
We Want To Buy, But The Blue Racists Only Want To Loan Him

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Good evening.

Daniel Sturridge.

I’m told negotiations have been ongoing for about a week and where we’re at is that as of this evening a loan could be done, but we would prefer to buy the Second Hand Fridge frontman.

How do I feel about this? Thank you for asking. I think he’s good stuff. the interesting dynamic here is as per André Villas-Boas, the Team GB boy has plenty to prove and where better to do it than in the Lilywhite.

Sturridge at virtually any other Premier League outfit would be a first choice, first team regular. But having £50m quids worth of chairman’s darling in front of you can hold even the most dedicated of chaps back.

I recall the old Jackie Mason line,  ‘at 20 Jewish women want a doctor or a lawyer! But by 35, they’ll marry a chair‘ and the fear of being linked with every piece of striking driftwood come the last half hour of the transfer window is the fear that urks all Spurs fans right now.

Time is running out but I think it would be a cheap shot to look at Sturridge as if he were a chair. He’s not perhaps in the same excitement bracket as some of the names we’ve been linked with for some, but I’d be very happy to ship him in. He knows the league, he knows Villas-Boas and he knows that he won’t get a better opportunity to really fly than this.

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  • nobby nobbs says:

    Sturridge wouldnt be my first choice but seeing as we only have a bag of spuds and JJ to put up as collateral Id say we are fakt.

  • 77spur says:

    Sturridge dimiao llorente whatever, probably none, we’ve left everything too late again. It is total mismanagement, modric should have been dealt with. It all seems suspect to me. Levy must understand whats needed. neglegance.

  • Kols says:

    Why do levy do this every year?? I know he has don well for spurs, but why cant he take the money for modric and spend it on some players?? Because we all know that we have done our buying this season. We are a top 4 club relying on loaning players?? Never ever se arsenal, utd, chelski, or city depending on that. 1,5 years ago we could have bought damiao for.20mill£. now we have to pay 47mill£. now thats good, and shreewd buisness from levy, saving us to bankrupsy!! Take a chanse and buy, every big star in the premier has had his firs game sometime. They dont need to have played in EPL before we can buy them, that is a stupid misbelive. Aguero did well in his first season, as did toure, zola, suarez, ba, papist cisse, to name a few. Get rat boy out, and get in some strikers!!!!!!!!!

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