
Enquiries Made: The Left Winger That’ll Let Bale Do His Ronaldo Thang?

Image for Enquiries Made: The Left Winger That’ll Let Bale Do His Ronaldo Thang?

Good morning.

The Olympics forge ever onwards and Lord Vader’s Coe’s feel good factor does seem to be finally coming good. Or maybe it was just the effect of Boris hanging in mid air waiting for assistance while we all hoped it was the Team GB archers that were on their way …who knows.

This is interesting and thanks to Google translate, simultaneously funny. Win win as they say. are reporting that we, along with the Bindippers have made enquiries for the services of one Christian Atsu of you guessed it, Porto.

The player is said of having €10M release clause.

Of the Liverpool interest: A scouting team from the City Club of Beatles manager Brendan Rodgers recommended the immediate hiring of Ghanaian lefty.

Is he any good? Well he’s only 20 and so perhaps Villas-Boas is perhaps the right man to ask on that one. That said the mood among some of you is so vicious, if I just type out: Fü¢% him,we need a Œ@nt¼ng striker! you can just cut & paste that as your comment.

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  • Boy Charioteer says:

    My wife said about The Olympic Stadium: “Look at that, it’s absolutely packed”. So I said to her, “Make the most of it. It won’t happen again in our lifetimes”.

    • essexian76 says:

      It seems strange that Sullivan and Gold are trying to ruin men’s eyesight at a time when they’ll need it most?

  • LLL says:

    2 weeks today til the season starts and we still need a Œ@nt¼ng striker!

    If Levy is pissing around to save a million or two on August 31st perhaps he should reflect on last August when we fcucked our first two games up and the 40m shortfall that ultimately resulted in.

    Left winger? Fü¢% him,we need a Œ@nt¼ng striker!

  • Gary B says:

    Two mice fell in a vat of milk. They both started swimming furiously, but one soon gave up and quickly drowned.

    The second mouse raised his eyes to the heavens and said. “Fü¢% him,we need a Œ@nt¼ng striker!”

  • BrizzleSpur says:

    I’m well up for Bale to step up to a CF role. Wingers are in abundance but decent Strikers are rare!
    If the GFG can pull this off, then we WONT need a Œ@nt¼ng striker!

  • chiversmetimbers says:

    I’m sure the club have a few Œ@nt¼ng strikers lined up….as long as we don’y buy that prick Danilo…we’ll be just fine…

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