
Bromance At Brunton Park

Image for Bromance At Brunton Park

Good morning.

The morning after the night before and a job well done. There’s only one piece of footage of highlights of the goals only. It’s shockingly poor and it is here.

I know close to nothing other than the score and that it’s been alleged that a Carlisle fan lost his mind and decided to take on stewards, coppers and anyone else who fancied a piece of him.

Games like this need to be televised. It’s not complicated. The cameras are there, sell a stream for a fiver a pop, cut Carlisle in and everyone’s happy. What was infuriating was that Capital One and talkSPORT announced ‘a partnership’ yesterday afternoon and yet the station chose to cover the game that was on television. The lack of commercial awareness in relation to all this beggars belief.

There is a sniffy attitude about games like this and friendlies that I just don’t understand, I just don’t have any time for. I’m happy to watch our lot train, to be quite honest. Oh well.

And last up, there is a delicious rumour flying around that ***** may be off to Nottingham Forest. Let’s hope we get a grip this time and just let him walk. If they are prepared to re-home him for free, then we’ll have had a touch.

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  • fist says:

    In the piccy have Thudd & steff just found out ***** is leaving :hae:

  • Ronnie Wolman says:

    Its not going to be easy as always at OT.
    This is a true test and we have enough going to keep up.
    This is the game Dempsey has to break through in.
    Hopefully Ade will be well and Lloris will hopefully play.
    Probably Dawson will be an ok pick for this with maybe Caulker.Vert on the left is Naughton is still injured and if not teamed up with Dawson. Billy may be too slow.

    Carlisle,a win is a win.Good run out (I guess| Still its Carlisle. 3-0 was respectable.

    • Spurlative says:

      Yes. Its just good to be winning, regardless of the opposition. Winning creates a winning mentality and vice versa.
      Vert would be excellent at LB vs Man U, hopefully he plays there. With Daws experience and gallas hopefully we’ll manage against the pace of Uniteds attack, but i doubt it… Kaboul is missed here.

      Cant see Fried eels being shifted until he gets a hip replacement. How do you move a man who has never been moved? (referring to prem league consecutive games)

      • Ronnie Wolman says:

        I think Lloris HAS to play is this one.I can only imagine if he didnt what would happen.

        Kaboul will come back stronger and better than ever.I was never a fan,thinking that his positioning and focus lacked a lot but in that first game he was fantastic. Still Dawson and Caulker if Naughton is injured.
        Vert is a steady player and we need that in the centre of defence,so if Naughton is ok to go I would have Naughton and then Vert and Dawson (not a big dawson fan but he has had time to think and with Vert might just be calmer)
        Gallas is slow and against a rejuvenated Man U we need legs.
        Dempsey is the key for me.

        • cincinnatiyid says:

          If you read AVB’s comments carefully, he has worked out some deal with Lloris. Who knows what? My guess is Grandad stays in goal till January and then is politely and graciously moved out of the team in connection with some other deal. His feelings aren’t hurt; Hugo is number 1 for the rest of the season, including getting the 1 shirt when Gomes is loaned out, as AVB has already said it will be. Lloris and Carlo the rest of the way, with some youth squad guy as #3.

          Brad would be pissed not to start against Man U.

        • Ronnie Wolman says:

          Brad could handle it.I think Lloris will be more pissed.

        • essexian76 says:

          Ronnie-If Brad has had a poor run of games, then fair play, but he’s done nothing wrong-in fact, he’s played brilliantly this season so far, and I’d get really peeved if when he does make a clanger-some Berk comes on here saying I told you so-when the law of averages suggest at some stage him will-as will Lloris during his spell with us-but hopefully nowhere near as many as the other two have.

      • daytripper11 says:

        I think Naughton is supposed to be back for this one thankfully. If we have to play Caulker or Daws in the middle we will lose by at least 3 goals.

        I still do not understand why AVB would move our best defender out to the left and weaken the middle of our defence so drastically. Caulker is an excellent one on one defender and has great footwork, he is better suited for the task.

        • essexian76 says:

          Probably because Bale’s the worst full back I’ve seen in quite a while, and even playing a right footed left back is preferable to ever playing him there ever again

        • Ronnie Wolman says:

          Bale is a born winger.
          He was playing LB,thats all.
          Cant see him as the worst though.

        • essexian76 says:

          Can’t think of many as bad off the top of my noodle-perhaps Tramisani(?).. you know,that berk Gross bought

        • cincinnatiyid says:

          Think it is a natural to have Vert on the left working with Bale up front. It worked against QPR and it will work against MU or anybody. Vert is real class and so is Bale. A winning combo. Teach Lennon to pull the trigger and we will have the same thing on the right with KW and him. Caulker, Gallas and Daws ought to be able to handle the middle (two at a time, of course).

  • Spurstacus says:

    by John Hegley


    it’s not much of a planet
    that everybody leaves
    there’s not a lot of faith about
    but I am someone who believes
    that what we need without a doubt
    is more of Jimmy Greaves
    imagine Jimmy’s picture in every picture frame
    imagine all religion praising Jimmy’s name
    the world is just a candle
    and Jimmy Greavse is the flame
    won’t you gimme Jimmy
    it used to be his turn of speed.

    he left defences in a daze
    now he rents his turn of phrase
    and when I turn on the TV
    and Jimmy’s there
    my spirits raise
    and when I’m in a blazing row
    and I’m in the process of rolling up my sleeves
    I just think of Greavsie and he relieves me
    more and more of Greavsie
    is what this counrty needs
    he’s the man to sow the seeds of sanity
    he’s off the boooze he’s on the ball
    he’s got a message for us all
    he can help humanity
    to heal itself
    to haul itself
    from this self-destructive stupor
    he’s what you call a trooper
    I think he’s blinking super
    he’s a tooper super duper
    so please don’t give me Henry Cooper
    he isn’t Jimmy Greaves
    people say that I’m loopy
    they think I’m nothing
    but a Greavsie groupie
    but I tell them
    you’re not fit to wash
    Jimmy Greaves’ moustache.

    • Ronnie Wolman says:

      Greaves was always a great player.After the Double Season when everything that seemed possible was acheived by us,in the off season,Billy Nick signed Greaves from AC MIlan.
      Hearing the news was unbelievable and one of the most exciting things of the era.
      We played Blackpool at home the first game and I watched the maestro score a hat trick.One of then was a half bicycle kick from the side.It was brilliant.
      In 1966 He was in the England team for the WC and got injured (not seriously) but wasnt really in Ramseys plans so much even though he gained back his fitness but the 4-2-4 had taken hold. Greaves was a goalscoring specialist not a piece of someone elses formation puzzle.

      • cincinnatiyid says:

        “Goal scoring specialist.” I wasn’t around. How did Greaves differ from Defoe?

        • Ronnie Wolman says:

          They were similar in style actually.Scored similar goals.The big difference is that Greaves had great vision and timing and was consistent. Could get something from nothing.
          When Defoe scores a goal its simlar to Graeves style whether he is on the run or grabbing one at the far post but Greaves had much more impact as you could always count on him.Not so with Defoe.

        • UnkleKev says:

          It’s touch-and-go, but I think Greaves just about edges it.

        • Ronnie Wolman says:

          No need for sarcasm,read the post

        • david says:

          Greaves passed the ball into the net. Defoe hits at full power and hopes.
          He just made goal scoring look incredibly easy.
          I suspect the difference in conversion rates of chances/ goals between the two would be huge.
          The only modern day player with similar attributes to Greaves that I have seen is Robbie Fowler.
          If you see old footage of Greaves he ran with the ball at his feet in a similar style to Messi.
          Maybe that makes Greaves 50 years ahead of his time.

        • Ronnie Wolman says:

          David,Greaves did score a few dribbling through but scored more (from what I remember in the box)
          Gilzean was a great foil for Greaves.He used to nod them down for Greaves.They played well off each other. Defoe actually needs a player to work with him up top.
          Greaves was prolific though.For Chelsea he scored at will and when he came to us too.
          I notice Messi plays deeper and passes and picks the ball up than maybe Graeves did.The defences are different now as well.
          At the time of Greaves in his heyday,there was only one CB and the game was a lot slower while Greaves was quick like todays players.

        • essexian76 says:

          Could he play against today’s more mobile and intelligent defenders?
          As a comparison I’d have said Michael Owen was more like Greaves in opportunistic style and speed, but my memories of him are pretty vague at best. I remember playing in the morning over the Marshes and then as a treat-our manager took us all to watch Spurs V Leicester City and I think Greaves got a hat-trick-but one goal was a mazy run, leaving a wake of defenders in his path, but I was only 11ish, so it could be the rose tints playing tricks-No TV highlights back then.

        • Ronnie Wolman says:

          Id like to see Ade get serious.
          He could form a lethal partnership with Defoe.
          Still think we need a natural and physical striker though.One that could also nod them in. With BAE and Walker,Lennon and Bale,we need it

        • Ronnie Wolman says:

          essdex,yes he had the quickness and the control and the amazing smell for goal for any era.
          Unlike Defoe he never got marked out of a game or at least never near as much.

        • david says:

          The Messi comparison was intended to relate to the way they both ran with the ball, as you say, Messi crops up all over the place, Greaves was more of a final third player and spent a lot of the time in the penalty area.

          Having said that, I saw him score 2 goals where he picked the ball up on the halfway line, turned and just ran through the opposition defence before gliding past the keeper and taping the ball into the empty net.

          One was against Newcastle,the other against the great MANU side of the sixties in a game which I think we won 5-1.

          Probably find it on Youtube in black and white and MOT’D used it in their opening credits for a while.

          About that time, we beat West Ham by the same score when I believe Bobby Moore was playing.

          The debate as to whether he could have done it today is an interesting one, you can only play against the opposition that lines up against you but I would say he was the outstanding forward of his generation as Messi is today. Certainly the best goal scorer I have ever seen.

          The other thing about Greaves was his modesty, none of the crap we see from so many lesser players these days.

        • Ronnie Wolman says:

          Amen David!

          Yes I agree on all points.Of course a player with his control and talent on a quick break counter would know what to do and have the talent like Messi.

        • david says:

          Just found some compilations of Greaves goals on Youtube.

          The ManU game was 1965, we won 5-1 but Greaves did not pick the ball up on the half way line, he was only about 40 yards out! Also Bobby Charlton scored a cracker for them.

          Interesting to note most Greaves goals on there were side footed rather than lashed so relieved to know my memory is not totally shot!

      • essexian76 says:

        I thought he’d caught glandular fever and it weakened him during that period, as his speed had gone-recalling that game I posted-I think it was the first time the “Jimmy for England” chant was heard-all pretty hazy all the same

        • essexian76 says:

          I wonder what the likes of George Best, Dennis Law or Jimmy Greaves would be worth today? If they think Rooney’s World Class (which he’s really not), then I’d have thought even Mike England would be worth at least 20m in today’s prices? Also how long would we have had them for-not too long, I’d wager?

        • david says:

          Alright Essex, you are in a very thoughtful mood this afternoon.

          You are right, the likes of Greaves, Law or Best would be worth similar money to Falcao and Hulk so 40-50 million. Maybe more if Carroll was worth £35 and Torres £50 million.

          As for Rooney, looks like he is going backwards to me, hope he does not prove me wrong on Saturday.

        • essexian76 says:

          Yeah I was thinking about our Jim, and then it sort of triggers different scenarios I suppose. Greavsie wasn’t really of my era although I had seen him play on many occasions, my understanding of the game wasn’t formed.
          For example I can recall crying when Utd won the European cup, because the replay would’ve been at Highbury, which I could bunk into easy-peasy. The thought of seeing Best, Law, Eusebio and Charlton first hand would’ve been brilliant, but never to be.

  • CincinnatiYid says:

    BTW has every one noticed that Freund seems to be doing all the talking these days? I guess it gives AVB cover–his English does sound like it comes out of a Berlitz course. Freund is more fluent. I’d make a joke about Germans, but as a visitor here myself think I will pass.

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