
Rafa Transfer Tale Sounds Like A Load Of Old Cobblers

Image for Rafa Transfer Tale Sounds Like A Load Of Old Cobblers

Good morning.

So, Rafa off to Hamburg SV they say.

Well, they rehash. Looking at the source article in De Telegraaf it seems more a case of Frank Arnesen tapping up/ making a public plea to his employer to rustle up the required readies.

Is the deal as close as The Daily Mail suggest? Mmmn. I’d say to claim this is at best ambitious. De Telegraaf says that Rafa ‘will almost certainly return to his former club HSV’. But then follows this up by adding, ‘only an agreement between Tottenham Hotspur and HSV is standing in Hamburg’s way.’ This is like me declaring I’m going to be the world’s best saxophone player. And all I need to do is buy a saxophone. And then learn to play it.

Arnesen is quoted as saying he wouldn’t rule out the move. It might be a last minute deal. Well maybe we’re beginning to touch on the truth here.  De Telegraaf seem to believe that a gap in the two parties evalution of the player is the root of the problem. Spurs want £11M and the Germans only want to pay £9.5M.

There are other factors at play that neither the De Telegraaf of The Daily Mail consider. HSV are not in a happy place. They narrowly avoided relegation last season. Does Rafa really want to undertake an uphill challenge at this stage of his career? And the other element in the equation is what does Mrs van Der Vaart want to him do?

Hey, just think. if we were to flog him, we could use the cash to put in a cheeky hi-jiack bid for Wolve’s Matt Jarvis.

Hotspurs Half Hour – Show 2 by hotspurshalfhour

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  • Stu Barney says:

    I noticed this too in the Daily Fail, but whenever they show any “tosh” articles they are always written by a “Daily Mail Reporter”, no one puts their name to it as they know they will get slaughtered.

    Am keeping very calm with all the transfer activity and now that Aguero is out injured, I may put Ade into replace for Pure Filth!

    Up the Spurs!

  • Winston wolf says:

    He’s my favourite player just ahead of Sandro, I hope this is rubbish but I can’t help but think he won’t like standing in line behind sigurdsson if they are going to play the same position. Hopefully he’ll be staying & his fitness improves

    • StrappingYoungLad says:

      I never get why so many fans’ favourite player is Sandro. Sure he’s an OK player but still so unproven and it’s not like he’s a flair player. I just don’t see how he’s ‘favourite player’ materiel. I guess it because he’s Brazilian….

      • StrappingYoungLad says:


      • Nezspur says:

        He’s a guitar playing, gum shield wearing, kung-foo fighting beast that leaves nothing out on the field.

        What’s not to love?

        • StrappingYoungLad says:

          Oh, erm, I don’t know… Achievements and Consistency would be a start

        • Habib says:

          Achievements and Consistency? ROFL We support Spurs mate! Those two words are not in our vocab!

        • Nezspur says:

          Ah, if consistency is what you desire ***** will have to do. He’s been consistent since day one. ;-)

          Sandro’s a mentalist, a Fruend with a better shot. the kind of player that the term ‘cult’ was invented for.

      • Winston wolf says:

        i love him because he works so hard he’s like monster chasing people down ,piling forward doesn’t faze him he’s got a shot like howitzer,he loves playing for spurs & he’s a bit mental of the field which amuses me. I’ve missed a handful home games in the last 10 years & he’s always put in shift he’s young & still getting better all the time

        Stick that in your “because he’s Brazilian ” pipe & smoke it

        • cyril says:

          aand he won the brazilian league and the equivalent of the cl in south america when aged 21, so he has achieved, and he is naturally very talented, a better propsect than parker ever was and if he plays to his full potential to the extent parker has he will be a very very successful player

        • Frontwheel 2 says:

          And he plays darts

  • Dan says:

    VDV lacks the discipline to fit into a system that doesn’t allow him to run around and be a free spirit. He is also going to kick up a Fat Frank style stink if he’s not in the team every week. I wouldn’t be at all surprised or upset if he did leave for £10M so long as we replace him with some quality.

  • Sounder Spud says:

    Talk of Willian, talk of Sherwood going to see Isco play for Malaga at last nights champ. league qualifier… Could this be possible? I love Rafa, but it is clear that we are looking at more youthful players and getting as much as we can for those in the older generation (potentially Daws, Defoe and Rafa). I am though a tad worried we are exchanging premiership experiance for newbies, could cost us in the short term. I do though have trust in AVB and Levy, Hope I am right to

  • LLL says:

    Sorry chaps, he may be one of your favourites but now is not the time to get sentimental. :whistle:

    He’s 29, can’t play for more than half an hour, is not ‘mobile’ enough for AVB’s tactics. He also guarantee’s us no success at set pieces when he’s on the pitch as he insists on taking them all.

    He’s also a major league bench-sulker. He’ll be more than a disruptive presence if he’s forced to play 2nd fiddle to Glyfi for too much longer. Word is he’s already had a barney with AVB over his non-starter at Toon.

    10m in now is good business.

    • cyril says:

      if i were avb whe would be gone already he is leass mobile than dawson altho in his position that lack of mobility wont be as clear or as costly as it is for a cd. but i would have dumped him for another reason, attitude. if yoyu dont play dawson he will work even harder in training and do all he can to get in the team; if yoyu dont play vdv he wont do that, at least the first thing he will do is talk to the press. he did that when harry dropped him, arry did not have the balls to face hi down and he became a regular. vdv did the same thing in the summer and unermined the whole team in the euros. the two players i would worry about if i were avb after the experience at chelsea is gallas and vdv and vdv about ten times more than gallas. he is dutch, they are famous for being outspoken and stubborn:)

      • dutchman says:

        What the f#ck do you mean..?! :-)
        Ps : no one can’t deny his Quality..Spurs need a bit more clever players, he’s one of ’em..(If not smartest boy in class..)

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