
Farewell Daws

Image for Farewell Daws

Good morning.

This is one to divide opinion. We appear to be selling Michael Dawson. Sir Les as he was, is affectionately known is understood to be weighing up his preferred choice of destination between QPR and Stoke.

It’s been suggested to me that the business of Liverpool being linked with Michael last week was simply a lose lipped agent discovering that the player was ‘available’.

There are a number of factors at play here. He has frequently had to combat injury and with the arrival of Villas-Boas he’s been found to be not quite sophisticated enough. Is this fair? Well, having a big heart and a desire to do your best are separate issues. Notable features of the boss’s new system is the control and focus on ball retention.

All hands to the pump type hoooooooofs up field aren’t desirable. They are old school and at best turn possession into a 50/50 ball. You’ll notice that Brad has mostly been rolling the ball to the back four’s feet.

Another issue has been development. Daws was always doing his best and improved over time, but did he ever really look ready to replace Ledley King? I’d argue not. He frequently looked the business when teamed up with Ledders but Kaboul looks a better long term bet. The addition of Jan Vertonghen the last nail in his first team coffin.

If we were on the same financial footing as Manchester City, we could afford to keep him in the squad. Alas we are not.

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  • EssexSpurs says:

    j to the lo hello

  • Robspur says:

    It would be a shame to lose Daws as he is a leader of men, and a good team man.

    When we have those terrible spells late on in the season where we are being battered in the last 15 min by a Bolton/Blackburn/Stoke/Everton/Villa/Wigan/Fulham type team we need someone that can stand up and fight. Someone who can win the ball in the air, and block shots. That man is Daws.

    In those games we are usually defending so deep to hang onto a win (or a point!) that his lack of pace won’t matter.

    Even if he isn’t first choice surely it would be better to have someone of his class to come off the bench as cover…

    • LLL says:

      Agree 100%

    • PeeLee says:

      I think Dawson has something that others at Tottenham lack — dedication, skill and fight. There will be no shortage of interested clubs if someone like Dawson becomes available, and that ought to tell the New Order something.

  • John I h8 ***** says:

    Whats everyone’s opinion on Sunderland wanting to loan both rose and ***** ,I know this isn’t possible but can’t levy just give them ***** ? I would b on happy yid

  • Mitchell Thomas says:

    Friend of a man who works in a speciality meat shop in Hampstead said that his Uncle who works at the ‘Customer Services’ till at Saino’s in White Hart Lane mentioned he knew someone ‘In the Know’ who told him….

    ….Darren Bent may well be returning to the Lane…..

    Oh my days.

  • sanch says:

    I used to hate watching Daws hoof it, however like you pointed out with your Brad comment, this is easily rectified and anyway i’ve noticed Daws not hoofing it anywhere near the amount he used to. I do like Kaboul but he does still get his caught out and you can’t have all your defense piling forward, someone needs to hold the fort. Personally I would like to see them both (daws & Thudd) go out on loan as i’m still undecided… And what happens if AVB fails? Do we then have to buy back these players for another manager? So loan for them both please as they both deserve first team football

    • Hot_Spur says:

      If a new manager came in and bought them back then others would have to go. The point is that a club can only nominate 25 first team players, there is no point in having 33 (I think) “first team” players on the books when you can only use 25 of them. You are then paying wages to 8 players for doing nothing. The squad is now being trimmed to get it down to a sensible level and save million on the wage bill. Not to mention the transfer fees coming in to buy the strikers we need.

    • John says:

      Well I take it you didn’t see pre-season then because was well on form with his happy hoofing.

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