
And If You Know Your History . . . A Wonderful Poem Dedicated To All Spurs Fans

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Good evening.

There are a great number of reasons I do this whole blogging malarky. But you’re in luck! And I won’t begin to bore you all with a detailed explanation on this particular occasion.

But my thanks to Wayne Spring for choosing to share this genuine masterpiece with us.

In September 1882 a new beginning dawned,

Football gained a legend when the Hotspur formed.

2 years later the naming was complete,

When Tottenham Hotspur became the name upon the sheet.

Then in 1899 a home was in the frame,

And the Spurs found theirs when they moved to White Hart Lane.

Success soon followed winning the Southern league title,

Then the FA Cup the next year, as amateurs which is vital.

Spurs became professional in the summer of 1908,

And won promotion straight away, which by any standard is great.

Then as war broke out with soldiers in their tanks,

Disaster struck as Tottenham Hotspur sank.

Relegation was hard to take but as the gunfire stopped,

The league was to be extended but Tottenham were still dropped.

A little known team from Woolwich had learned the art of bribes,

And although they finished 6th they bought promotion for their tribe.

Promotion came the very next year as the Spurs’ return was done,

And a 2nd FA Cup was added in 1921.

Back in the top flight the Spurs played really well,

And they finished 2nd as their opponents fell.

Dark times were soon to follow as the team got in a state,

And relegtion loomed again in 1928.

A return was needed but the Spurs failed to do,

And still had not achieved it by the start of World War 2.

The art of Spurs was invented in 1949,

When Arthur Rowe introduced a football which was divine.

The style they used was ‘Push and Run’,

And in that same season the 2nd Division Championship was won.

The Spurs marched on after promotion and in 1951,

Totenham Hotspur became champions of the Division 1.

Success had been delivered in that glorious season,

With players like Alf Ramsey and the future legend Bill Nicholson.

A couple of 2nd place finishes followed that season of success,

Just being pipped to the title by the Busby Babes who never failed to impress.

Spurs invested money and for a record fee got their man,

When Danny Blanchflower joined for the sum of 30 grand.

2 successive managers then suffered from ill health,

So the board looked amogst their talent, of which they had a wealth.

From within they decided a new manager to pick,

And after much debate they settled on Bill Nick.

Bill Nick had joined Spurs as an apprentice in ’36,

Now as manager he brought his vision and new players into the mix.

The team were a sensation and clocked up a record score,

As the new fresh Tottenham beat Everton 10-4.

With the likes of Blanchflower, Mackay, Jones , Greaves and White,

For success Bill Nick took his talented team to fight.

And in 61 they delivered the greatest success so far,

When they won the Double and raised the football bar.

Another FA Cup was added in 1962,

As Bill Nick lived up to the motto – To Dare is To Do.

A European Cup semi-final in the same year to see,

Followed by a Cup Winners Cup victory in 1963.

Then as the Double team split, through injuries, transfers and age,

Bill Nick looked to the future and turned over a new page.

He brought in Gilzean, Venables, Knowles and Kinnear,

This new team made ’67 another FA Cup winning year.

League Cups were added in ’71 and ’73 and still,

Victory in Europe in between was won by the team of Bill.

But soon it would be over, this legend that was built.

Rioting fans in Holland and a poor start in ’74 filled him with guilt.

The legend resigned but the club moved on,

As an ex-Arsenal manager took them on.

Terry Neill was never accepted and was removed from the floor,

To be replaced by his assitant, Mr Keith Burkinshaw.

In 1977 the dakness loomed again,

Spurs were relegated, had it all been in vain ?

During the next season I first became a fan,

As Mr Burkinshaw drew his promotion plan.

After pulling clear they slipped a bit and hit upon a flaw,

In order to get promoted the last game had to draw.

The opponents were Southampton, the game was at the Dell

The score ended 0-0 so promotion was won well.

A new beginning was dawning and World Cup winners were bought in,

With Ardiles and Villa onboard how could we fail to win.

A return to Cup glory soon came about and how can we forget,

When Ricky Villa ran with the ball and popped it in the net.

For further Cup glory we didnt have long to wait,

It shouldve been won in the first game but an equaliser came late.

A future Tottenham player, Terry Fenwick was his name,

Shot the ball past Clemence and forced another game.

Just 5 days later the teams and fans returned,

To see which side glory would be earned.

A penalty decided it, the game was not a doddle,

But victory was sealed and the goal was scored by Hoddle.

Another night of glory was just about to come,

The team pushed on for a UEFA Cup run.

Anderlecht came calling to take the cup away,

But the Spurs held out with some invigorating play.

It went to penalties and a hero stepped from the dark,

Our keeper played a blinder, his name was Tony Parks.

Another player also deserves a mention or possibly a shout,

We sang ‘Theres only one Danny Thomas’ even though his penalty was kept out.

After another FA Cup final in 1987 we went into the ’90s with El Tel,

With Gazza brought in for 2 million we knew we would do well.

The scum from Woolwich met us at Wembley a final place at stake,

A memorable freekick was awarded and the Geordie stepped up to take.

“Hes not going to shoot from there is he” said the commentator with a smile,

“He is you know!” was his answer as Seaman was beaten by a mile.

Lineker got 2 as the Spurs style pushed up

And in the North London Cup Arsenal were only runners up.

Another Cup went into the cabinet as Forest were pushed aside,

A hard fought game where Stewart scored running in from wide.

A replay looked like coming, we were used to that role,

But Des Walker had other ideas as he headed an own goal.

That glory faded before another cup was won,

It was Ginola that got us there with his devastating runs

The final was against Leicester and Savage wound us up,

But Spurs fought through 1-0 to win the League Cup.

Another long wait followed as Spurs just seemed to muddle through,

Then a League Cup Final against Chelsea came out of the blue.

And as yet another draw looked the likely outcome and nerves began to ring,

Woody popped up, nodded it in and we all began to sing.

Soon a new start was needed and Jol came into the Lane,

He was loved by many but sacked with Commolli to blame.

It came as a shock and it caused a divide,

Amongst the faithful, some calling for the Chairman’s hide

After some disasters a new manager took the helm,

Arry Redknapp took control with an eye on Europe’s realm.

His first season saw us rise from the depths of oblivion and despair,

To success without glory and the stage of Europe to share.

4th place was the prize in the following year,

Could we do it or just get near ?

Man City stood in the way, they had really spalshed the cash,

But Spurs passed the test as our football proved too flash.

Up popped a summer shock as a move to Stratford was mooted,

Some of the faithful even wanted Daniel Levy booted.

But it proved to be just a poker bluff by the man,

Just getting the finances for expansion was his master plan

And so into Champions League, amongst the elite of the sport,

Through Qualification and League rounds we fought.

Both Milans Inter and AC to beat us both failed,

Even Lucio and Maicon both got Bale’d

Then came the strangest of seasons. A real rollercoaster,

After 2 heavy defeats many wins made us all boasters.

Could it really be ? Mind the Gap was the shout

But along came the FA and changed belief to doubt

The England Manager’s job came into view

Would ol’ Redknapp be loyal and true ?

Premiership managers, players and the media all jumped on the Arry train,

But all the clamour and hype would be in vain

They knew what they were doing though, Arry’s head had been turned,

And the chance to take Spurs to the top was being spurned.

Performances faded and 13 points were lost.

It would be the fans who would suffer the cost.

The Gap had been closed we had thrown it away,

With dodgy decisions and a few bad displays.

Then came the news that Arry hadnt seen,

The FA picked someone else so he tried to look keen.

Worse was to come when the season was done,

As Chelsea took penalties and the Champions League was won.

How could this happen ? The future looked bright,

But a fall to Europa went the brave boys in white.

The final nail was soon driven in, a big own goal,

Arry begged a new contract which he thought was a stroll.

It was a case of bad timing as his boss was in mourning,

And soon it was clear that the end was dawning.

A new era was to start the decision had been made,

Arry was sacked, this trial he couldnt evade.

AVB was chosen to make the fresh start,

So far so good, he seems to talk from the heart.

What the new season and future holds no one knows,

But at Spurs we know we are in for some shows.

We may sing, we may shout, we may laugh, we may cry.

But one things for certain . . . I’m Tottenham Til I Die.

(©Wayne Spring August 2012)

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  • Pat says:

    Hardly a poem

  • kenny powers says:

    An ode to our history
    its a beautiful thing.

  • Mitchell Thomas says:

    It’s called poetic verse Pat.

    It’s a poem

    • Mitchell Thomas says:

      Actually glad you binned him H. I was about to bore the pants off you all with some history on Heroic Verse….

      • Harry Hotspur says:

        I just don’t see any merit in having a pop at someone thoughtful/brave enough to do this type of thing.

        • Mitchell Thomas says:

          Back you 100% guv’nor. Why some people’s first reaction is to highlight the neg i do not confess to know.

          I blame Gus Ceaser.

        • kenny powers says:

          Amen h

        • StrappingYoungLad says:

          It’s like a school project, nothing brave about it really.
          A football poem, thoughtful? c’mon now

        • Yidster says:

          Cheers HH but im a big boy now. Everyones entitled to an opinion. I can take the deserved crticism for my faux pas. Have just retrieved the laptop from its bounce down the garden after seeing the error ; )

      • Andrew says:

        Wonderful history. I remember as a child watching Ray Clemence, Crooks, Hoddle, Villa, Archibald, Ardiles, Lineker, then eventually Chris Waddle, then Paul Gascoigne….

        Right now, as I see it;

        Thudd will stay, at least he may only go on a season long loan. I highly doubt Lennon would be sold even though Spurs would probably get around £17m – £22m for him. We would still need a capable backup on the right especially if Willian comes in. The team could probably end up looking like this:

        [GK] Lloris

        RWB.Walker, CB.Kaboul, CB.Vertonghen, LWB.Ekotto

        RCDM.Sandro LCDM. M’Vila

        RCF.Willian, LCF.Bale

        Subs: Friedel, Defoe, Remy, Bendtner, Livermore, Lennon, Sigurdsson, Naughton, Caulker, Gallas, Granero, Rose.

  • Ronnie Wolman says:

    Put not to rhyme,Martin Cloake had put together a piece for another website.
    In it was one paragraph that few Tottenham fans know about. I think a HH bloggers (maybe Essex,Boy,Pin?)had mentioned before…thopught Idmention it here as everyone seems nostalgic today when our forward progress is looking good…

    ‘In the early 1920s, Tottenham Hotspur’s enlightened Scottish coach Peter McWilliam came to an arrangement with Kent club Northfleet United to farm out talented young players in order for them to gain experience in playing football in the way McWilliam thought it should be played. It was a style Spurs fans still refer to as The Spurs Way, and though it was the Spurs sides of first Rowe and then Nicholson which eventually took it to the ultimate level, it is also a style that has been adopted by some of the most successful sides in the world. Think space and shape, angle and incision, flexibility and interchangeability, keeping the ball on the ground and making it do the work’

    The Link..

  • Boy Charioteer says:

    Absolute genius! Just edges out Homer’s Iliad in it’s sheer epicness!

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