

Image for Landfill

This season has got off to an inauspicious start alright, it’s left me depressed by the fact that nearly a third of my readership think booing is somehow okay. Wow. So a sizeable chunk of you are even more self absorbed and fundamentally stupid than I am.

The aftermath of the transfer window has echoed the unprecedentedly stupid but low animal cunning that filled it when open. How many of the 35,000+ who devoured every word of the obviously hoax Twitter account Agent_ITK are now lapping up the conspiracy theory that the Moutinho deal was …what might one call the allegation? A publicity stunt? Jesus wept. Yeah and Prince Phillip working in conjunction with Mossad and David Lee Roth killed Princess Diana.

Rafa being flogged off hasn’t gone down well with the brain surgeons either. Yes his class and desire will be missed. Of course they will. But in an era dominated by extraordinarily aggressive player power it’s laughable to suggest Levy & Co. simply ‘cashed him in.’ Van Der Vaart papered over the cracks after Modric jumped ship but he was not the solution. The harpies wanting to believe otherwise don’t understand football let alone what Villas-Boas is up to here.

Next up is the one time great hope now born again precious oaf Huddlestone. I was a fan. I saw him as physically adept modern day Hoddle. He could have been mustard. But he gave up trying some time back. So I joined in and gave up too.

There are a number of things that grate with me about him. He’s been on the THFC payroll since 2005 and aside from a few ‘flash in the pan’ moments – from which he’s dined out on in a manner that puts the Nazarene’s loaves and fishes stunt to shame …we’ve had nothing but threats. The Metro are running with the most laughable cobblers that he might leave on loan to pursue the beautiful game in Russia or Turkey.

Please. This guy identical to both Jenas and Bentley. All of them clinging by their avaricious fingertips to contracts that reflect threats of usefulness that were never ever fulfilled. What’s even more galling is that the guy wants to raise £75k for Cancer Research.  He could drop them £75k without even feeling it. But no, we get a ‘sponsored haircut’. I guess his sponsored eyelash tint idea just didn’t make the cut.

Next up is the blocked public toilet in human form that is Emil Danchev. This schmuck is apparently peddling the tale that Spurs were in for his client Dimitar someone or another. More rubbish. The true to type behaviour of these two out and out rotters in relation to the poor bar stewards at Fiorentina tells you all you need to know.

Harry Hotspur is also available for children’s parties.

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  • JB says:

    Is there chance Thud was being sent on loan for 6 months to get fitness back? Not convinced we were ready to sell him and he wasn’t going to get the game time to get sharp at spurs…

    The Moutinho deal hurts, but we need to give the new midfield time to gel. Adebayor should be ready to start after the break as well…

    Last season tailed off so the issues extend past the players we’ve sold and current management. We have to give AVB time.

  • Rich says:

    ahhh looks like Moutinho could be off to Zenit St Petersberg by Thursday.


    • Hartley says:

      Have you ever seen him play? He ain’t no Modric and even if he was would he fit in the PL? It didn’t happen, move on……

      • LLL says:

        You’re right, besides which, we have Livermore.

      • essexian76 says:

        That’s the point I feel is most relevant in recent discussions about AVB and DL. It seemed most people were pleased with all of our acquisitions until the last minute failure to land Moutinho? It appears that it was Porto not Levy who sabotaged the deal, perhaps hoping for Petrodollars from Russia. But the thing that concerns me about the player, is why Real went for Modric, when Moutinho was a cheaper and easier option?

  • StanB says:

    Just a thought – it was only a couple of weeks ago that AVB tried to ship out both Hudd and Dawson. Clearly they are not in his long term plans. Now it seems that both might be needed short-term but they are hardly likely to be motivated by being told that Stoke is where you may belong.

    • essexian76 says:

      Disagree wholeheatedly. Dawson and Huddlestone were given the true facts of the matter, and for one reason or another didn’t move on. They knew their current form wasn’t good enough to be considered automatic choices, and if they have anything about them will use any opportunity to play better. By selecting Huddlestone, AVB opened the door, unlike Rodgers with Carroll for example. It’s a normal happening in football all over the world-new guy comes in-old guard move out-new favourites replace yesterdays hero’s

  • oxfordyid says:

    i agree with you about huddlestone he looked well overweight on saturday and could do with losing a good stone or more otherwise his career could well be done and dusted the same goes for jenas no effort or passion any more bently just stinks the place up he just took the money and ran as to the ongoing booing or non booing many people in the second half of last season slagged of redsnapps in many ways and carried this on till they got him out if levy had bought the players he asked for in the jan transfer window we may of got third and then maybe things would have been even better last season levy screwed us then and is doing so again and its our money hes screwing us with avb is a joke and will fail whatever as he is to arrogant to see his own failings but the issue is with levy to sell our most creative player and then waste all your time signing a goalkeeper and not a replacement is dissgracefull dembele is more of a vdv type player and we didnt need the goalie untill next year so showing we are not happy is ok by me cus levy is treating us all with utter contempt . and the question should be what if the booers are right and we are screwed by christmas , but football is a game of opinions i dont agree with yours and you dont agree with mine , i will still go as i have for over 40 years just wont be half as enjoyable as it has been for the last few years

  • Nicktheyid says:

    Got to say i do believe that it was a publicity stunt/cover up, a smoke screen giving reason to get 10m for vdv & get off lightly after the rat incident, thus creating an illusion of being in the mix for some sort of replacement.dembele will prove his worth, dempsey maybe but got to say joe allen would have been a like for like for a lot less that the mout

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