
Bang Bang: Levy In Strong For Llorente

Image for Bang Bang: Levy In Strong For Llorente

Good evening.

Did you hear the one about the one hit Porto wonder, the Chelsea reject and the loss at Sid James Park? Stop me if you’ve heard it…

Tactically we were far, far superior. A solitary point after the Defoe goal would have been just fine. The penalty? Oh dear… a self inflicted wound.

Of course losing is rubbish. It stings like little else. But let’s keep some perspective. We’re capable of that ‘cos we is highly intelligent people. The transfer window has yet to shut. Balague is a damn decent source.

Player ratings, analysis to make your eyes bleed in the morning.

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  • Ronnie Wolman says:

    the arse are in for Sahin.The man is a top creative midfielder.He is with RM and we are negotiating with them re Modric.
    He is talented and a bit more direct than Modric.
    He is also available on loan.

    Spend the money on Llorente.

    Cesar for GDS.

    We are done.

  • spurskip says:

    what was gallas doing ducking when ba shot,minding his good looks?? twap, we looked good,need to speed up the passing,we did when they scored,and stop hitting it long to defoe.

  • TMWNN says:

    Just read all this. Conclusion – Levy is a cheapskate cock, and essexian must have a massive hangover- clearly.

  • SeasideSpur says:

    To all you BAE haters… Get a life!! He’s about the only thing that the ex-scum scout did that was right… Yes he can have “bats in the belfry” moments – but so does every other player. They are HUMAN not ROBOTS…

    Sometimes the fickle nature of so-called Spurs fans really annoys me. Nothing is ever good enough…

    1) DL isn’t buying players (well excuse me but we have a large squad with a considerable wage bill – Jenas, Bentley, Bassong, etc. which no f*cker wants to buy – the dross left over from previous managers). We need to free up space before making further acquisitions, otherwise our dressing-room will look like Clapham Junction in rush hour!!

    2) Why haven’t we sold Modrat yet?… Why?… Because the club haven’t had an offer they deem reasonable. If a buyer came along and offered you 2 grand for your brand new BMW would you sell it? I think not!!

    3) Get real about potential signings – We are never (at least until we move to new stadium) going to spend over 20M on one player – it just ain’t gonna happen!

    4)Champions League… We’ve been there once, and it was fun! But be realistic – we are not a CL club (yet!) We will be in the mix for Europa League places this season and that is it… Get used to the fact now to avoid disappointment.

    5) For those who remember what it’s like REALLY being a Spurs fan you’ll remember playing in the old 2nd Division and then years of finishing anywhere between 3rd and 17th in the league… Gone are the days (for now) of the ’61 Double Winners – teams like that come around once in a blue moon!

    and on a final note (after venting… Phew!) support your team, don’t criticise, nitpick, harangue and denigrate, we have enough of that from all the other teams’ supporters. Get it together… Yes voice your opinion, yes get involved… But most of all, be realistic this is not Championship Manager or Football Manager or FIFA soccer or whatever other software you use – this is REAL LIFE, with real players, real agents, real clubs, real boards, real managers and real fans…

    So get a grip!


    • LLL says:

      1) How many years have we had this dross, dross we continue to pay wages to? At some point you need to cut your losses and take a hit. Surely you can see that this is a weakness in Levy’s modus operandi?
      ***** should not still be here drawing a wage 7 years after we first signed him – fact!
      We have needed to move on these players for a while, some of them 3 years or more. And you are now saying we need to do that in the next 11 days before we make any new signings?!? Eh?!? Eh!?!?

      3) If Villa can spend in excess of 20m with their lack of success and finance, why can’t we?

      4) We finished 4th last season and by all rights should have been a CL club again this season. Redknapp fcuked up but so did Levy by failing to go the last yard in January. One point was all that was needed, even with the post-England collapse. Don’t you think that it’s pretty poor that we start the new season with the exact same squad issues not sorted out at all? In fact the squad is considerably worse – minus Modric and Adebayor.

      • TMWNN says:

        Why bother, LLL? Seaside Spur is obviously a ‘real’ fan and much better at fanning than you.

      • SeasideSpur says:

        I’ll tell you why Villa can spend more than 20M on one player in just two words “Randy Lerner”!
        Villa Park also holds 42,640 – whereas WHL holds just 36,214.

        YES we finished 4th last season, and YES that should have been good enough for the CL but given the amount of investment in playing staff at other clubs to gain entry to the CL (Clubs that can afford excessive fees and excessive wages) this season is going to be harder than ever to be in the top 4. The only point I’m making in this regard is to be realistic. If we exceed these modest expectations then everyone will be VERY happy!… If we don’t then at the very worst we won’t be disappointed.

        We have a good squad, on the whole, everyone knows we need a striker but it’s not as simple as going to the nearest “Striker Shop” and picking one up off the shelf who is good enough, happy playing for Spurs and will accept our wage structure.

        We all know that we also have “deadwood” in the squad… But deadwood to us is also deadwood to other clubs too.

        Or, are you suggesting that we go all out for CL league qualification and end up like Leeds Utd.?

    • Ronnie Wolman says:

      I actually like BAE.
      He did take that chance and kicked it across the goal but it was a fantastic pass to Lennon.He has great creativity. He does take some risks but not that many.

      Id prefer Leighton Baines but not another Walker on the other side

  • LLL says:

    If we can spend 16m on Bent and Bentley then we should be able to dig deep and get the 25m for Llorente.

    Actually, who am I fooling? He won’t come here, whatever this berk says. He’s been nailed on for Juve all Summer. Still is, check the odds.

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