
Hostpur’s Hunches #3

Image for Hostpur’s Hunches #3

Righty ho. Gameweek 3 of the Barclays Premier League and these are my thoughts on their possible outcomes.

West Ham vs Fulham

Lots of talk about Andy Carroll here of course. Carlton Cole, a man who has been pursued relentlessly by the Trades Description people for having ‘striker’ under occupation on his passport will now play second fiddle to the country’s second most expensive footballer. Mmmn. Hooftastic. Fulham have been what you might dare to call ‘free scoring’ under Martin Jol despite the absence of Dempsey. Prediction? 1-3.

Swansea vs Sunderland

So much for second season syndrome. I’ve a theory that Brendan Rodgers is actually rubbish and that the BinDippers, not for the first time in recent years bought a lemon. Laudrup comes across as an intelligent guy, but moreover his team are so far anyway, doing the business. The emphatic win at Loftus Road told me plenty and dull, dull Sunderland will have it all to do here. Prediction? 3-1.

Tottingham vs Norwich

Two games in. A loss and a draw. Win-less. Nobody gives a damn about how we look it’s all about getting Andrè Villas-Boas’ head on a spike as swiftly as possible. Getting rid of Harry was stupid, Levy’s only in it for the money and we’re all going to hell in handcart. Oh sorry, I wrote that after drinking three pints of battery acid.

If Spurs don’t win this by a distance then I’ll be more than surprised. But unlike some I will fall asleep in my pram after the game knowing all my toys are still within easy reach. Prediction? 4-0.

West Brom vs Everton

This unlike most times these two play each other will actually be significant and perhaps interesting game to watch. Everton have looked ‘brand new’ so far and Steve Clarke appears to have a the Boing Boing boys organised to within an inch of their lives. Prediction? 2-2

Wigan vs Stoke

No thanks.

Man City vs QPR

This could potentially get very messy. Mind you, I said that about the Liverpool vs City game last week and Mancini’s mob didn’t get ruthless. Mark Hughes has signed every Tom, Dick and Harrihno this side of Peking. Lots of ingredients but can he whip up anything decent with them? There are too many echoes of Roy Keane at Sunderland here for me when it comes to Hughes. Lots  of ‘I’m surrounded by idiots’ expressions on his face, but little football orientated to get get excited about.Prediction? 5-0.

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  • gyido says:

    oh im sure AVB we be the new Brian clough and take us to a title, lets give the guy a chance or 2, im sure the Chelsea sent him to get us fucked, I still just can’t see why employed a ex chavski who nearly ruined them to us? As spurs fans and where we have been don’t we deserve better than this crock of shit football, running of the club with our poor transfer system that we seem to have. Get the Arabs in and klinnsman as manager please, and who will be first to chuck their season ticket on the pitch those days are only round the corner. If we want to be big things have got to change big time, why citeh and not us ffs.

    • Urbane Sturgeon says:

      Maybe because being a charity case wouldn’t suit us? That would certainly ruin it for me. I want success but not at that price. I have no respect for trophy’s purchased with money which wasn’t earned. I’m fine with Levy’s approach in general I just wish his manager choices weren’t quite so up & down. Fingers crossed things turn around soon.

  • Spurlative says:

    It wouldn’t be that bad if at least the football was attractive. There were so many wayward passes.
    A great cricketer once used to play golf when he was out of form. Took his mind off the game. Can’t stop thinking that avb is overcomplicating everything. By comparison Redknapp understood footballers weren’t that smart and kept things simple which worked some of the time. Avb needs to find the balance.

  • Nottmspur says:

    Is Harry the only manager with prem experience that Levy has appointed? If so, we finish 4th twice and get into champions league quarters……and he gets sacked!! Only @ tottenham. Its time for levy to explain. I see how they have put some quotes on the site quoting avb as being happy about the transfers…bull****.

    • LLL says:

      Levy’s record at manager recruitment is truly diabolical. His 2 best were accidents. Jol was back up to the French disaster he hired, Redknapp emergency job to clean up after his big flash continental signing.

      Before the dead-eyed grinning clappers get all antsy, I’m not saying AVB is another dud, he hasn’t quite proven that yet – though the weight of evidence is certainly stacking up against him – but these Levyites should at least acknowledge the fact that when he sets out to embark on a brave new future, it has always ended quite quickly in tears.

  • oxfordyid says:

    can anyone tell me why it was so important to waste money on another bloody goalkeeper when we needed a replacement for modric and as shown today friedel aint to shabby we could of done the goalie deal next summer

    • MysteriousStranger says:

      Did you miss the news? We’d agreed a fee with Porto to buy Moutinho.

      It’s quite clear that didn’t pan out as we’d hoped in the end.

      The risks associated with buying players on deadline day are there for all to see. We had no choice but to sell Modric.

      Knee jerkers are out in force. There have been a number of changes made, and obviously certain personnel changes out were neccessary (Modric/Van der Vaart – Mr. No Meniscus aka 60 minutes at best).

      I made the point earlier in the window on how we should get our players in early. Sadly Levy likes to negotiate to the hilt, so in the main it doesn’t happen that way, and we historically have been starting slowly as a result of players being unfamiliar with each other and the system being deployed. For the sake of a couple of million here or there. Sometimes he plays it just a bit too cute.

      Added to which we have a couple of injuries already, which is never ideal.

      But seriously, let’s give AVB a chance, and see where we are after a run of games.

      Harry’s Spurs lost to Norwich last time out, remember? So that should count as a improvement to those with short memories – we were hardly playing like world beaters at the back end of last season, if some of you can bother to recall and not come out with some shit about Inter Milan (1 x battering against masked with 3 x consolation goals and 1 win at home a couple of years ago).

  • peej says:

    Don’t tell me – that’s a point more than we got at home to Norwich last season – things are looking up! Sadly looking up from near the bottom of the table. Think we’ll be doing a lot of looking up this season, with a few glances over the shoulder at what lies beneath

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