
Player Ratings [Rip Up Your Season Ticket Now Edition]

Image for Player Ratings [Rip Up Your Season Ticket Now Edition]

Good afternoon.

Some ‘supporters’ behaviour in the last 24 hours both in the flesh and online only serves to underline we are nothing if not ‘a broad church’. Bring back Henry VIII.

Those attending games need to stop behaving like ’empowered consumers’ and more like football fans. This whole ‘I told you so’ spiel is desperate. Three games in. Three.

Here’s the player ratings.

8 Boos. Seemed to have his heart in it. Made some excellent saves. Hopeless. 

6 Boos. Had a really indifferent game. Had been doing well but was anonymous. Get rid.

7 Boos. A decent shift bit he was mopping up for Kyle and was generally run about. I want my money back.

6 Boos. Had the audacity to make some great interceptions. Why doesn’t Joe Lewis put his hand in his pocket?!

5 Boos. Nearly gave away a penalty. Better luck next week. I used to support Orient, you know.

5 Boos. He’s rapidly becoming the Painting By Numbers of the squad.  Rubbish, I’m going home.

6 Boos. Passive aggressive headless chicken. I wish I’d stayed at home.

6 Boos. He doesn’t look up. So he invariably crosses to nobody. Leaving at half time is dench.

5 Boos. Too much like much like my local chip shop. Didn’t deliver. At these prices I’ll boo when I want, son.

6 Boos. On an upbeat note every game like this decreases the likelihood of a mega-bid in January. Levy Out!

8 Boos. Wanted to take the game by the scruff of the neck. Nearly succeeded. Fulham reject. 

6 Boos. He’s doing his best. I tell you what I don’t know why I come here anymore.

6 Boos. I don’t know how unfit he is, I just wish he would start. I won’t be here next week .

Endless Boos. He seems to be doing a jigsaw puzzle with the pieces with the picture on facing down. Harry come home.

Hotspurs Half Hour – Show 3 by hotspurshalfhour

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  • Smoked Salmon says:

    For what it is worth. I still have faith in the AVB dream. A few creaky floorboards do not bring a house down.

  • Victor Meldrew says:

    Is it the players or the tactics? We never put together 3 games like this for a long time. Why now? Are the players meant to make something happen, or are they waiting for something to happen? I don’t know the answers as I have just sat and watched in total bemusement, and asked the question, what are we trying to do? Who is responsible?

  • HoxtonBoy says:

    Well he’d better get Dembele down first on the team sheet for the next game. He looks a class above the rest. Get Dawson back in too. With Kaboul laid up we need someone good in the air.
    Might do well to put Lennon on the bench – he hardly ever contributes anything. Might as well use him for his pace later on. Bale needs to pick it up as well , he isn’t scoring and his crossing has been fairly harmless. They all look dispirited and lacking in self-belief. AVB is supposed to be a micro-manager and if so that would be enough to depress any employee. Maybe they’d better get Harry in to give them all a motivating talk.

  • Frank the Tank says:

    So after 3 games half the fans have decided that AVB is a failure and we should sack him and get Harry back? Thank god none of you run the club that’s all I say. For those wanting Harry back I too remember the good times – beating Inter in the champs league – beating Arsenal away 3-2 afetr being 2 down. However, I also remember many similar days to the Norwch game on saturday, such as last season getting beaten 2-1 by the same team. And losing at home to Wolves, away to Blackpool, drawing against the same team at home, etc, etc. Things weren’t always rosey under Harry, so maybe lets give the new manage a bit of time before we publicly execute him.

    The last things we want to do is give the press something to attack AVB with and what do we go and do? Start booing as soon as things don’t go right. Well done everyone, nice work!

    Lets step back for a second and analyse the games so far…
    Newcastle Away – unlucky to lose, better team first half, poor defending for both goals, could easily have won with a bit of luck (drew game last season)
    Wet Brom Home – controlled the first half without really penetrating, game became open second half and both teams could have won (very similar to last season when we won the same fixture)
    Norwich Home – didn’t watch the game but reports were that Norwich really should have won, we took the lead against the run of play, Norwich deserved to equalise (lost corresponding game last season)

    So 3 games into the new season with a new manager and new players, trying to play a new system and the fans want to get rid of the manager!

    Or how about we give AVB a some time unlike the Chavs who we derided for forcing him out. Because at the moment we are behaving no better than them!

  • HoxtonBoy says:

    I hate to say it my Arsenal look a class above us – even though they have unloaded half their best players. I just hope we get going before Sept 29th or ManU will run up a cricket score and I’ll never hear the end of it.

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