
Look Out! Bid Confirmed For …Roberto Soldado

Image for Look Out! Bid Confirmed For …Roberto Soldado

Good evening.

This just in from  who believe that a rebuffed bid went in for Valencia’s Roberto Soldado.

If I’m reading it right, the suggestion is that an initial bid of €25m went in, then €30m to hit the release clause figure for the player. I don’t cut and paste this for mocking effect as I believe the language communicates the that rare emotion of ‘protection’ in football,

The refusal of the VCF, the next move was to communicate their willingness to reach 30, the Soldier buyout. But they have found a player tremendously involved in this project, it would not be the one forced to leave the machine, and the refusal of Manuel Llorente to negotiate the exit.

So, the day of the presentation of the template, Valencia made out to ‘9 ‘last to receive the applause of Mestalla, showing that is your true icon in the eyes of technicians and managers of Tottenham, guest computer that night at the Mestalla. Shelve the issue.

So yes, another one bites the dust, but more proof that Levy & Co. are absolutely on the case. Keep it Tottenham. Ah …remember the Blitz, stuff like that…

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  • Brez says:

    Bring back Crouchy!!!

  • nottmspur says:

    Why does it have to be like this? Everything seems to hinge on Modric deal. Thats all the cash we have!? Gylfi and Jan have been paid for by Charlie and Nico! Seems like the American cash being flooded into club was bull****… I reckon Levy comes on these boards spreading it!! Wheres Harry?

  • paddtspurs says:

    What aload off shite chasing players who won’t come sure why not meet messi buyout get same anser avb was lost today man hung out to dry bet he wished he stayed on hols levy out levy out levy out we’re want or tottenham back !

  • chris says:

    just moved to algarve and got laughed at in new local as had spurs shirt on. they call us the samll club who dream alot. not far wrong really embarrasing

    • Clarkspur says:

      I think it’s mandatory to dish out a few Glaswegian Handshakes when that sort of thing occurs. It bridges any cultural or languages barriers and sets the tone for any future stick.

    • Gary B says:

      Pretty bad when Algarve Rangers call us a small club. Mind you, all they know about is fish. Show them a sardine and a cod fish and try to explain it that way.

  • Damn Meoww says:

    More proof Levy is on the case?

    More proof that he isn’t willing to ever meet a valuation and hence why we have no strikers 2 days before the season starts.

    On a different note, I love you Harry Hotspur. Without you my summer transfer window would be spent productively.

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