
Bang Bang: Levy In Strong For Llorente

Image for Bang Bang: Levy In Strong For Llorente

Good evening.

Did you hear the one about the one hit Porto wonder, the Chelsea reject and the loss at Sid James Park? Stop me if you’ve heard it…

Tactically we were far, far superior. A solitary point after the Defoe goal would have been just fine. The penalty? Oh dear… a self inflicted wound.

Of course losing is rubbish. It stings like little else. But let’s keep some perspective. We’re capable of that ‘cos we is highly intelligent people. The transfer window has yet to shut. Balague is a damn decent source.

Player ratings, analysis to make your eyes bleed in the morning.

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  • LLL says:

    I think we have a new breed of happy clappers. What will you say when the transfer window closes and you can’t follow up every bad result with an ejaculation of hopelessly optimistic ITK?

    • Frontwheel 2 says:

      We already have a new breed of miserable c@nts,generally they are the old Redknapp HC’s

    • Astro Spur says:

      You speak a lot of sense LLL, and i would usually be like a bear with a sore head after a bad result, but i honestly thought we played well for most of the match today. We made a very good Newcastle 1st team look shit today and we didn’t have what will be our best team out on the pitch. We will definitely strengthen before the window closes, that’s a reality, not being ridiculously optimistic for the sake of it. Maybe no £30 mil players, but better than what we have on the bench now!

      • LLL says:

        I don’t think we played awfully by any stretch. But we didn’t create too many opportunities and ultimately we lost the game.

        But what really grates is the ridiculous inevitability of the performance and the result. All Summer we’ve known Modric was leaving, yet we’re still paying his wages when the season kicks off and we are fielding Livermore to cover him. All Summer and more Summers preceding than I care to recall we have needed a striker, or two, or three and yet we now only have one as the season kicks off. Anyone who watched our pre-season games would have seen the same graft and organization and glaring lack of cutting edge and tempo setting midfield presence. This spilled out, oh so predictably, into our first game of the season.

        As for all the optimism of new signings being the answer to our problems, well, this very site has rehashed so much ridiculously groundless ITK that I’m sick to the hind teeth of hearing about it. If and when we actually sign a midfielder and / or striker(s), I’ll evaluate to what extent I think these signings will help or hinder us. But just regurgitating a new twitter rumour will not take away the gloom of knowing full well this result was coming for weeks.

        • Astro Spur says:

          I completely understand your point of view, believe me, I agree with most of it, but all of us are basically gonna have to wait and see what players come in the next couple of weeks, and like you said evaluate the situation and hopefully we’re not left with egg on our faces!

  • paddtspurs says:

    Lorente would be perfect for new system but we need play maker ie mountino and new left back BAE was rubbish !

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      Moutinho is ‘en route’ ;-)

    • Steveo1987 says:

      The Belgian can play left back…

    • jfdit says:

      moutinho is another defensive midfielder

      we really need to find another player like modric who will make the midfield tick

      • essexian76 says:

        they costalotawonga, and I’m not sure Moutinho’s the answer either, else why didn’t Real go for him and leave Modric alone?

        • jfdit says:

          we have sandro, parker & livermore who can play that position

          if he comes I presume we’ll play two defensive midfielders then

        • essexian76 says:

          Still lacks balance I think? I honestly cannot see anyone other than Modric in that side, who’ll make a huge difference, he’s going to be a huge miss for me

      • onedavemackay says:

        Siggy basically replaced Modders today. He may not have held the ball as much and done as much interplay but he seemed pretty creative

        • essexian76 says:

          He did OK I thought, stilL early day’s and I’m fairly optimistic about things TBH. What I want to see is more of the same, they fought for 90 mins and grafted and covered for each other, and that can only bode well for the future.

        • jfdit says:

          I thought he replaced VDV by how he positioned himself, I watched his highlights on sky today and he has goals in his game

      • sheikh352 says:

        His name is Mateo Kovacic. He’s 18 years old and has already been compared with Rooney and Messi at that age.

      • Thepin says:

        IF Modric was an attacking midfielder then 2 goals and 3 assists should make him worth £1.28 max. Modric kept possession well, and that filtered through to the rest, from the back 4 to the last third. Moutihno is similar in that respect, that he will not waste a pass, but he has a bit more in teh way of a through ball – get him in and for Frick sake upgrade from that one dimensional, right footed automaton Defoe. Did you see that left foot cross he attempted today? HE nearly fell over as he hit row Z!

        • essexian76 says:

          When you win the ball in deep mid by hounding down and then giving said ball to a more forward mid who in turn sets up a goal..guess don’t get an assist for it..strange yet true-try watching a game rather than spouting statistical clap trap! Sorry to irritated but Jeezus wept, some people!

        • Thepin says:

          When you win the ball in deep mid by hounding down and then giving said ball to a more forward mid who in turn sets up a goal, guess what ..Your a defensive midfielder.. strange but true – try reading my post properly instead of getting all wound up by a Fact (or statistical calp trap if youy prefer)! You will then see that you are 100% backing me up, as I was replying to the div that said “Moutinho is another defensive midfielder, we need to buy someone like Modric…” You will also see that I dared to suggest that Moutinho might be more of attacking midfielder than Modric. Sorry to get irritated, but Jeezus wept, some people!

        • essexian76 says:

          Then why quote the same tired and irrelevant stat’s, it’s a bit the idiots who quote Hitler when their argument falls about about their ears?

        • essexian76 says:

          August 18th, 2012 at 9:37 am
          Hudd’s been injured for much longer. It was last year they finally operated on him, but the original injury goes back to the season before and beyond, hence his ‘non performance’ V City, which finally proved to the management that surgery was needed.
          Huddlestone and Modric as a 2 man mid, were far more effective than our 3 or 4 man line ups, and if we can get a replacement similar to Modric, AVB still has the big man to use,if and when his fitness is proved-a huge loss to us last year all the same.

  • essexian76 says:

    Hate losing especially to them, but on the positive side, we grafted, never wavered and carried a threat throughout. On the negative side, I couldn’t fathom out why Huddlestone wasn’t even in the squad as surely he offers more creativity than either Sandro or Giacomo Livermourhinho, and I’m hoping it’s selection on AVB’s part or perhaps more fitness from the big man’s required before taking the field?
    We missed a ‘pinger’ in midfield, but overall wasn’t too depressed with the performance of most players, apart from Benny, who’s just a liability when all’s said and done, which begs the questoin s to why he took the field and Vert didn’t?

    • UnkleKev says:

      Wouldn’t be at all surprised to see Vertonghen start at left back against the Baggies.

      • Astro Spur says:

        I agree, losing my patience with BAE.

      • Phil McAvity says:

        I for one will be gutted if we start playing Vertonghen at LB, I think he is much more natural at CB and was slightly disappointed to find out he was on the bench today.

        If Benny’s game doesn’t start to pick up I would play Naughton there for a few games, give him a chance to shine and hopefully perk Benny up a little.

        • essexian76 says:

          No problem with that Phil, waste of a class player, which then begs the question as to why he wasn’t used today as he’s more mobile than either Sandro or Livermore? and I’m a better left back than BAE will ever be anyway?

        • sheikh352 says:

          Why do you think we are buying Zeki Fryers?

        • essexian76 says:

          Are we buying him? as it’s all gone very quiet on that score.

        • Acton_Yid says:

          I think Benny wants out which might explain his abject performance yesterday. Shame, as I always liked Benny. He seems to have started to sow the “Modric Seeds of Discontent”, as I call it. It’s down to AVB to convince him to stay and knuckle down during games…

    • Thepin says:

      If you can’t fathom out why Huddlestone wasn’t in the squad today, check out last seasons appearances and you’ll see he was injured FOR THE WHOLE SEASON!

      …Jeezus wept, some people! :-)

      • essexian76 says:

        Cretin-I said the self same thing-IF you could read-in fact IF you could read I also intimated that the injury was longer and far more serious than first though, but that aside he still played pre-season, so therefore would’ve been assessed by our medical people-I would guess.
        Yet it doesn’t detract from the fact that idiots like you spout stat’s, when clearly intelligence and observation on your own part is clearly deficient

        • Thepin says:

          You got a real problem with stats – I throw one out there and your still banging on. Did you lose your first girlfriend to a statistician?

          Also, if playing in pre-season was any indication that anyone was going to get a game against Newcastle where was Bentley, Jenas, Gomes, Bassong, Dawson, Carroll, Vertonghen??????? Based on your logic, I can’t fathom why any of them were not starting.

        • Thepin says:

          Oh and by the way – if you check the tinmes of the post I chucked the one above on about 40 minutes before your reply about hud up top.

        • essexian76 says:

          That was actually posted Friday’s blog, but yes I do have a problem with stat’s as by and large they’re pretty pointless, more so when you’re using them to emphasis a players ability. Take Downing for example-are they seriously telling me the guy’s a complete waste of time, this when the same stat’s a season before say the exact opposite? Or how teams with 25% possession can win a European Cup? The only stats that matter are goals for and those against, al the rest are garbage

        • Thepin says:

          I would say 8 out of 10 people would agree with you – the other 2 are in charge.

  • Yowzer says:

    It was nice to see some tactics on the pitch, Newcastle are a good side and we missed ratboy pulling the strings in the middle, I don’t think jake is a starter and disco looked shaky at times. We need to settle to the new system and people need some patience. Rome wasn’t built in a day, the bin dippers got dicked so not all bad, the scum just sold song too so the will get m’villa. I think next week we will have our striker and west brom at the lane will be put to the sword. Looking forward to taking my seat on the shelf again

    • LLL says:

      Tactics? Where were the tactics when we went 1-0 down?

      VDV on for Sig. Same tactics, different player. Kind of Redknappian. if you will.

      • essexian76 says:

        Can’t argue with that other than HR didn’t do tactics I thought? ;-)

        • Phil McAvity says:

          I just assumed that ‘Arry left his ‘Dummies Guide To Tactics’ book in the office drawer when he left and AVB had a quick flick through just before the game. Seemed almost identical to me?

        • essexian76 says:

          But his ‘Fucking Brilliant way to Avoid Taxation, and get away with it’ wasn’t there when AVB took office

        • Peter says:

          U serious phil ? We actually worked out there today. Its gonna take time but the signs were good today. As someone else said earlier we did make newcastle look shit today we were just unfortunate, football is a cruel game

        • Acton_Yid says:

          Newcastle did NOT “look shit”. If you had bothered watching the game you will have noticed a one, Hatem Ben Arfa who DICKED on our players…Made Sandro and Livermore look like Sunday League players and then AFTERWARDS made Van der Vaart and Lennon look like schoolboys. If you consider that “looking shit” then you need your braincell replacing…

        • LLL says:

          They had less possession and created zilcho at home – that’s pretty poor going in my books, you can always pick out an individual good or poor performance.

        • Peter says:

          I did watch the game and MOTD and im still to see this Sandro and livermore incident you quote. Maybe once in the game he passed through them. And VDV didnt cover properly ull see that all season from all footballers but if you want to be a negative nancy about it fine.

  • UnkleKev says:

    Just seen Liverpool’s next two games: Man City and Arsenal at home. A possible none from nine for them, then.

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