
Botch Job

Image for Botch Job

Good evening. 

This from the Official Site. The Olympique Lyonnais Official Site, that is. This was published at a minute after 2000hrs this evening.

L’Olympique Lyonnais informe ne pas avoir trouvé d’accord avec Tottenham pour le transfert d’Hugo Lloris.

Les propositions transmises ce soir par Tottenham se sont éloignées très sensiblement du principe qui avait été acté le 26 août et qui avait permis d’ouvrir les discussions entre le joueur et le club londonien.

In short the statement says that the proposal submitted tonight by Spurs is significantly different to a proposal that was agreed in principle four days ago. 

To my mind this smacks of everybody, not just Tottenham playing chicken on these transfer deals. The first guy to blink loses.

The Dembele deal is a good example. Not a single ITK had a sniff of it. Because the price was quoted and Spurs told that was the price. Not an opening a price, but that only two bids would be entertained.  A bid at the figure on the swing ticket …or a bid in excess of that figure.

Hotspurs Half Hour – Show 3 by hotspurshalfhour

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  • Mitchell Thomas says:

    Morning all.

    We are in pot 1 for this arvo’s draw:

  • Ade says:

    This is how it works.
    I open a Twitter account.
    I call myself “@Official ITK Agent”
    I post “Messi enquiries made by #THFC”
    Lost of people then retweet causing a stir.
    It doesnt happen, obvioulsy.
    But now Levy is an inactive let down who fucks up our chance of the PL title…

    I’ll give you an insight into how things work in every business.
    Tentative offers are made, subject to contract. Sometimes the purchaser or seller then takes that proposal as a comitment.
    It isnt, its a proposal subject to contract. Sometimes those offers are made by agents who believe they may be working on the buyers or sellers behalf.
    It happens all the time.
    I work in the drinks business. I will get a call in the morning “Ive got a truck full of X, it will cost you £X” What I now know is that the seller is willing to sell, I dont have an interest in the cost becasue I can work out my own cost, but I may have some tradables the seller may want, so I;ll speak to him directly and offer a price that isnt linked in anyway to the “proposal” he may have already agreed with the agent.
    Now he is pissed becasue he isnt getting the 10K he thought, Ive only offered 5K, but then I tell him I might be interstesd in another truck full next week and the week after, he then tells me thast intersteing but he cant accept 5K it has to be 10K, I offer 6K and a promise if the stock moves quickly I will garantee him another truck full the following week for 6K again…. We end up at 7K and everyone is happy…. accept the agent who says he feels let down so you pay him a minimal finders fee… say £500. so now the deal has changed by 25% and the same deal is done.


  • The spud with no name says:

    Gentlemen, set your expectations to “LOW”

  • greavesie says:


  • dixta says:

    9.39am and i’ve alraedy refreshed newsnow at least 100 times, a new record for me and i suspect im not alone. :o(

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