
Chalkboard For QPR

Image for Chalkboard For QPR

Good morning.

Four o’clock tomorrow and it’s our 4th Premier League outing and 5th game under the human of immense dimensions himself, the Ginger Ninja aka GFG.

It’s not overstating things to say that just about everyone was buoyed by the performance against Lazio, if not the actual result itself. One aspect that merits yet another mention is that we really demonstrated the merits of possession play. It’s stating the flippin’ obvious, but if you’ve got the ball, the other fella ain’t.

The game-play itself is far more demanding. The pressing game doesn’t carry passengers. You can’t drift in and drift out and if the appointment of Azza as captain was a one off or not it was indicative of the message having got through.

Lennon has yet to achieve all he might – no change there, ho ho ho – but he’s noticeably upped his game. He could have scored twice against the Italians and I don’t say that as a dig, rather to underline a positive. His efforts are putting him in the right places.

With Naughton injured a shuffle is required. Hence the annotations on the board.

It seems to me that there are two obvious answers. First is to move Jan out to left back where he is comfortable and bring Billy in. This is not a poor relation of a line up, until you wonder if Vertonghen will be as commanding moving forward from the left. And of course you can argue he might provide killer service to Bale and Moussa.

The alternative which I believe would be braver and more exciting is play Bale as left back, let Dempsey move wide in his stead and let Jan stay put. Bale is as fit as a butcher’s dog so if he wants to go walkies it wouldn’t be a massive gamble. Deuce loves a bit of cutting in off that wing and could really give Mark Hughes a migraine. If you move Dempsey out, then Siggy steps in.

I see no point in mucking Hugo about and would start him again. He didn’t have to do too much midweek but it would be close to churlish to play Brad ‘just so you could say that you did’. Brad is a professional and a sweetie. He won’t sulk.

Up front I’m opting for Adebayor. The reason is that QPR are going to be a pain to unlock. We let the multifaceted Togoan have a go and keep the midget gem up our sleeve for the old ‘impact sub’ gig. Jermain won’t be delighted but such is life. I think it will get congested in the final third and maybe we should kick off proceedings with a player who might just offer more variety.

Prediction? QPR’s season has so far been a fair reflection of the way their team has been assembled. Scrappy. The punt being taken by Tony Fernandez is sizable. And if I was looking to see where Redschnapps might be re-homed I’d look not to St. Mary’s but to Loftus Road. Anyway, Spurs should win this. Ideally of course with a clean sheet so a 2-0 from me.

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  • Urbane Sturgeon says:

    Hmm… playing a left back at left back, seems fair enough.

  • Paul9inch says:

    Just as Mr. Levy took advice from this blog and consequently sacked Redknapp, so AVB took my advice along with several others on here and did away with the disasterous

    partnership of Sando and Livermore in midfield, kept the wingers out on the wing and did not replace Defoe with a second goalkeeper after we went one nil up against Reading.

    Full credit to the man for listening and adapting.

    It was a far better performance and the team actually had a shape with the rudiments of a pattern of play. Having said that Reading were the weakest of the 4 opponents we’ve

    had and so this was a good opportunity to put theory into practice. Something I used to do in my squash playing days where new tricks/techniques were tried out against inferior


    As I stated on here last week, the true test will be in the league game after our first victory. I.e. to see if they can use the confidence gained in the Reading and Lazio matches to

    move upwards with a win rather than sideways with a draw or loss. We’ve been lucky getting weak opposition again in QPR and with all due respect to them, this should be another

    3 pointer.

    Why, it was only last night I was discussing with Mrs 9inch how interesting it will be to see how Spurs react when better sides try to counter our system. Hopefully by then they will

    be comfortable enough with their new style and we’ll see if AVB can think in ‘real time’ to take alternative action.

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      I think you’re right. Brendan Rodgers is essentially trying to do a similar job, but he’s been fire fighting since day one because

      a] the squad he inherited was a mess.
      b] his fixture list.

      If we can produce a performance like the Lazio one (and hopefully the QPR one) we might well be cookin’ with gas.

      • essexian76 says:

        I do get a little peeved when some assume QPR will just roll over and allow us to tickle their belly-There are far too many factors involved in any game to assume anything.

      • Paul9inch says:

        I have to say I’m actually warming to AVB. He comes across as a really decent guy and appears far more relaxed at THFC than Chelsea (wonder why!).

        I sincerely hope He makes it at Spurs. However, against Lazio I got the feeling there was some kind of inhibition upfront, a lack of spontaneity. Possibly because Lazio played blocking tactics, maybe the players are too conscious at the moment about playing to a system, or we’re just missing a Modric. Bit difficult to put in words (at least for me) but the signs are positive.

      • Paul9inch says:

        p.s. I saw the Liverpool programme last night. Imo Rodgers is potentially a fine manager but I think He chose the wrong time to leave Swansea. The Pool job is a death sentence right now that only a very experienced guy can deal with. Just look at the complete f.up with the Board over Carroll & the strikers.

        Also got the impression he was bit false at times. Could have been the Special Brew taking effect though

        • essexian76 says:

          I had a bet when Dalgliesh got the gig, he’d leave Liverpool in exactly the same shit, that he left Souness in, way back when-he has to be the most over rated manager ever. Inherited a great side-bought another and then buggered them all up eventually-I loved him at the Pool

        • Paul9inch says:

          With the mis-handling of the Suarez affair, his disrespectful comment about Modric’s great goal and general bitchy post-match comments, I lost total respect for the guy.

          You wouldnt believe the way he spoke he was an ex-professional.

    • LLL says:

      What’s with the weird paragraphs and spacing dude?

      • Paul9inch says:

        ah, was trying to enter it direct but something odd was happening with the keyboard – sluggish response and missing characters. Its happened on here before.

        So I wrote it in notepad and pasted instead. And hey presto, I got superflous line breaks. Sorry

    • melcyid says:

      I doubt very much you were (discussing)with mrs 9inch,more like she was listening to your monologue.But having said that you appear to be right. :daumen:

  • klinsmannfan says:

    A great site Harry (and contributors). This is my first post and just wanted to say that after watching the Lazio game I felt:
    1. We might just have a good (possibly great) manager now.
    2. Individual and team performances are improving substantially.
    3. For the first time in all my years of watching Spurs I was (generally) still comfortable, when we didn’t have the ball, confident that we rarely looked vulnerable and we’d soon regain possession – there’s so much pressing, tenacity, fluidity and class in the side…..just lacking a little cutting edge in the final third at present but I’m now confident that will come – keep the faith guys!

  • Peter says:

    Wow for a team thats been poor this year and lost to QPR last time they you lot are awfully arrogant.

  • klinsmannfan says:

    Thanks…..I will indeed and hopefully most on here will be celebrating after tomorrow’s match.

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