
Lazio Chalkboard

Image for Lazio Chalkboard

Good afternoon.

The first thing that crosses my mind is that is AVB was still in charge at Second Hand Fridge that this morning’s papers would be awash with pundits, journos and other assorted intellectuals doing passable impressions of hyenas on heat. Funny old game Saint.

At five minutes past eight BST this evening we play Lazio in the Europa cup, then. Other Premier League compatriots playing tonight are Newcastle who are away at MarĂ­timo and Liverpool who travel to Young Boys. My thoughts are that I don’t really care what occurs with Toon, but would delight in Bredan Rodgers heading back to Merseyside feeling like a condemned man.

I’d argue that it’s impossible to think of Lazio for any Spurs fan and not think of Gazza. And enjoy a small smile. So many Gazza tales. Many apocryphal, most quite true. Nice to see the Lazio manager Vladimir Petkovic has spoken kindly and extended a personal invitation to Paul to attend the return leg at the Stadio Plimpico.

So how will we line up? Well, the clues are in the quote from the boss.

‘Rotation will come further down the line. At the moment the players aren’t tired so I think it’s important to keep them playing to continue this series of good performances. For now the players who are playing well will continue.’

Adebayor is out, but to be frank I wouldn’t have played him anyway. Defoe is in form, the style of his game doesn’t leave him suffering from physical exhaustion after each match so it would be nonsensical, not to say cruel to leave him out. I want to see Dempsey play alongside Defoe and it would be cool to give Lloris his first game.

Prediction. We win by a single goal, but it would be amazing if The Lane was rocking from the off and really got behind the manager, the team, the whole shebang.If this happens then we could, despite Lazio being a decent outfit cause some real damage.

Booing, grumbling, selective booing and generally wasting a seat that could have been occupied by someone who was up for supporting the Lilywhites isn’t on. If I could I’d wander about handing out bans to home fans who believe the price of admission allows them to act like the people in the away section.


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  • Boy Charioteer says:

    The racists chants are not acceptable. Zero tolerance. They have to be kicked out of the competition. No excuses.

  • TMWNN says:

    Only 25,000 against a decent outfit and us with a strong side – pathetic.

    I see Defoe quickly reverted to type. Wank.

    Bale is a big girl. Look at the Under Armour photos with Bale looking all hard and scary, then compare those to him floor banging, usually followed by the ‘but he really hurt me, ref’ look when going off, seconds before coming back on.

    Apart from those gripes, quite impressed.

    • philmccrackin says:

      Could you vent with a little more common.Fair comment is one thing,been silly is another ,DARLING :kissing:

      • TMWNN says:

        So you think 25,000 is a good turn out when we’re looking to fill a 56,000 stadium?

        You think that Defoe is up to the job against decent sides?

        I like my footballers to act like men, as silly as it sounds to you, but I apologise if I’ve upset you, PRECIOUS :kissing:

    • Hartley says:

      I have to agree re the Bale comments, the extra effort he is putting into his injury dance these days would be better served in other parts of his general play…..

    • LLL says:

      To be fair, there would have been at least 25001 if they’d opened the game to general sale. For whatever reason they decided to make this one members only, and I didn’t renew my membership when they changed it to a 3 tier system and put the price up for all of them. I have enough cheap plastic radios and pointless little clocks!

  • TMWNN says:

    …and for the love of God, is it possible to stop the automatic ‘My name’s ODM…’ every time you refresh FFS!

  • Stu Barney says:

    Still on a high, listened to a fella on the overland today saying that is the best he has seen us play all season (ok, it has only been 4 games!) and that it makes a change for us able to hold onto the ball….and you know what, I could relate to everthing he said.

    For me, the stand out player was Steven Caulker, what has that boy been eating in his short life so far, he is a giant but what a composed performance, my man of the match and denied a fair debut goal in my opinion (was it his debut?).

    Is the QPR game on Sunday? If so, does anyone know if it is on Sky/ESPN?

    • UnkleKev says:

      Caulker’s debut was in the team that was humbled by Arsenal in the League Cup last year, but as that was in the day when our manager didn’t give a toss about that particular competition it was a bit of a false start. I agree he looked very good last night and Gallas could well have a fight on his hands if he wants his place back.

      As could Brad as Lloris oozed both class and confidence. He was completely at home collecting the ball ten yards outside the penalty area (thus saving one of our centre halfs the job) and keeping the momentum going. He also looked comfortable catching crosses instead of punching the ball away, which is something I definitely like to see in a goalkeeper.

      Credit must also go to Naughton who had a solid game at left-back.

      We mustn’t lose sight of the fact that we were up against a team last night who had no intention of making a game for it and went away with exactly what they came for. They were happy allowing us to have the lion’s share of the possession as they were well ordered at the back and we had no cutting edge. Sadly, Defoe gave a perfect demonstration of why he is not capable of fulfilling the ‘lone striker’ role when up against a well-marshalled defence. He has to be considered Plan B from now on. I just hope Ade’s hamstring injury isn’t a serious one as we need him back ASAP.

    • TMWNN says:

      Caulker is a giant. With him Kaboul, Dawson, Vertonghen and Galllas, we’re well set at centre back.

      Game is on Sunday, but not on the telly. Don’t know why we’re on at 4. I’m guessing it’s to let people watch both the bindippers v mancs and our game without interruption.

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