
Loris Done

Image for Loris Done

Good afternoon.

Based upon the live TV footage courtesy of Sky Sports News just now of Hugo Loris arriving at The Lodge, it is ambitious to contest that the L’Olympique Lyonnais goal keeper will sign for Spurs today.

Last night of course, things looked like they’d gone done down the tubes. This was published on the L’Olympique Lyonnais official site last night.

L’Olympique Lyonnais informe ne pas avoir trouvé d’accord avec Tottenham pour le transfert d’Hugo Lloris.

Les propositions transmises ce soir par Tottenham se sont éloignées très sensiblement du principe qui avait été acté le 26 août et qui avait permis d’ouvrir les discussions entre le joueur et le club londonien.

Hilarious quotes from Jean-Michel Aulas, Lyon’s chairman.

“We have had people speaking all night with Daniel Levy. He talks a lot and goes back on what we’ve agreed in writing. The things as they were at 5am were not the same at 10am.”

In short that statement said that the proposal submitted last night by Spurs was significantly different to a proposal that was agreed in principle some four days ago.


He must be new.


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