
Was A New Spurs Striker In The Crowd At Watford?

Image for Was A New Spurs Striker In The Crowd At Watford?

Good morning?

If you were to take every collective drop of inner calm, tolerance and inner peace from Spurs fans at the moment you’d be lucky to fill an egg cup.

Here’s a snippet to encourage many to pick up that piece of breakfast crockery and hurl it into the middle of next week.  Spurs supporter @slkofficial has told me that Louis Saha was with the Tottenham playing contingent in the crowd at the Watford game …sporting a Spurs tracksuit.

This has to indicate that his relationship is more than a friendly face that just happened to be in the area and popped along to watch the boys.

I maintain I’m excited enough by the thought of goals coming from Gilly, Bale, vDV, Gio and Coulibaly all being played in an intelligent system by an intelligent manager, but my guess is I’m probably in a minority…

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  • The Tottinghams says:

    Maybe we could put I a bid for Rapinoe from Seattle Sounders?

    1) it wouldn’t take much cash to get the player

    2) she looks much better than Defoe

  • jolsgonemental says:

    I would have more faith in Levy if he hasnt got previous in costing us whole seasons with his fumblings in the transfer market. I can count more transfer window fuck ups than successes. The most recent being this january.

    If you consider VdV was a last day fluke that wasnt planned for, that window could easily be remembered as pretty dire too.

    The man drives a hard bargain. So hard in fact we get no business done. Tit.

    In all honestly, since he has taken to dealing with transfers himself its been pretty ugly.

  • Sid Trotter says:

    Dear Harold. Do accept my apologies for my absence as of late. I have been indisposed with the Queen.

    I saw Johnny 2 Saints play the other day v Senegal. He was okay, average, a shorter Harry Kane (which is a worry). Anyway, as my son did say, the best thing about him is that he has obviously got a good dentist, Enough said.

    In other news I spoke to the Human Rights Council today about the impact of traditional values on human rights. Harry Redknapps’s name appeared only once,

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      I’ve told you this before Sidbert, should you leave it will be like the ravens leaving the Tower.

      What was the sausage roll situation like, or did you travel armed to the teeth with safely Tuppaware’d goods?

      • Sid Trotter says:

        Sausage rolls in Geneva are 5 English pounds for three and I shall’nt mention the rice (surely price???) of Shiraz. Back to the old days of Johnnie Walker and a bit of burger for me, oh the indignity! Like playing for Spurs and actually being Redknapp … so much hope so little brain … at least with AVB we have an acronymn … ‘Ard Virile Bollocks

  • BruceGrove Bob says:

    Gomes used to play up front you know.

  • donavon says:

    dont be so silly about huddlestone in the middle of a 433 we need hard working players there ones that can run not just stand still and pass or shoot

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