
Willian Borges Da Silva …Enquiries Made

Image for Willian Borges Da Silva …Enquiries Made

Evenin’ all.

Shakhtar Donetsk’s Willian Borges Da Silva is the name in the frame. And if this has the legs I hope it has we will have snapped up an incredible footballer who would fit seamlessly into the André Villas-Boas’ project.

A 5 year contract signed in 2007 with suggests he’s available on a free.

‘I like to pick the ball up out wide and then dribble lots. As a young boy, I idolised Ronaldo and Ronaldinho. My style is more like Ronaldinho’s, behind the main striker in a No 10 role. In England, I play a little bit like Nani or Luka Modric.’

I like Chelsea and Arsenal’s styles a lot. I’d be very happy to play for Tottenham too and help get them back into the Champions League. They’re a very big  club.’  Daily Mail Aug 2011

A Brazilian that speaks Portuguese. Ooh I say.

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  • melcyid says:

    this is the day that the Lord has made I shall rejoice and be glad in it :angel:

  • nobby nobbs says:

    If AVB can get rid if +++++ AVB should go into the THFC hall of Fame never mind the football.

  • bklynyido says:

    Lads, watch Willian play last 20 minutes this weekend. He was too good.

  • bklynyido says:

    Goal and 2 assists in 20 minutes. watch second screen down below. Pure class.

  • LosLorenzo says:


    re: Defoe being offside. It’s true that those stats didn’t take into account minutes played, so just for fun… If we sum up Defoe’s PL minutes last term, it comes to 1118 minutes. That is equivalent to 12,42 complete games. If we still assume that the “appearances” for the other players being compared were 90 minutes shifts (they won’t have been, obviously, the list looks like this:

    Adebayor 1,58
    Cisse 1,21
    RVP 1,16
    Defoe 0,97
    Aguero 0,91
    Ba 0,79

    Midget Gem was offisde less than once per 90 minutes. If I could be sum up the actual minutes for the other players (rather than assuming that they all played 90/game), I’m pretty sure Defoe would be pretty near the bottom of the pile on this count.

    So for all his shortcomings, being offside to much is not one of them (at least not anymore).

    Fair enough, Defoe has had some dreadful seasons in the past. Bale also had some terrible seasons, I seem to recall. That doesn’t mean the small poachy one can’t have a good one again this term (that is; a good season as an impact sub, at least if I was in chanrge).

    • TMWNN says:

      You’ve got too much time on your hands.

      • LosLorenzo says:

        I will happily concede that point if you admit that Defoe isn’t offside too often (anymore) ;-)

        • TMWNN says:

          If your stats are true, then fair enough.

          Perhaps he appears offside more because when he is offside, he probably shouldn’t be. ;-)

        • LosLorenzo says:

          By extension; I have too much time if my stats are correct.

          I think he probably appears to be frequently offsides because we’re sick of years and years of him actually being too frequently offside (haven’t looked at those stats, but we’ll take them as read). Confirmation bias sets in, and we put undue cognitive emphasis on the (relatively few) times he is offside nowadays.

        • Spurlative says:

          Does cognitive bias count for ***** as well or is he still shit?

        • LosLorenzo says:

          Still sh*t. Pure objective fact. I haven’t even seen him play in about 3 years, but I know this to be true. No BS, no bias.

        • Spurlative says:

          Very shit

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