
Enquiries Made: The Left Winger That’ll Let Bale Do His Ronaldo Thang?

Image for Enquiries Made: The Left Winger That’ll Let Bale Do His Ronaldo Thang?

Good morning.

The Olympics forge ever onwards and Lord Vader’s Coe’s feel good factor does seem to be finally coming good. Or maybe it was just the effect of Boris hanging in mid air waiting for assistance while we all hoped it was the Team GB archers that were on their way …who knows.

This is interesting and thanks to Google translate, simultaneously funny. Win win as they say. are reporting that we, along with the Bindippers have made enquiries for the services of one Christian Atsu of you guessed it, Porto.

The player is said of having €10M release clause.

Of the Liverpool interest: A scouting team from the City Club of Beatles manager Brendan Rodgers recommended the immediate hiring of Ghanaian lefty.

Is he any good? Well he’s only 20 and so perhaps Villas-Boas is perhaps the right man to ask on that one. That said the mood among some of you is so vicious, if I just type out: Fü¢% him,we need a Œ@nt¼ng striker! you can just cut & paste that as your comment.

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  • Boy Charioteer says:

    Christ! I thought I’d stumbled on a Rosetta Stone site on how to speak Ancient Assyrian!

  • Pete J says:

    A striker will come but it’s all going to be last minute again. Levy’s reputation for holding out for the best financial deals is now being mirrored by the clubs we are trying to do business with, hence a lack of activity. It all adds up to an incomplete squad in pre-season and more pressure on AVB before a ball has even been kicked.

  • Pete J says:

    A striker will come but it’s all going to be last minute again. Levy’s reputation for holding out for the best financial deals is now being mirrored by the clubs we are trying to do business with, hence a lack of activity. It all adds up to an incomplete squad iUn pre-season and more pressure on AVB before a ball has even been kicked.

    • jfdit says:

      he may hold out when selling players but you seem to forget he doesn’t always achieve his asking prices

      the berbatwat saga ruined our season before it started, we got rid of keane too & ended up with frazier campbell & pav as their replacements

      hardly a ringing endorsement for squad strengthening

      someone needs to remind levy when the season starts

      • essexian76 says:

        As I recall, Keane left a while before Berba, and Berba point blank refused to play, effectively going on strike in order to secure a move. Man City were then given permission to speak to the scumbag, but Utd ‘kidnapped’ him, leaving Levy no choice other than accept Utd’s offer. Levy couldn’t have done anymore more in that instance, and the price we got for both Keane and Berbatoss was fantastic, given players talent and subsequent performances. Selling Keane for 21m was like winning the lottery-buying him back, was beyond the pale..Harry and his purchases huh?

  • N8 White says:

    Kuff Dam 14,, We Want Falcao.


  • hotspur1961 says:

    Fü¢% him,we need two Œ@nt¼ng strikers! and an attacking midfielder that can score goals not like ratface little pikie

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