
Did You Know This…?

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Good morning.

Of course some of you will have known this, but my guess is that some/many won’t. I only noticed this morning for what that yardstick is worth. The Midget Gem, the Master Swordsman himself has equaled the goalscoring achievements for Spurs of Robbie Keane. Both men have burst the onion sack 122 times from the same number of appearances for the mighty Tottinghams.

By complete chance I was comparing the two in conversation with ODM last night. By comparing I mean I was comparing the similar way I felt and the way fans felt about both. 

You tell me what you think.

My view is that while both individually have their ardent supporters, there is a third section of fans who respect both but have never had complete and utter confidence or faith in either. Now this isn’t being churlish, because a 100+ goals are a 100+ goals anyway you slice it. More a case of never quite being able to ignore the weaknesses of both men. 

Pointy Shouty Bloke for me invariably under hit his shots. Whenever he hit the ball there always seemed to be enough time to cross yourself and genuflect before you found out if the ball had gone in. Whilst he wasn’t the fastest striker on the planet he had a superb understanding of the game and contributed far more than just goals. It’s no coincidence that Berbatov never played as well  or scored so many as when he was teamed up with Robbie.

Defoe for me has rarely offered more than a receive, turn, ping it, wince/cheer (delete as appropriate) merchant. He has never really had a foil a such and it isn’t unfair to say that he has spent the majority of his career in the Lilywhite elating and frustrating fans in equal measure. Forever offside, frequently accused of being selfish he’s also saved our bacon and you have to respect him for that.

The bottom line I guess is there isn’t such a thing as a bad goal – both men deserve their place in the Club’s all time top ten but it’s highly unlikely either will be revered much outside of N17. If I wanted to really maudlin I’d pause to rue the fact that we just can’t seem to land a striker who offers the lot.

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  • BrisbaneSpur says:

    Can easily upgrade Defoe with 12-15m and CL football. Lets just hope next season we can tick the CL box 2013/14.

    If everytime Defoe had a shooting opportunity I bet $1 for him to score, I would be out of pocket by $27 already! If he scored 4 how many did he shoot? C’mon tick tock clock……. :hae: :ermm:

  • BrisbaneSpur says:


  • BrisbaneSpur says:


    • philmccrackin says:

      please back up your claim with some stats from a descent source.

      • BrisbaneSpur says:

        Please try ESPN player stats. These were all on ESPN two days ago.

        Note: These guys have also played better teams!

        Ba was between in 5-6 – ish

        Gervinho was between 1 in 3-4 – ish

        Podolski was between 1 3-4 – ish

        Defoe was way off.. How can you think that a 1 in 8 striker couldn’t be bettered? My younger brother has a better scoring ratio and he resembles an ugly womble that fell off an ugly mountain.

        • philmccrackin says:

          You bet i$ to each shot on goal is the bet as you stated, If everytime Defoe had a shooting opportunity I bet $1 for him to score, I would be out of pocket by $27 already.
          My reply:On the same ratio,name any striker in the world that would make you money.NOT WHAT STRIKER HAS THE BEST STRIKE TO GOAL RATIO FFS.

    • philmccrackin says:

      12 shots 2 goals, you lost money.

  • BrisbaneSpur says:

    Adebayor :daumen:

    • philmccrackin says:

      The question was,On the same ratio,name any striker in the world that would make you money.

      • BrisbaneSpur says:

        Make me money, doing what selling timeshare weekday evenings?

      • BrisbaneSpur says:

        You still didn’t answer my goal scoring IQ test several posts previously. Although feeling you may struggle, so perhaps not….

      • BrisbaneSpur says:

        Anyway my bed awaits in the land of reason and logical thought process.. Nighty night….

        • philmccrackin says:

          Take your Horlicks with this:You bet i$ to each shot on goal is the bet as you stated, If everytime Defoe had a shooting opportunity I bet $1 for him to score, I would be out of pocket by $27 already.
          My reply:On the same ratio,name any striker in the world that would make you money.NOT WHAT STRIKER HAS THE BEST STRIKE TO GOAL RATIO FFS

        • BrisbaneSpur says:

          My total point was not about making money you nutter (If so I would have included odds above 1/1?) it was about demonstrating scoring ratio, thats all.

          Oh my word !!

          Even if I was refering to $$’s, a higher scoring ratio would lead to a lower loss and therfore make you more money (on all above) V’s a bigger loss of course? On both counts I have no idea what the fcuk you are talkng about?? There is no making money, just losing less. AND a higher scoring ratio = less loss.

          Anyway you have got me entering your world of confusion and madness. I’m off….

    • philmccrackin says:

      327 shots 78 goals, you lost money.

      • philmccrackin says:

        Ade stats.

      • BrisbaneSpur says:

        Ade was an obvious joke (well at least to every man, his dog, his dogs pet rat, his rats little turd and the turds little flea), he hasn’t even played this season and WE ALREADY OWN HIM (hence :daumen: included).

        I have read some dumb comments on this blog (and other blogs also, sorry HH!) but you sir win the oscar, with a supporting oscar and an NVQ Level 2 certificate for being a dumbass…..

  • CincinnatIYid says:

    Don’t understand the antipathy to Defoe. In the Reading game he was in constant motion the whole 85 minutes he was on the field. He created the third goal out of nothing.

    The winner against QPR occurred because he had the presence of mind to shoot under the approaching defense.

    He can’t help the fact that he is the Midget Gem. Stilts would not do the trick.

    Agree that to get Siggy and Deuce into the flow you need Manu. He is running out of the box for a reason.

    Perhaps Arry was right–when the other side is knack erred at 60 minutes put the little guy in to run around a bit. He will find the net. :-)

    If he is ever fit, start Ade. How long is his contract? 4 years?


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