
Transfer Analysis [NSFW]

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Good morning.

The W is NSFW is for whiners.

I thought it was a shrewd move to stay offline last night before I had a moment and fell somewhere between Michael Douglas’ character in Falling Down and Gerald Ratner. Liberal amounts of Heineken, the arrival of £150’s worth (or so it may well have been) of pizza and the tinnitus of Sky Sports news aided me ‘turning in’ relatively early.

Your common or garden ITK knows somewhere between little or nothing. So why get so worked up? When your 5 year old child comes up to you and tells you knowingly they can do something fabulous, like ride a horse without holding on as they are eating their breakfast cereal you don’t bawl at them that they’re delusional. You simply watch them bob up and down in their chair making ‘clip clop’ noises with their arms outstretched and make sure that they catch you smiling.

This window I decided to become increasingly less involved in ‘calling’ signings. This was for the simple and glaringly obvious reason that their was such ridiculously high volumes of supposed ‘ITK’ flying about that most of it had to be either innocent or mischievous …disinformation.I lost track of the supposed agents etc on Twitter. You toss a coin in the air 100,000 times the odds  always remain the same. Always. Whooping with pride of howling with pain at the result is the pursuit of a complete imbecile. Demanding to know if a supposed ‘ITK’ on Twitter will delete their account if their predictions don’t pan out makes you as big a time waster as they are.

Clint Dempsey? I’m not even convinced he knew he was coming to Spurs until a car turned up for him at his front door.

So we’ve looked at how adults cope with the way they assess what’s put before them. Now …coping with the unknown.

I mentioned pizza at the beginning. Now, can anyone tell me if I managed to force every last damn fat soaked triangle down my gullet, or did I leave a few bits and what about garlic bread? Welcome to the world of guessing. You only know I had pizza because I told you and I’m the guy that ordered it. You haven’t got a clue how much I ate (yeah, okay I polished off every last crumb, who are you, the Cheese Police?) You actually know nothing.

The amount of angst and bile being hurled about everywhere last night was embarrassing. Levy’s left it too late, again! Levy’s too tight! Please. Not one of you tedious whiners could even tell me what colour shirt he had on yesterday.

The most expensive thing that most of us buy is a house. And what sort of money on average are we talking here? A couple of hundred thousand? Loose change compared contracting a footballer.In fact a fortnight’s wages in some instances. We really haven’t got a clue.

Yet to listen to many, they were a fly on the wall as the chairman spent the evening sat in his neatly pressed Thomas The Tank Engine pyjamas playing Angry Birds …blissfully ignoring phones bleeping and trilling around him.

So no Moutinho. Like you, I know nothing. Unlike some of you I acknowledge the fact! What is certain, is that there was a third party ownership element in the equation. Was this an insurmountable stumbling block? Well, we don’t actually know. But if you were buying a house from someone who told you that there was someone else that owned 15% of the property what would be your gut instinct about a possible deal? 

Dempsey in. His goal scoring record is comparatively modest with I think maybe a dozen in 2010/11 and a few more on top in 2011/12, but you have to argue that this was with ten Fulham players behind him providing the opportunities.

Dembélé in. It’s easier to list those he hasn’t been winning plaudits from. Yes, Modric was an exceptional player, but this guy may offer us something equally exciting.

Loris in. This ought to be just what the doctor ordered. A young agile and forward thinking goalie to aid implement the Villas-Boas systems.

So to the soothsayers and harbingers of doom I say ‘be told – you’re boring.’ I support this club and it’s Board based upon things that have actually happened. I criticise the same based upon things that have actually happened.

Come on in, the sanity’s lovely.

Hotspurs Half Hour – Show 3 by hotspurshalfhour

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  • LLL says:

    Couple of really nice bits of play in the last few minutes from berbatov. Fcuk, what we could do with a centre forward with his touch linking up with the wingers and attacking midfielders.

    • Paul says:

      Would you really want him back after the way he behaved when leaving us?
      Im not even happy we went with Clint Dempsey after his stupid strike at Fulham, these buggers have no loyalty what so ever.
      There’s a way of going about things, to strike when your getting paid millions to kick a ball about is not the way forward, just leaves a bad taste if you ask me.

      • LLL says:

        Well I know it’s a ‘sensitive’ issue, but for 4m he was a steal, best buy of the day for sure. And whatever you think of him, he’s exactly the kind of player we need up top.

        • Frontwheel 2 says:

          I’d say if we got him you would be using him as a club to beat Levy with :unsure:

        • Paul says:

          Agree he is a player we needed, its never just £4m his wages are huge, plus sometimes in this dirty game that hasn’t got much to do with us fans any more you have to say enough. look at how he treated Fiorentina! would it have hurt to give them a call to say thanks but i’ve had a rethink…..

        • LLL says:

          Well, you’d be wrong. For the sake of clarity, here’s my appraisal of Levy’s transfer performance

          Vertonghen – excellent signing
          Sig – promising signing, jury out
          Dembele – good, solid signing
          Dempsey – trademark ‘good business’ / panic buy

          Failure to replace Modric – colossal balls up
          Failure to add significantly to strike force – ongoing shambles.

  • Yidvito says:

    Why has no one made a ‘Double D’ joke yet?

    It’s half past two for crying out loud.

  • Paul says:

    Lets hope Norwich dont batter us again, they hammered us last year at the lane wasnt even a lucky win, we were well beaten.

  • Bes Dennett says:

    Atb the start of the summer or earlier, I said to friends and workmates that I felt that Levy had sacked Redknapp because he was about to weaken our squad and sell off some of our best players, and that it was a scenario that the twitch would not tolerate. The sad thing is that deep down, I did not want to be proved right! The Moutinho scenario was a shambles, now in reality with Modric gone, with VDV gone, we have no playmaker in the centre, unless Dembele steps up to the mark in that position. We have went back to where we were under Ramos, having built up a squad in the last 4 years that had seen us compete strongly withthe Top 4. It is totally unacceptable that we were in for players like Willian, Moutinho, Daimao, Remy and end up with none of them. We didn’t even keep Harry Kane FFS! Like someone has already said, an injury to Ade or JD and we are screwed! And Ade ain’t even 100% fit havent had no pre-season. I can see that teams will just smell the fear in us again, extremely annoyed about Moutinho, it has made us a laughing stock, we aspire to be United or Chelsea, when it comes to wages and transfer fees(the record is now 16.5M four years on!!!), we are at best, a Sunderland. And clubs like them and Newcastle and Everton will leave us far behind this season. Levy, I have always believed in and the media has always given him massive support, now he is exposed for what he really is!!!

  • who framed ruel fox? says:

    I felt like standing on my chair and cheering after reading that.

    Wonderful piece, Harold.

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