
Bromance At Brunton Park

Image for Bromance At Brunton Park

Good morning.

The morning after the night before and a job well done. There’s only one piece of footage of highlights of the goals only. It’s shockingly poor and it is here.

I know close to nothing other than the score and that it’s been alleged that a Carlisle fan lost his mind and decided to take on stewards, coppers and anyone else who fancied a piece of him.

Games like this need to be televised. It’s not complicated. The cameras are there, sell a stream for a fiver a pop, cut Carlisle in and everyone’s happy. What was infuriating was that Capital One and talkSPORT announced ‘a partnership’ yesterday afternoon and yet the station chose to cover the game that was on television. The lack of commercial awareness in relation to all this beggars belief.

There is a sniffy attitude about games like this and friendlies that I just don’t understand, I just don’t have any time for. I’m happy to watch our lot train, to be quite honest. Oh well.

And last up, there is a delicious rumour flying around that ***** may be off to Nottingham Forest. Let’s hope we get a grip this time and just let him walk. If they are prepared to re-home him for free, then we’ll have had a touch.

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  • Boy Charioteer says:

    On East Midlands News tonight Forest seem quite chuffed about the Jenas deal. I hope one of our players can reproduce that fantastic free kick that he engineered at Old Trafford a few years ago. A game we should have won. I will remember that one thing about him as I try not to think too badly about ex Spurs players. Use the asterisks for Terry or something.

  • Harry Hotspur says:

    A small apology to anyone effected, but the next HHH will now be after the Man Utd game.

    This week’s show was beset on all sides by Yom Kippur and me having the audacity to go see the Ukelele Orchestra Of Great Britain blow the frakin’ roof off the Royal Hall in Harrogate last night.

    clicky goodness

    • onedavemackay says:

      I demand a refund

    • Alspur says:

      I have to say, I think that’s gotta be the first time I’ve seen Ukelele and Yom Kippur in the same sentence…

      (…just need “Yids” to complete the triumvirate??)

    • Mikey says:

      Wow will they be touring Europe?

    • Ronnie Wolman says:

      for me Harry,using the Ukelele Orchestra of Greater Stamford Hill (Who orchesterated that?) is not the worst excuse you could use but being the episcapealean that you are but using Yom Kippur as as excuse is beyond redemprion.
      My mother had she been still alive would call that type of non-jew a platzel for sure but she would also call AVB a platzel too (although she probably would have a soft spot for Harry Redknapp. Me dad on the other hand had he beens till alive he would have though Harry Redknapp was a platzel and AVB would have been a real mensch.Go figure thats why I wait and see..wellon one hand its like this and on the other hand its like that and the other hand.Its a bit like being Heurelho Gomes really….

  • Urbane Sturgeon says:

    Hurrah! It’s official, J. Terry is a wretched racist bigot. Fancy the FA – of all people – to show the legal system how to call a spade a spade.

    Fined a weeks wages though, damn, I can see that slapworthy smirk as I type.

  • Astromesmo says:

    Just mirroring the post by Minionas earlier about Jenas. I had a few thoughts. Please indulge.

    2 from 8
    4th, 5th, 4th
    ‘Be careful what you wish for’
    ‘I’d love to be wrong, but…’
    box to box

    When people come up with little ‘ditty’ soundbites, they tend to be some kind of substitute for averageness. Genuinely good & brilliant doesn’t need a jingle.

    I never hated Jenas, I kind of felt sorry for him. He tried so hard – Too hard at times. Like a wound-up Duracell puppy that just wanted to please and be loved. He never even had a song in his entire time at the Lane.

    To me, he summed up a whole 15-20 year period of our club. Earnest and meant well with pretentions to glory, but underneath it all… average. Anderton, Sinton, Dozell, Dimitrescu, Redknapp, Bunjy, Barmby, Caskey, Teemu, Steed, our whole club was riven with well-meaning but essentially meaningless players who did just about… average. Enough to keep their head above water while the likes of Ginola, Teddy & Jurgen kept us from throwing ourselves under a bloody train.

    Box to box was the mantra we all chanted to make ourselves believe the hype. That he was made of the stuff that would bring back the glory days – When in reality, we knew he was just another one on the list.

    He had his moments, his goal against L’Arse in the cc semi-final was a great example of Jenas in his pomp. He was actually great that night and maybe one day, we’ll put a little blue plaque by that post he pinged in the shot off to get the carnival rolling. But the arrival of the likes of Modders just made the contrast all the more stark. For all Modders brilliance, ‘box to box’ just seemed, earnest… Average.

    I’m glad he’s gone home. I was at the Palace v Forest game the other night and Reidy (Add to above list) was playing. The Forest fans cheered his every touch and I think they’ll treat JJ with the same respect when he gets there. I think he’ll settle in nicely and hopefully stay. He’ll get some love. He might even get a song.

    Good luck JJ.

    • essexian76 says:

      My thoughts echoed..and I can’t remember him scoring a bad goal against the Arse-but I can certainly recall him scoring a few absolute crackers.

    • LLL says:

      I don’t hate him either, and am in fact a bit uncomfortable with the cyber-bullying he gets (I mean I guess he doesn’t read all this nonsense, but no doubt people say nasty things to him on twitter etc). He isn’t really very good, but that is hardly his fault, and neither is it his fault that he’s been here so very, very long.

      All in all, he seems a likeable enough fellow really. He is mediocrity on legs on the football field, but as you have noted he saved his very best for the derby and for that alone, we should show him a tiny bit of appreciation at least.

      And after all that’s said, of course I’m glad he’s leaving, he’s been here far too long.

      And after that, he’ll probably be skulking around again in a months time and I will feel less charitable again!

    • Klinsi Klinik says:

      Astro, you nailed it there…excellent summation.

      I like a chuckle but some of the vitriol has been disturbing, and to be honest he comes across as a nice fella, never talked himself up or for that matter got himself into any emabarassing street mess that the Club has had to calm down unlike a certain “legend” that insulted a Doorman while lashed to the wind reminding the poor chap as to the £ 80k a week he earns.

      Yeah, good luck to you JJ, you can still tell your kids with pride of the days you wore the Chicken Badge.

      • TMWNN says:

        Poor old *****! Nasty internet bullies!

        Heard it all now.

        The bloke has been systematically robbing the club for years.

        • LLL says:

          No he hasn’t, he’s been paid by the club who keep giving him new contracts, and asking unrealistic valuations which has prevented him being sold already. You can blame Levy’s unwillingness to take any kind of hit on transfers for that, but you can’t blame Jenas. Unless you’re stupid and don’t understand how the world works!

        • david says:

          He did have some decent matches for us, particularly against the L’Arse, which ought to count for something.
          I think he had the ability but not the confidence or self-belief.

    • Minionas says:

      Astro you summed it up expertly. Good luck jj!

    • Alspur says:

      The problem, for me, was never that Jenas was mediocre or lacked ability – the boy had it in spades (genuinely)…

      – PFA Young Player of the Year (2002-3)
      – England debut at 19, etc

      …the real problem was his huge potential combined with his increasing inability to fulfil it on a consistent basis.

      I remember him playing an absolute blinder one week and then the next four games would be complete turkeys… (actually, not completely turkeys: just very mediocre – incredibly, frustratingly mediocre…)

      And that was a few years back: now, he’s lost all confidence. And without that, he is nothing. So, I don’t hate him: he used to drive me nuts, but now I just feel a bit sorry for him… let’s hope he has a good month at Forest and stays…

  • dixta says:

    liking the greaves remenicsences above. would love him to walk out at half time one day but i guess he’s got too much beef with the club that’s festered for 40 years. roberts too (not helped by his recent talksh*te comments). the youtubes of greaves shows him passing the ball into the net so expertly its amazing to watch.
    OT on saturday, 4 draws and 18 defeats since 89..cant see that changing.

    • essexian76 says:

      It was his constant bitching when Clive Allen overtook his record that did for me as a bloke-he turned into the original Grumpy Old Git before my very eyes-but if the Old Un’s say he was the greatest-then he was.

      • david says:

        Shame he fell out with the club, he has never been inducted into the hall of fame as a result which is a joke when you look at some of the lesser players who are in it.
        I read he got the hump with the club making money out of it but not sure if that is true.

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