
Rafa Transfer Tale Sounds Like A Load Of Old Cobblers

Image for Rafa Transfer Tale Sounds Like A Load Of Old Cobblers

Good morning.

So, Rafa off to Hamburg SV they say.

Well, they rehash. Looking at the source article in De Telegraaf it seems more a case of Frank Arnesen tapping up/ making a public plea to his employer to rustle up the required readies.

Is the deal as close as The Daily Mail suggest? Mmmn. I’d say to claim this is at best ambitious. De Telegraaf says that Rafa ‘will almost certainly return to his former club HSV’. But then follows this up by adding, ‘only an agreement between Tottenham Hotspur and HSV is standing in Hamburg’s way.’ This is like me declaring I’m going to be the world’s best saxophone player. And all I need to do is buy a saxophone. And then learn to play it.

Arnesen is quoted as saying he wouldn’t rule out the move. It might be a last minute deal. Well maybe we’re beginning to touch on the truth here.  De Telegraaf seem to believe that a gap in the two parties evalution of the player is the root of the problem. Spurs want £11M and the Germans only want to pay £9.5M.

There are other factors at play that neither the De Telegraaf of The Daily Mail consider. HSV are not in a happy place. They narrowly avoided relegation last season. Does Rafa really want to undertake an uphill challenge at this stage of his career? And the other element in the equation is what does Mrs van Der Vaart want to him do?

Hey, just think. if we were to flog him, we could use the cash to put in a cheeky hi-jiack bid for Wolve’s Matt Jarvis.

Hotspurs Half Hour – Show 2 by hotspurshalfhour

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  • Damn Meoww says:

    So AVB says he is happy to go into the season with just 2 average strikers and Harry Kane?

    These gingers are easily pleased….

    • Van der Faart says:

      Yeah, just seen it on sky sports news! …gutted!!

      FFS!! …let’s hope ade and jd don’t pick up any injuries or goal droughts!

      Surely there will be a surprise addition as the window slams shut??!

      • tim says:

        Dont panic mate, avb is right, when he says he does not think any more strikers are coming in, this is what he knows for fact, but, he does not know what levy is up to, and he cant just speculate to the press, what he thinks is going on, but levy is out there making deals, for transfer deadline day surprises.

        • seattlespursguy says:

          Jeez, DM; do you think he should say “I’m gagging to get another striker in.” That strikes me as an unsound negotiating tactic.

  • Jubaspur says:

    VDV’s golden. Was it his first touch that dropped the ball on Lennon’s chest in the penalty area? He brings a quality we need, and he plays his heart out… (doesn’t mean he can tackle, but being poor at defense doesn’t mean he lacks heart). HH has said it before, he’s the kind of player you build a team around.

    Agree with the trouser post above… but maybe the right management makes the trousers fit.

    • tim says:

      Agree van der vaart is class, loves the club, loves the fans, and wants to stay, as he has stated many times, and i know he will, i dont believe gossip.

  • tim says:

    I like dawson 100%, great player, but he has weaknesses, hes slow on the turn and not very fast, but great at everything else, i would keep him, because i like the guy, but we have lots of good players at spurs, and will he get the first team football he wants, we dont know, and maybe he wants to leave for guaranteed first team action, with another club, whos his competition for first team, lets see now, vertongen, kaboul, are better, caulker and gallas, not sure, but thats the thing, is he going to be ahead of vertongen and kaboul when fit, i doubt it, so like i say, its in dawsons court, but i hope he stays.
    Tom is not matchfit, for the midfield we plan on having, to produce fast flowing, creative football, but at stoke he will be alright, with their robust slow football, he wont be great even for them, but maybe they will get a bit of fire in him, and get him tackling and hassling opposing players with his size and strength, which he does not do now, and then at the end of the loan, we get him back, hopefully a lean mean fighting machine,a sandro, with creative passes, and great shot, and hopefully better headering 50 50 balls in midfield, hes a giant teddy at the moment, stoke could make him into a grizzly, which will be great for us, because tom huddlestone, could be a great player, for us and england, but he is not the finished article, and we all want tom in our midfield, the player we know he can be.

    • david says:

      Kaboul is out through injury this Saturday so Dawson may yet get a game.

    • Urbane Sturgeon says:

      “I like dawson 100%, great player, but he has weaknesses, he’s slow on the turn and not very fast, but great at everything else, i would keep him, because i like the guy”

      Slow on the turn and not fast but great at everything else. Surely those first two attributes make up a largish chuck of what’s necessary in a decent, never mind good, centre back? You’d keep him because you like him?

      You seem like a very nice tim but probably not manager material. ;-)

      • tim says:

        Yes i know his weaknesses as i have pointed out, but the guy is spurs through and through, and most spurs fans want him to stay, like me, but you are right the weaknesses are very bad, if we are going to play a pressing game, as it looks like, and if he does not get first team football, i think he will leave, sad to see him go, i like the guy a lot, but i dont think hes fast enough for avbs game plan.

  • Nottmspur says:

    Hope he goes! Plays for himself!

  • Habib says:

    With Huddlestone and Bassong moved on, we’re making wages space…. There is no way in hell we’re not getting atleast two more players in. Willian type striker/ winger and one creative midfielder.

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