
Player Ratings [Rip Up Your Season Ticket Now Edition]

Image for Player Ratings [Rip Up Your Season Ticket Now Edition]

Good afternoon.

Some ‘supporters’ behaviour in the last 24 hours both in the flesh and online only serves to underline we are nothing if not ‘a broad church’. Bring back Henry VIII.

Those attending games need to stop behaving like ’empowered consumers’ and more like football fans. This whole ‘I told you so’ spiel is desperate. Three games in. Three.

Here’s the player ratings.

8 Boos. Seemed to have his heart in it. Made some excellent saves. Hopeless. 

6 Boos. Had a really indifferent game. Had been doing well but was anonymous. Get rid.

7 Boos. A decent shift bit he was mopping up for Kyle and was generally run about. I want my money back.

6 Boos. Had the audacity to make some great interceptions. Why doesn’t Joe Lewis put his hand in his pocket?!

5 Boos. Nearly gave away a penalty. Better luck next week. I used to support Orient, you know.

5 Boos. He’s rapidly becoming the Painting By Numbers of the squad.  Rubbish, I’m going home.

6 Boos. Passive aggressive headless chicken. I wish I’d stayed at home.

6 Boos. He doesn’t look up. So he invariably crosses to nobody. Leaving at half time is dench.

5 Boos. Too much like much like my local chip shop. Didn’t deliver. At these prices I’ll boo when I want, son.

6 Boos. On an upbeat note every game like this decreases the likelihood of a mega-bid in January. Levy Out!

8 Boos. Wanted to take the game by the scruff of the neck. Nearly succeeded. Fulham reject. 

6 Boos. He’s doing his best. I tell you what I don’t know why I come here anymore.

6 Boos. I don’t know how unfit he is, I just wish he would start. I won’t be here next week .

Endless Boos. He seems to be doing a jigsaw puzzle with the pieces with the picture on facing down. Harry come home.

Hotspurs Half Hour – Show 3 by hotspurshalfhour

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  • swanspur says:

    Shouldn’t you have said first boo Harry?

  • Chris says:

    Good article – Im more frustrated with the fickle fans at the minute than the actual team! This is going to be a transitional, probably quite experimental season so Im happy with a top 6 finish bearing that in mind

    • jolsgonemental says:

      Div. Why would you be happy with us finally cracking the top 4, then ripping it all out and starting again.


      I’ll let you into a secret. AvB isnt tasked with progressing us, we couldnt expect for more than beign a solid 3/4 spot team – and we had achieved that and were that already.

      AvB is just a stooge, a yes man bought in by Levy to take the flak as we sell off our top players and cut costs for the stadium, at which point ENIC will wash their hands of the club.

      He is expected to fail, that is why we employed somebody with such low stock and reputation – he hasnt got a leg to stand on when it comes to kicking up a fuss against Levy. He walks out here and he is finished as a top flight manager.

      • essexian76 says:

        What top players are you referring to? Modric was always going anyway and if you’re mentioning VDV, then I’d suggest you look back at last seasons games and then point out one where he played well for 90 mins-make that 75 if you like?

        • jolsgonemental says:

          I would rather have VdV for 75 minutes a game, than Livermore for 90.

          Im refering to the fact that we havent been investing in the first team for a number of windows and that is going to continue. See Saha/Nelson.

          Levy is no mug.Sooner or later, lack of investment in the playing team was going to start to bite and our progress was going to change to regression. We needed a manager to take the blame.

        • essexian76 says:

          we have a manager who’s focus is on the team and not himself, but you cannot take three games as a benchmark of things to come surely.As i asked whether VDV was present for 60 minutes or 60, last season he went awol for almost all of it.

      • TedSpur says:

        Feel free to fuck off if you don’t like the way things are being done. Undermining a team is only going to make things worse, even if you are right. Support the shirt. If you treat it with respect, those who wear it on the pitch are more likely to as well.

        • Urbane Sturgeon says:

          Silly Teddy.

        • Bobbles says:

          Silly? No – best comment I’ve read here in 2 days.

        • LJBrooker says:

          Lovely stuff Ted… You can all like it or fuck off…
          This was always going to be a season with a slow start. A LOT of transition. I for one took heart from the Newcastle performance, and most of the West Brom one…. Norwich was shit, but it was shit last season too…. Harry wasn’t perfect, despite what some cretins will have you believe.

    • hoofing says:

      Those attending games need to stop behaving like ‘empowered consumers’ and more like football fans.

      Yea I blame Edward Bernays.

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      Boo. Chris & people who liked the blog out!

  • aidyj7 says:

    Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We were shit but booing isn’t the answer, I think the players looked edgy due to rumblings, half time boos were unnecessary 45mins in. I think we’ll be a differnt prospect with livermore swapped with dembele and adebayor starting. Its my party and I’ll boo if I want to!

  • jolsgonemental says:

    Im not a season ticket holder.

    If I get a ticket from the exchange scheme and rip that up, does it count?

    Its a bit harsh booing AvB, he is just a glorified scout. its like booing a retarded kid for not understanding algebra.

    • jfdit says:

      brilliant, you should start your own blog

    • Urbane Sturgeon says:

      One of this blog’s great lines for sure but its argument is somewhat blown out of the water by AVB’s quite astonishing achievements at Porto and the usual ‘Oh but it’s not a strong league so success there doesn’t count’ won’t wash. Anyway you slice it his Porto season was astounding and proves beyond doubt that our manager has some idea about forging a winning mentality and tactics. You don’t win 4 trophies in your first season by scouting well and then sitting back and relying on the player to put it together. The real difficulty of his task is to make what he does well fit into our club and the premier league.

  • onedavemackay says:

    3 matches 3 similar performances in that we seem to do a bit for 60 minutes then gradually collapse once Sandro goes off.

    The truth is however, that it is only 3 matches and only a headless chicken or a Spurs Supporter would judge any manager after such a short time and after we have lost 2 of our most influential players.

    Ask me at christmas

    • essexian76 says:

      To be fair, Sandro has been poor to dreadful in all the games so far. I’m not saying Livermore has been any better, but Sandro is just not doing it at the moment.

      • onedavemackay says:

        I have to disagree Sandro has been one of our best players and 3 of the 4 goals we’ve conceded have been when Sandro was off the pitch.

        Comparing Livermore to Sandro is like comparing a pushbike with a flat tyre to a Ferrari

        • LLL says:

          Sandro is a better player than Livermore, no argument there, but the pairing seems to get the best from neither. It’s without doubt the worst central midfield I’ve seen in Spurs for years and years.

        • essexian76 says:

          @ LLL I agree, both have zero passing ability and tactical nous. At first i assumed Livermore was playing under orders not to stray, but now I’m not too sure, as his displays have lacked both intelligence and awareness. Sandro has far more ability, but it’s better served alongside and with a more creative mid, perhaps Dembele with add the other dimension or even when Parker returns to break up the oppositions play as he keeps the ball moving far better.

        • Harry Hotspur says:

          That’s very comparative of you. Can you do my weekly shop, love?

        • essexian76 says:

          I can,provided it’s all Kosher

      • Tel says:

        Sandro and a few others seem to be lacking match fitness and don’t yet know or understand the new players the way a team should. He,ll come good and so will they all. We need a few more games to gel properly and I know that’s not exactly ideal in the ‘unforgiving’ premier league but that is just the way it.

        Transitions like this don’t happen overnight. Did anyone honestly think losing Modric would be easy? Give over


        Ps. I actually thought Defoe did quite well, as a team player anyway. Thought he picked some decent passes for once

        • LLL says:

          It appears Levy thought losing Modric would be a breeze as he didn’t bother to replace him. :whistle:

        • essexian76 says:

          I’ve got to agree about Defoe ,the guy takes unbelievable stick, but it irrtates me to no end when he’s accused of not being a team player-in all three games he’s worked his gonads off, and has looked to put players in as well as trying to get on the scoresheet.Once again he’s suffering from poor service from the mid, who simply are not capable of supplying it. Hopefully Dembele and Parker in unison wil create a more dynamic shape to the side

        • LJBrooker says:

          Why do people keep saying we haven’t replaced Modric… I know Dembele started out as a traditional no. 10, but need I remind you, so did Modric. Dembele got better last season as he dropped deeper, primarily as a result of his generally piss-poor finishing (sound familiar?). Dembele is probably the closest fit to Luka Modric we could have hoped to get. He goes about his business in a different way, but the result is a deep-lying playmaker who’s best asset is probably his quick feet buying him a yard or two in the centre when under pressure (again, ring any bells?)

    • jfdit says:

      we need to drop defoe, dempsey will lead the line very well under rated player imo

      truth is it’s between us, the goons & the chavs for 3rd/4th, if avb can get them to click quickly I think we get at least 4th

      • LLL says:

        At least? You see City, Utd or Chelsea letting us (or anyone else) into the party?!?

        • jfdit says:

          city & utd are the top 2 without any doubt, 20 point gap between them & 3rd is a lot to make up for the rest

          the chavs will improve with hazard, oscar and marin in creative areas but have lost drogba, so improved but not massively

          goons are without van rapist and song but podolski is a proven goal scorer, they much weaker in my view

          liverpool – useless no chance of top 6 imo

        • LLL says:

          I wouldn’t be so sure of that, both Arsenal and Liverpool, though pretty poor, have started better than ourselves in my opinion. Arsenal haven’t conceded and Liverpool good against the champions.

          I certainly don’t think we have any reason to feel we will be faring better than either at this stage.

    • LLL says:

      Dunno where you saw any minutes of us doing a bit of anything yesterday, it was life-sappingly awful from start to end, Dembele’s flash of brilliance and Brad’s heroic moments aside.

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