
Does This Remind You Of Anyone?

Image for Does This Remind You Of Anyone?

Good evening.

I have to confess that I didn’t go hunting this clip out on the basis that my hunger, my desire for International football no matter who is playing starts off poorly and usually fizzles out not long after. Ray Wilkins was on the television some time back and called it right. The Champions League has replaced International football in so many ways it’s difficult to know where to begin.

ODM has a plan to bin the conventional national sides of these sceptered isles and replace them with a Team GB. I’m not entirely sure if he’s serious but it might be a plan worth some consideration. I’m not sure what the answer is. Maybe we just chuck John Terry down a well and forget which one.

But the reason I dragged you here was to have a butchers at the clip above. The stance prior to moving, the almost tippy toe approach and the way his shoe goes through the ball. Yeah., very similar to that unhappy bloke at Real Madrid.

Now since Villas-Boas has arrived we’ve seen a less dangerous Bale. In the whole three games so far he hasn’t wreaked the havoc that we used to love to watch on the wing. Can the combination of Dembélé and Dempsey somehow galvanise him again?Mmmn. What is for sure is he’s been working on something quite sexy there and it works.

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  • Ronnie Wolman says:

    Club footie and Internationism has definately trumped nationalism and tiddlykicks.

    We want our footie complete.At one point we had the Irish and Scots (he is an effing racist!) giving us the creativeity inside and speed outside before the continent players came and took those spots
    At that time imperialism was still happening and nationalism was more than waving a few flags and boots.
    The Sixties brought lots of good stuff. Blanchflower/Mackay,Pete and Dud,Mike and Bernie,John and Paul,Mick and Kief,Cassius and Ali….and with it travel.
    So nationalism now either three skinheads walking down Sloane Street with their designer braces,or a few plastic mugs of Willy and Kate and a firework display as big as Luxemburg’s GNP (it does have one doesnt it?)
    Personally I like to see quality football whoever is playing (well not those bastards even though I liked Fabregas) or those bastards (even though I like Hazard) or those bastards (even though I like Silva and Aguero) or those bastards (even though I like……no NOT RVP) and the Sahin/Suarez connection can be good……but those bastards?….anyway did you hear the one about the Welshmen,the Belgian and the American???????????????

  • Alspur says:

    F*ck me…. the Talksh*te anti-AVB tripe continues to spout forth…

    This is so unfunny, they actually had to call it “Funny Video”…

    Desperately sad:

  • Harry Hotspur says:

    Mike and Bernie :-D

  • kev says:

    This season and then he’s gone I reckon .He’s the most explosive player in the league on his day when he’s tearing down the left .I know the EGO has arrived, but why not just play to your strengths.If the opposition double up on him thats two players he’s took out the game,thats more space for our other players. If we’re offered 45/50mill yes please. He can be replaced there are quite a few very talented left sided attackers across the world.Saying that though the guy is class and that freekick shows it.

  • Loke says:

    Why not move Bale down to wing back position?? He would have the space to roam and would free up another midfield spot.

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