
Did You Know This…?

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Good morning.

Of course some of you will have known this, but my guess is that some/many won’t. I only noticed this morning for what that yardstick is worth. The Midget Gem, the Master Swordsman himself has equaled the goalscoring achievements for Spurs of Robbie Keane. Both men have burst the onion sack 122 times from the same number of appearances for the mighty Tottinghams.

By complete chance I was comparing the two in conversation with ODM last night. By comparing I mean I was comparing the similar way I felt and the way fans felt about both. 

You tell me what you think.

My view is that while both individually have their ardent supporters, there is a third section of fans who respect both but have never had complete and utter confidence or faith in either. Now this isn’t being churlish, because a 100+ goals are a 100+ goals anyway you slice it. More a case of never quite being able to ignore the weaknesses of both men. 

Pointy Shouty Bloke for me invariably under hit his shots. Whenever he hit the ball there always seemed to be enough time to cross yourself and genuflect before you found out if the ball had gone in. Whilst he wasn’t the fastest striker on the planet he had a superb understanding of the game and contributed far more than just goals. It’s no coincidence that Berbatov never played as well  or scored so many as when he was teamed up with Robbie.

Defoe for me has rarely offered more than a receive, turn, ping it, wince/cheer (delete as appropriate) merchant. He has never really had a foil a such and it isn’t unfair to say that he has spent the majority of his career in the Lilywhite elating and frustrating fans in equal measure. Forever offside, frequently accused of being selfish he’s also saved our bacon and you have to respect him for that.

The bottom line I guess is there isn’t such a thing as a bad goal – both men deserve their place in the Club’s all time top ten but it’s highly unlikely either will be revered much outside of N17. If I wanted to really maudlin I’d pause to rue the fact that we just can’t seem to land a striker who offers the lot.

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  • Paul9inch says:

    Loved Robbie Keane from the moment I saw him make his debut in a friendly against Argentina at Lansdowne Rd. Reminded me a bit of Kevin Keegan. He was an obvious talent, even at 18.

    I thought there and then G.Graham should go out and get him and kept looking in the Irish papers all throughout the close season. The prik never did buy him.

    As for Defoe, He desperately need a strike partner.

    Both are very good, but of the 2 Id pick Keane for his all round versatility.

  • Andyspur says:

    1st yihaaaa!

  • Andyspur says:

    Damn 2nd!!!!

  • Milky Bar Yid says:

    The cream always rises to the top…….

  • TT says:

    Robbie Keane in his prime (up until he left for Liverpool…..what happened there?) was without doubt one of our legends. But I still cannot see how you can put Defoe in our all-time top ten (strikers…?). Someone who has scored more than 13 league goals in a season ONLY ONCE…?

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      I didn’t put him anywhere mate. Look at the figures.

      • TT says:

        …well you said: “deserves a place in top 10″…that is my contention… But a fair comparison is LEAGUE GOALS ONLY – where you are facing teams at the same divisional level. Counting cup goals distorts the figures. I think Defoe ends up around 1 goal in 3 league games.

    • eMTG says:

      TT Harry simply includes him in the top ten as he has just reached number 9 (jointly with PSB) in the stats.

      That was kind of the point of the article…

      As was the desire to debate whether the stats are a true reflection of the players actual place in our all time hall of fame or if it takes more than simply hanging around for ages and getting it in the net to be adored.

      Personally I loathe the greedy little fecker. His desire to shoot EVERY BLOODY TIME has already had a horrible effect on the side as could be seen form the sudden unwillingness of any of our forwards to slide in a pass to a colleague for a tap in.

      • Andy says:

        Agree…. I like a player that actually shoots. I would hate to have to watch a team that tries to walk it into the net every time.

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