
Look Out! Bid Confirmed For …Roberto Soldado

Image for Look Out! Bid Confirmed For …Roberto Soldado

Good evening.

This just in from  who believe that a rebuffed bid went in for Valencia’s Roberto Soldado.

If I’m reading it right, the suggestion is that an initial bid of €25m went in, then €30m to hit the release clause figure for the player. I don’t cut and paste this for mocking effect as I believe the language communicates the that rare emotion of ‘protection’ in football,

The refusal of the VCF, the next move was to communicate their willingness to reach 30, the Soldier buyout. But they have found a player tremendously involved in this project, it would not be the one forced to leave the machine, and the refusal of Manuel Llorente to negotiate the exit.

So, the day of the presentation of the template, Valencia made out to ‘9 ‘last to receive the applause of Mestalla, showing that is your true icon in the eyes of technicians and managers of Tottenham, guest computer that night at the Mestalla. Shelve the issue.

So yes, another one bites the dust, but more proof that Levy & Co. are absolutely on the case. Keep it Tottenham. Ah …remember the Blitz, stuff like that…

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  • LLL says:

    Maybe AVB is just a yes man after all. You can rest assured that if we were in this position with Saggy in charge then he would have spent the last 2 weeks publicly moaning about our lack of activity and how we won’t be able to compete properly.

    Then again, he probably would have bought Crouch back by now anyway. Swings and roundabouts.

  • Spurs 37001 says:

    Brilliant piece of acting by AVB feigning disappointment that Moutinho, Adebayor, M’Villa and co are beyond us. Excellent strategy from DL and AVB what a win double – don’t you just know that there will be more ins and outs than an ol’ Hokey Cokey in the next two weeks.

    More Prozac please nurse.

  • LLL says:

    Anyone see Thud’s tweet last night:

    “Respect needs earning before being given #Fact”

    Given that there has been some talk going around of AVB not fancying him much, could this be the first bit of open revolt against our ‘ginger ninja’? Are things even worse than they seem?

    Another ITK on SC today saying AVB hasn’t exactly won over the squad and they think it’s weird / harsh that Modric has been put in solitary confinement.

    • Phil McAvity says:

      Well get out on that pitch and earn back our respect then Tom you lazy, injury prone fat f*cker!!

      I can’t stand the way these footballers tweet everything just because they haven’t got the guts to go and say it to the face of the person they’re tweeting about.


    • Spurlative says:

      i dont know if it was my dubiousness and general suspicion but watching a few interviews of the players after the valencia game, i noticed that the players all had a monotone voice. a little bit low on morale and a little apathetic. Kyle walker said :”we’re all trying to do what the gaffer wants”
      Recently, he said he’s ‘glad to have sandro back as now the banter has picked up in the dressing room’.

      If u watch any of the interviews everyone looks rather pensive, including AVB. Sounds like he’s setting the tone…

  • Razspur says:

    Previewing Spurs season now on Talksport, this should be interesting.

  • HoskSpur says:

    Was that extract translated from a Spansih religious speak-in-tongues article?

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