
Yanited: The Chalkboard The Prattle The Prediction

Image for Yanited: The Chalkboard The Prattle The Prediction

Guten Abend.

Going to Ikea on a weekday is undoubtedly a good thing. No crowds, not fussing and most importantly of all no one to witness me trying fruitlessly to load part of an office desk top into the back of a suddenly tiny Hyundai. I’d have stood a better chance of lassoing the moon with my paper tape measure.

Anyway, to the fussball. I’ll tell you this, the more I start thinking about tomorrow’s game the more I believe we’re in with more than a chance Here are my picks for our tea-time time.

Let me state now that I don’t believe my picks will mirror those of the boss. I believe he’ll opt for Brad and Defoe. This observation isn’t an attack on Villas-Boas, rather a belief he is a rather good football manager and I am a two bob blogger. My gut feeling is that Hugo is ready, my gut feeling Ade will perhaps own more keys that might unlock Yanited’s back four. But Villas-Boas is will want to satisfy his own criteria completely before dropping in-form players.

I’ve put Jan at LB in order to facilitate the eye-catcher Caulker who of all the youngsters to emerge is the boy I can genuinely see cutting the mustard.  The arrows for him, Billy and Sandro clearly echo the strategy that allows Sandro to effortlessly drop back a little to accommodate the pace of Jan & Kyle to cause some carnage.

Deuce & Moussa in the middle. But I want Bale to be released. I want him deployed to make left wing or inverted left wing attacks. In short I want him and Deuce to understand who’s doing what here. We simply cannot afford The Boy Bale to get lost in the thick of a congested central midfield.

Azza needs to revisit his successful byline runs, cut back, avoid the near post and remember that diagonals in the 18 yard box can genuinely cause mayhem. He also needs to remind himself to shoot. Yanited are missing loads of top notch defenders. Now that doesn’t mean it’s a walk in the park, but it does mean there is a  plausible chink in the armour.

So we haven’t won there since 1704. So what? I say we can tomorrow by a goal. By one goal at least. I will be looking for some value on first goalscorer prices as Spurs are certain to come flying out the traps You can also find more sportsbook review information here


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  • Hartley says:

    I’ve got a good feeling about tomorrow probably because I’m going and I feel we are better suited to away games against better opposition…..

    • Alspur says:

      Last time I saw us play United at OT, Ben Thatcher was playing for us and we got hammered 4-0…

      We have a FAR better team, these days, and I really, really hope you have a better evening than we did…

      1-2 to us!! COYS – BIOYMUC!!!

  • Come Back 'Arry!!!!! says:

    No good feelings about this. Van.p always scores against us. Mancs always get the decisions. We never beat a top 4 team away. it’s gonna be a painful 90mins. sorry.

  • E4_Yid says:

    Spot on with the team HH. Strong in all departments. Strap the armband on Vertonghen. He’s already looking like the second coming of Philippe Albert (or closer to home Ledley King).

  • koko61 says:

    We are going to win.. I can feel it in me water works COY Mighty Spurs :pirat: .

  • CptCaveman says:

    LOL, read an interview from Jan ‘the man’ on skysports earlier…like most noobs that join, he’s sure we can crack our hoodoo and get a result…hahahah oh what it is to be young, he’ll learn! As for me, I have full faith and belief in our team, right up unto the 87th minute when Rooney is banging in the third!
    Scary thing is, last year, 2nd time around when we played em, we were on fire playing great football, United weren’t…and we still lost! Sorry guys, dont hold alot of faith for this one.
    Harry, agree with you above, and as much as I respect that Defoe is on fire, AVB’s formation doesn’t suit him (when we play with two holding midfielders). He’s not a target man, he cant hold onto the ball and there’s no point Bale, Walker, Lennon etc…putting crosses into him. Would like to see Ade given a run out, sadly, we wont and will be reduced to 25yard pot shots!
    Still, I will be proudly standing there infront of my TV screaming for 90mins+ supporting our boys (even in defeat) but lets do something different this year…LETS WIN ONE FOR THE ZERO!

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