
Was A New Spurs Striker In The Crowd At Watford?

Image for Was A New Spurs Striker In The Crowd At Watford?

Good morning?

If you were to take every collective drop of inner calm, tolerance and inner peace from Spurs fans at the moment you’d be lucky to fill an egg cup.

Here’s a snippet to encourage many to pick up that piece of breakfast crockery and hurl it into the middle of next week.  Spurs supporter @slkofficial has told me that Louis Saha was with the Tottenham playing contingent in the crowd at the Watford game …sporting a Spurs tracksuit.

This has to indicate that his relationship is more than a friendly face that just happened to be in the area and popped along to watch the boys.

I maintain I’m excited enough by the thought of goals coming from Gilly, Bale, vDV, Gio and Coulibaly all being played in an intelligent system by an intelligent manager, but my guess is I’m probably in a minority…

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  • There is a story here about time.
    Time is on and in,no mans side.Not Levy and not Hosi Mubarak.
    Its not Levy’s days that are numbered as much as his window and the momentum that has been slipping away by the hour.
    In the beginning,ok it sounds religious,but in the beginning Levy begat AVB that begat Siggy and Verty and it looked like we were going to be buying by the minute.1200 names later we have only occasionally been moved by the fact that we could sell Modric and we could get some money in to pay for strikers that are badly needed and a replacement for the man that has been everywhere but got nowhere.
    We have arrived at a dead end it seems with only a high wall ahead of us. But..looking on the positive side,this looks good. Because it seemed when we expect a lot it doesn’t happen and when we don’t (Levy has brought our expectations down after the past few weeks) something good may happen.
    from Highlines to Lowlines,we now are ecstatic with a Defoe headed goal against Watford.That from expectations that we were the new Barcelona or Man U.
    Look there is still hope. In Monty Pythons Four Yorkshireman they boast about how bad things were as it gets worse with all four of them. after one of them talked about damp walls the next said ‘I lived in a paper bag in the middle of a lake’ and the next said ‘LUXURY!!!’
    Not sure where we are at now but its not Luxury and while it may not be in a paper bag in the middle of a lake it sure feels damp here.

  • dixta says:

    H – was flicking through some gaurdian comment blog and saw your avatar..are you moving into the world of leftie blogs?/ or was it some other peter sellars fan?

  • Dave says:

    Sell modric bring in loris/stelekenberg, damaio and a big wish would be moutinho.. Defoe, damaio, and A couple youngsters will get us by up front until jan when we can see where we need to strengthen

  • .

    Just saw the headline ‘Putin linked with Milan’

    maybe this is the start of a new trend.
    Could we possibly get Tony Blair.I mean ok he is older but he does have some experience.
    He could play to the right or left but probably wouldnt be a good striker.

    • Boy Charioteer says:

      Blair linked to The Hague.

      • Hague linked to Nixon
        Nixon linked to vague
        everyone linked to Tottenham

        • Thepin says:

          Saha plays with Ade, Crouchie plays with Van,
          Sol plays with Willy, Tottenham fans get banned,
          Kane plays with Gio, Defoe plays like S**t,
          Dimi builds a bonfire, Robbie plays with it,
          Yiddos, Yiddos, Yiddos, Yiddos,
          Singing our tunes that we’ll change like the wind for a striker,
          Yiddos, Yiddos, Yiddos, Yiddos,
          Singing our tunes we dance like buffoons on the shelfside,
          It’s a kop out,
          If Dan could kill, he probably will,
          Players without fear, with no loyalty,
          In talks with Remy, a likely story.

          Up next …..’Don’t Give up.’

  • craig says:

    I’d take Saha on a 1yr deal, at least he gives us an option whilst we try to find the longer-term solutions. He did bag 4 goals in 11 games for us, and a short-term contract won’t break the bank.

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