
Graham Roberts vs Jan Molby

Image for Graham Roberts vs Jan Molby

Good afternoon.

Just when I thought I was out.. they dragged me back in…

Rambo Roberts, arguably one of the world’s worst football managers has been challenged formally by Jan Molby for the coveted title of Football’s Fattest Burnout.

But who will win?

Rambo’s position is pretty straightforward. Here we have a guy who if boxing referees legislated media careers, would have been counted out for his own good years ago. Last seen by me personally on the High Road signing photos for a tenner a pop off a trellis table. Revered in most of our hearts as a footballer, but …his time since then has been an unremitting disaster. His comments on AVB mark him as a mentalist. So tell me why Rambo is he persona non grata at The Lane, it can’t be because he thinks he has a commercial value as high as Jimmy Greaves…


Hahahahhahaha. Please, tell me this ridiculous barfly was paid for this direct into his fat palm and it wasn’t a case of the cheque from going straight to the landlord.

I score it as yet another unscrupulous media own goal. If you, dear reader are bored by all this, then please think about what is your rather sniffy ‘who cares’ contribution actually worth? Or maybe you are content to propagate these poisonous seeds by doing nothing. Maybe you are so demanding and cheap a supporter you only cheer when we’re winning. I don’t know, but I am certain you’ll tell me.

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  • DeRabbi says:

    Youve basically hit the nail on the head.

    Its all to do with revenue whether that be radio/tv listeners, selling newspapers and even gets the author of this website to bang on continuously in order for him to earn revenue on click thrus.

    Its all one big feeding frenzy & everybody gets drawn in.

    • Andy says:

      At the moment I think HH’s blog this week is like he’s being the turd burglar of the tabloids. Flushing out the shit for all to see and putting it in a context we can deal with.

      “Turd Buglar” is another “Kenny” reference, meaning plumber for those thinking something less complimentary.

      Sorry HH. ;)

  • Spurstacus says:

    Nice to see in the picture above that Arsene has had his hair done at last. The semi perm wave does suit him. As does the twin set and pearls.

  • Spurstacus says:

    “Turd Buglar”

    Is that someone that uses pooh as a musical instrument. They sit in the shite section of the orchestra.

    • Spurstacus says:

      Hawkins sound the retreat man at once.

      But sir, all I have is this pile of turd.

      Just do as I say man or I’ll horse whip you to kingdom came. That’s an order.

      But sir. It’s turd.

      I won’t tell you again damn you. Pick the turds up, fashion an instrument out of them, blow through the turds and sound the ruddy retreat.

      Yes sir, although I’m sure it will sound shit.

  • Spurfect says:

    Point in case about the targeting or AVB and spurs – one name, Brendan Rogers. Compare his results this far, his dealings in the transfer market and even more importantly his handling of their record signing Andy Carroll. £35m of striker shipped out to West Ham on loan and left with no replacement.

    Yet his still being talked about as a player of great football and shouts of ‘give him time’ (and rightly so after 3 games) the only way to shut up the journo hacks is to stand up and tell them you’re not listening and taking in their poison. Stand up and support. You hear any boos then stand up and cheer over them. We need to show the likes of vertonghen what kind of a club he’s joined and the best supporters in the league. Support like inter at home will inspire them, not throwing dummy’s out
    Of the pram.

    • Andy says:

      There is a term “RAS” or something similar (I ironically forget the correct term) that refers to the brain’s ability to recognise things that they previously hadn’t seen until it was pointed out to them, then they see it everywhere. The analogy being the moment you buy a new car you instantly see heaps of them on the road when previously you had ignored them (same number on the road before and after you just didn’t bother acknowledging them).

      Well I think a bit of that is going on here and we are ignoring all the Brendan Rogers shit and focusing on all the AVB shit at the moment.

      • mynameissiggy says:

        well if you have had your turds burgled, (or even bugelled) it does put a different perpestive on life. Andy I have to say that you have brought a whole new lexicon to the HH arena.

      • Spurstacus says:

        I think we dodged a Brendan Rodgers shaped bullet there. I cannot see him succeeding at the pooh. Some complain about our transfer window but there’s was worse than abysmal. Top ten at very best I say.

        • Andy says:

          Liverpool need an interchange bench just for Stewart Downing, so he can play in 5 minute bursts. Every game I have watched of his he plays a blinder for the first 5 then as though he was blind drunk for the next 85.

          Rodgers has some serious problems to sort out there, far worse than ours it seems.

        • LLL says:

          I’m not sure, to tap into a popular theme, ‘it is too early to tell’, ‘it is only 3 games’. I don’t know whether he will do well there, and he has been scuppered somewhat by the disastrous expenditure in the past, but I think he definitely has potential as a coach.

          Whether that’s potential to be a success or a crushing failure, it is simply ‘too soon’ to call.

      • mynameissiggy says:

        “There’s another classic example of someone having a two inch arsehole and us having installed only one inch piping”.

    • LLL says:

      Rodgers has more creditos left in the bank because he was highly acclaimed last season, whereas AVB was highly lampooned. Give it a little while and they will be on his back too, if the shit results continue.

      • MysteriousStranger says:

        Does he? Didn’t Rodgers lose some credits when he left Reading by mutual consent after a string of bad results?

        If he’s therefore earned them back, perhaps you could give AVB some time and give him the chance to earn them back at Spurs instead of going on about how he failed at Chelsea on each and every blog? Just asking.

        • LLL says:

          Ahem, if I’m not mistaken, this whole blog here is about the media treatment of AVB and Spurs, and now the comparison with that and Rodgers. It may surprise you, but I don’t hand out the media credits myself, so I was merely expressing my own opinion that Rodgers comparatively milder treatment thus far this season is probably down to the fact that they have up until this point only had good things to say about him due to his record with Swansea. Whereas AVB doesn’t really have a good record of any kind in this country and is therefore a media target.

          Like I said, I don’t influence or make up the rules. But I would have thought they were pretty easy to grasp? No? Oh, right, ‘grand agenda’ constructed by ‘harry’s pals’ in the ‘gooner media’ it is then. As you were. :gaehn:

        • MysteriousStranger says:

          Are you telling me you don’t think the media a) Are Harry’s mates, and b) Are anti AVB?

          Are you too young to remember that we were not often portrayed fairly in the media for a good number of years? And in fact we really only got some respite from that when Harry was the manager – who was always happy to give them soundbite after soundbite. Even when he was telling them to “Fuck off”. Those are pretty much undeniable facts.

          However you seem to wish to mock these general themes as if they are not true, or that there is something wrong in HH and others taking issue, and showing a unified front in mocking this bullshit agenda. Or those saying “why don’t you get behind the new manager and support the team” to those who wish to bring out the knives prematurely.

          And despite your assertion that you are responding in the context of this blog, I would not be the only one who has picked up on a common theme in many of your posts.

          Go back a few blogs and you mention AVB’s team finished 6th last season in response to someone else. At which point I responded that AVB was sacked when Chelsea were 5th – remember? When you made that ridiculous shitting dog analogy.

          You have been more negative than most when it comes to AVB. And have been for any number of blogs. It seems like you wouldn’t want facts to get in the way of an argument. Note I omitted the word “good”. So as you were, indeed.

        • LLL says:

          Are you telling me you don’t think the media a) Are Harry’s mates, and b) Are anti AVB?

          Correct. I think that certain journo’s liked him, plenty hated him too. In any case, saying that ‘the media’ likes anything as if it had a single brain of it’s own is not something I’d ever agree with. Also, as to being ‘anti-AVB’, again, they print negative stories about him because he hasn’t covered himself in glory, not in terms of results, not in terms of not putting his feet in his mouth, since he’s been here. That’s not my fault, it’s his for not winning enough games, squatting too much and whatever and theirs for picking on him. To say that they are anti-AVB is puerile. You must know how newspapers work by now. It’s slow at the moment and AVB is an easy target, which he will be so long as poor results continue, which is the only part of this I personally really care about.

          Are you too young to remember that we were not often portrayed fairly in the media for a good number of years?

          Every club has an image, somewhat negative, somewhat positive, in the media, always constructed and never truly accurate. Most fans also think they get treated unfairly from time to time, usually when they are. It’s our turn for a while now, but so long as some fans walk around mouthing off and ‘minding the gap’ and generally acting like we aren’t a club that have won f-all for 2 decades then they will probably deserve it and bring more pain down on the rest of us.

          Or those saying “why don’t you get behind the new manager and support the team” to those who wish to bring out the knives prematurely.

          No. Mostly everyone is behind the team. Some people are reserving their full support for the manager for a time, should it hopefully come, when he has earned it. That is their right, please respect it as I respect your right to fully support him regardless.

          And despite your assertion that you are responding in the context of this blog, I would not be the only one who has picked up on a common theme in many of your posts.

          Guilty as charged. Like I said, I am responding to a very common theme emergent and constant in the actual blog itself, and in that I maintain the same opinions, my responses may indeed be similar. No more similar than anyone who agrees with everything HH has to offer, however. Just that you disagree with me. I believe that healthy discussion should sometimes include disagreement. Is this a Spurs blog or an HH fan page?

          Go back a few blogs and you mention AVB’s team finished 6th last season in response to someone else. At which point I responded that AVB was sacked when Chelsea were 5th – remember?

          Yeah, I do remember. But they were tanking downwards in the league and about to get the boot out of Europe.

          When you made that ridiculous shitting dog analogy.

          I personally found that quite entertaining, if I do say so myself. Point was, for some people, doubters lets call them, AVB needs to prove that the carpet soiling days of his Chelsea career are over. I still find it frankly bizarre how nearly every Spurs fans wants to gloss over this very recent history and shine AVB up like a shining savior. That he may be, but they don’t know that any more than I know he won’t be (which i don’t know at all).

          You have been more negative than most when it comes to AVB.

          This wouldn’t be too tough. The general tone here is unrestrained hero-worship. It’s my opinion, and a few others, that he has yet to earn such a status. As I say, when you and others respect this position and those that aren’t lambasted as booing heckling half-wits, maybe we can stop bickering about it.

          It seems like you wouldn’t want facts to get in the way of an argument.

          Can you tell me which facts I’m missing out?

          Note I omitted the word “good”.

          Yep, noted, nice little dig there fella!

        • MysteriousStranger says:

          Also, as to being ‘anti-AVB’, again, they print negative stories about him because he hasn’t covered himself in glory, not in terms of results, not in terms of not putting his feet in his mouth, since he’s been here.

          Not in terms of not putting his feet in his mouth, since he’s been here? What’s he said wrong exactly? I will take time out to remind you it is not his mother tongue, too. So if he says something that seems a little “intellectual” he should be given credit and not mocked. Or are you referring to some other incident where he said something he shouldn’t have? Do you want to elaborate, or is AVB just better than you at being so inclined? And “here” being in England, at Tottenham? As for him not winning anything at Chelsea in his first season, whilst he was supposed to be overhauling their ageing side, getting sacked into the bargain – well I guess he’s not perfect. Never said he was. But he did win everything he could at Porto, whilst they played very attractive football. But spare me your opinion on that, because I’ve read it countless times already.

          I personally found that quite entertaining, if I do say so myself.

          No surprise there.

          Like I said, I am responding to a very common theme emergent and constant in the actual blog itself, and in that I maintain the same opinions, my responses may indeed be similar. No more similar than anyone who agrees with everything HH has to offer, however. Just that you disagree with me. I believe that healthy discussion should sometimes include disagreement. Is this a Spurs blog or an HH fan page?

          Bit of a childish response, and one you have used before. Yes, I frequent this blog over DML or any of the others. No, I do not agree with H all the time. I make that point, because you seem to miss/overlook it and just have picked up a habit of making inane remarks along the lines of “HH fan” in these “healthy discussions” because the other posters may agree with something he has said over your opinion.

          I still find it frankly bizarre how nearly every Spurs fans wants to gloss over this very recent history and shine AVB up like a shining savior.


          This wouldn’t be too tough. The general tone here is unrestrained hero-worship. As I say, when you and others respect this position and those that aren’t lambasted as booing heckling half-wits, maybe we can stop bickering about it.

          The general tone is get behind the new man, not unrestrained hero worship. Yet you seem incapable of doing so, and incapable of grasping this. It’s not about respecting your position. Especially since your position is one steeped in negativity, one that does not need repeating til the end of days. What’s to respect there? Give it a fucking rest and come back in a few weeks/months and tell us “I told you so” if you must. Perhaps give some consideration that whilst the manager is clearly important, there are many factors that will help to decide if we win/lose games. Players on the park will feature strongly in that picture. Our business off the pitch has a bearing on this. Try to view this as a transitional period. Remember our form before the end of last season (and the season before). We are not entitled to 4th place or higher. As for the boo boys, they should fuck off. Impatient pricks moaning after two and a half/three fucking games.

          Can you tell me which facts I’m missing out?

          Chelsea were 5th, not 6th when AVB departed. Those were facts you clearly didn’t grasp in continuing “a discussion” criticising AVB on a previous blog. We do not have the same team as we had last year. We were not playing like worldbeaters in the months immediately before we sold Modric and VDV. And now we’ve made a number of personnel changes. It would help if you didn’t make out that we have some entitlement to finish 4th or higher this year, and that AVB should be hounded out of the club if we don’t achieve it.

        • LLL says:

          Oh dear. :-(

          Not in terms of not putting his feet in his mouth, since he’s been here?

          Not particularly since he’s been here, but certainly during his time at Chelsea. He speaks English very well, talking bollocks isn’t a language issue with him. If you didn’t think he was guilty of talking bollocks when he was at Chelsea you obviously can’t identify talking bollocks very well. More than likely you did think that but have changed your mind recently. Am I right?

          As for him not winning anything at Chelsea in his first season,

          Tsk Tsk. I didn’t say ‘not winning anything’, I said ‘not winning enough games’, there is quite a difference, and besides which he wasn’t given the opportunity to win anything as he was sacked before the competitions he was competing in had finished. As you are very fond of reminding me, they were 5th when he went and so they obviously would have finished higher than that if he had stayed and probably won loads of cups and whatever, definitely given how they were looking. :sick:

          But he did win everything he could at Porto, whilst they played very attractive football. But spare me your opinion on that, because I’ve read it countless times already.

          Yes, it’s an opinion which is based on all of the available facts, not just the selected facts I need so I can believe what I want to. It is also rather poor manners to make your own point and then tell me you don’t need to hear mine, arrogant actually, btw.

          No, I do not agree with H all the time.

          That must have been tough to write but still, I don’t believe you. ;-) Come on, if you don’t think there is a ‘yes man’ ‘fan boy’ culture here then you must be part of it.

          The general tone is get behind the new man, not unrestrained hero worship.

          No manager deserves unconditional support in my opinion. My condition is that he earns it as I don’t yet trust him after seeing him fuck everything up (and loving it, btw) last season at Chelsea. That shouldn’t be hard though, I’m not so tough to please, just a general improvement in performance and results. Do you think we should all stick by him if we don’t see any such thing? When will it be acceptable for you to get out from your position ‘behind’ the new man and say ‘hang on a minute’, you know, as a hypothetical?

          It’s not about respecting your position. Especially since your position is one steeped in negativity,

          You see it absolutely is? You either aren’t capable of understanding it or accepting but certainly aren’t capable of respecting it, as shown by your urgent and ever present need to denigrate it.

          one that does not need repeating til the end of days.

          If my opinions are not what you want to hear – why are you talking to me?

          Perhaps give some consideration that whilst the manager is clearly important, there are many factors that will help to decide if we win/lose games. Players on the park will feature strongly in that picture. Our business off the pitch has a bearing on this.

          I do, and am willing to talk about all of this and indeed often have done where the opportunity has arisen, just that the blog is so obsessively fixated on discussing and defending AVB those opportunities have been pretty scant. Also, you get a backlash from the mob here if you dare to question Levy and the transfer business you are alluding to as well, so perhaps it doesn’t make much difference anyway.

          Try to view this as a transitional period.

          What does that mean exactly? And by the way, if that is what this is, I need to hear it from Levy and AVB, not you or anyone else seemingly getting an early excuse in for a possible poor finish. All I have heard thus far from the boss is talk of ‘titles’ and a minimum top 4 finish.

          Remember our form before the end of last season (and the season before). We are not entitled to 4th place or higher.

          I can remember it very well. Very fresh. These first 3 games have been the perfect reminder, no?
          Also, have never said that we are entitled to 4th or higher, never ever. So why suggest I have done? Strange.

          As for the boo boys, they should fuck off. Impatient pricks moaning after two and a half/three fucking games.

          Never said anything good about them either. Are we still having a conversation or are you just now having a rant about general stuff you don’t like? What else? Parking fines?

          Chelsea were 5th, not 6th when AVB departed. Those were facts you clearly didn’t grasp in continuing “a discussion” criticising AVB on a previous blog.

          Semantics, I’m afraid. 5th when he went, 6th when the season ended. It really did look like they were going to turn it around and have a strong finish though, did it? Did it? :blink:

          Also, it wasn’t “a discussion” criticizing AVB, I was reminding people or explaining to people the wider context for why AVB gets a bit of a rough treatment in the British media. It isn’t only about us, it’s about Chelsea too. But I expect you know this and were shedding a tear after every bad news story about AVB last season and campaigning furiously against the media agenda set up against him. Weren’t you? If not, what did you think of him back then? If you are honest?

          We do not have the same team as we had last year. We were not playing like worldbeaters in the months immediately before we sold Modric and VDV.

          But hang on a cotton picking… Wasn’t that just down to Harry and his England boner or whatever? That’s how the story goes, isn’t it? Or are you suggesting that something fundamentally changed in the squads ability levels during this period which means they aren’t as good as they were a year ago?

          Also, I was under the impression that the general consensus was that VDV’s departure doesn’t count because he could only play for half an hour and took shit corners and whatever. So why are you mentioning his leaving as context for AVB’s poor showing so far? Personally, I don’t think he has much relevance. Though losing and not replacing Modric is a huge self-inflicted (by the club) handicap in my opinion.

          <strong? It would help if you didn’t make out that we have some entitlement to finish 4th or higher this year,

          Once again, never ever said that old bean. Never said it.

          and that AVB should be hounded out of the club if we don’t achieve it.

          I don’t know what Levy’s ‘sack him’ threshold is set to, but I do know that AVB has repeatedly mentioned an agreed target of 4th as a minimum. I happen to think that’s something of a tall ask. Don’t shoot the messenger though, yeah?

  • AllWhiteMark says:

    Put brad and hugo in goal at reading on sunday; that’ll really fook up the pundits and daily toilet papers. With any luck they might implode and leave us and avb alone.

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