
Dembele Then Lloris And At Least One More

Image for Dembele Then Lloris And At Least One More

Good morning.

Lloris’s arrival at The Lane is imminent we’re told. One commentator on Spurs Community suggesting that after negotiations didn’t seem to have achieved too much s few weeks back we apparently received a call a day or two ago essentially saying, ‘if you still want him, we’re good to go.’

Friedel is owed a debt of thanks by Spurs fans for stepping into a situation that was pretty horrible. Gomes, once one of the finest goal keepers in the world reduced to a wincing shadow of his former self.

Moussa Demebele is allegedly a Spurs player too. This is an inspired bit of business and for all the talk of Moutinho, this guy knows the league and is ready to rock.

The third kit is out. This exquisite garment has been lovingly manufactured by Maison Sweatshop Under Armour and comes as is in a duo tone Battleship Grey and Taxi de Londres. If I’d known this was in the pipeline I’d have given the 125th kit an easier ride.

The window closes at midnight in two days time and not before. There should be more signings, possibly two, certainly one. Levy & Co. have not been dawdling, these deals are complex. But then the intelligent amongst you already knew that.

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  • daytripper11 says:

    I read several comments that were critical about where Dembele would fit in our squad.

    In a 4-3-3, I would sit him in the middle of the central three and watch him control the match (no different than in a 4-4-2 as the attacking mid).

    Dembele is extremely poised on the ball and glides around midfielders with ease, just like Modric does. He reminds me a little of Zidane in how he holds on to the ball. He has a great first touch and extremely quick feet, and once on the ball, it is absolutely impossible to get it off of him.

    My major issue with Modric was that he would glide around opponents with ease, and then once in the final third he got timid and would back off. Dembele won’t. He will break down defenders anywhere on the pitch, work his way into any sliver of open space and then lay the perfect pass into the path of a teammate.

    IMO, Dembele is one of the ten best central midfielders in the world right now and an absolute dream replacement for Modric.

    • Habib says:

      I saw Modric play against Xavi and Iniesta and outclass them at the Euros. Dembele is not in the same league. Few are. Modric can release the ball form behind the half so that a goal scoring chance is created one touch on. Yet he sees this complexity with a man on him and releases the perfect pass. Look at all of Dembele’s passes graphically and he does not do that and his avg pass is shorter. He’s more of an all roudner. But Real Madrid do not pick up jokers for 33M pounds. Dembele will fit into A system which hopefully will work for us but to make him seem better then Modric is sheer folly. They are not even close.

    • wardy says:

      spot on :daumen: also whoz modric?? after watching alot of vids of dembele this guy looks like a steal for 15mil, also avb has said he wants to play his preferred 4/3/3 system so dembele will be good in the middle of the 3… so whoz next???

    • Eton Trifle says:

      Not sure I can agree he is in the best ten miss in the world but he is certainly a very good player with potential to improve further by playing and training with better players than he has up to now. Excited to see him in the lily white.

  • mynameissiggy says:

    I love this time of year!
    Cant wait for Jim “max headroom” White on SSN!

  • UnkleKev says:

    So, we’re about to enter the final throes of the summer transfer window and we’ve not been linked with moves for Cole, Neville, Yakubu or Heskey.

    I don’t know — just doesn’t feel right somehow…

  • AllWhiteMark says:

    Why on earth do we need to spend money we have’nt got when we only play one striker at a time? Ade will get the hump for sure if we get another star name in. Do you really believe that we went thru months of anguish with ade if dl had somebody else planned? Muppets…..

    • Ronnie Wolman says:

      is Ade a striker?could have fooled me.
      Think he is a great supply player.He is inside the box and then goes outside of it to the wing then passes to a real striker

  • Eton Trifle says:

    Latest Willian offer turned down by inter

    And we are apparently interested in fernandinho and Douglas costa as well!….

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