop a lot of these muppets hurling mud in Levy’s general direction. For all we know everything was agreed in advance and it was Porto &/or Moutinho who started playing silly buggers yesterday.

        Personally, I’d have rather seen us eat humble pie and take Berbatov for £4m than Dempsey for £6m, but I completely understand why Levy might see things differently. I’m no particular admirer of Dempsey, but I applaud Levy for acting quickly as it became apparent Moutinho wasn’t going to work out. And comparing Dempsey to Campbell and Rasiak is just ridiculous.

        • jfdit says:

          berbatov is a rat, I wouldn’t want him back under any circumstances

          have you no pride or dignity? he treated us like a piece of shite on the bottom of his shoe ffs

          dempsey is a replacement for VDV not modric and will do just fine for us, check out his goals last season – quite a few top drawer match winning efforts

        • LLL says:

          The reason why people will blame Levy is because he’s the chairman, he’s taken it upon himself to sort our transfer business out and so the buck stops with him, simple and plain. Not only that – the man has form. Form for leaving things too late, engaging in extreme brinkmanship, going in for too many deals and ending up with none coming off.

          Levy sold our best player and totally failed to replace him – how simple do you need it?

          And as I said, I’m comparing Dempsey to Rasiak and Campbell because they too were last minute panic jobs too. Not comparing them as players. I did already explain that, so to have to do it again is just ridiculous. :wassat:

      • LLL says:


        How you can continue to clap happy is quite simply beyond me. Our account is actually 10m richer, thereabouts. Yes, fantastic business. Great for the shareholders or whatever. I’m doing a victory dance all around my house for the 10m profit we made in transfer business this Summer.

        All the stuff with Moutinho – once again, you are right, I don’t know the ins and outs. But I do know that we lost our best player. I do know we got 30m for him. I do know that that 30m was easily enough to cover any deal for Moutinho. I do know that Levy has form on leaving things too late and promising the world but delivering consolation prizes.

        Not only that, but we have waited this long only to basically come out of it still with an unbalanced squad. If Dembele and Dempsey were AVBs targets they could have been done on July 1st. But of course they weren’t, and Levy let AVB begin the season with no striker and an inadequate midfield while he waited til the last few days of the transfer window to do his brinkmanship thing. Which once again, failed spectacularly. Unless you consider saving a million or two on Lloris worth everything else which didn’t come off?

        I personally believe that Lloris was the only one from AVB’s list who Levy secured. Vert was coming here before we had a manager. Sig was done as a quick bit of ‘good business’ -i.e. poached from Liverpool. I don’t think Dembele would have been on AVB’s to buy list, if he was we would have done it ages ago. We all know 100% that Dempsey never was.

        So in other words, Levy has pretty much failed AVB in almost every regard. And this is a success to you?!?!

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