
Analysis Of The Greek Fiasco

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Good morning.

There was always going to be a period of bedding in, gelling, call it what you will. A new manager, new systems indeed, new players. What we were subjected to yesterday was nothing to do with any of that. It was a straightforward act of sabotage.

Huddlestone, Dawson and Lennon are by default ‘senior players’ – believe it or don’t – and their contributions stank the place out. 

Huddlestone looked like he’d been smoking ketamine. Possibly for weeks on end. Dawson looked like he was on day release from a borstal. Lennon could quit football tomorrow and get a job in panto playing any one of the seven dwarves you might care to name.  And Walker, Walker the living brain donor. 

What makes me so angry is that these guys are all better than this. 

The Europa is worth pursing. But not if you’re going to waste everyone’s time and serve up garbage like this. 

The opposition were poor. But even they couldn’t believe how generous we were and it took them a while for it to sink in that we were throwing the game.  

Maybe I’m wrong. If so then the real positive is that if you did have a punt on this due to a tip off, then at this stage there has been no official announcement of unusual betting patterns and you seem to have got away with it. 

There was no tactical breakdown, no superior opponent, rather it was an open and shut case of collective mickey taking. The stupidity of footballers is revealed every week. But this takes some beating. Did they think nobody was watching? 

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  • NYSpursFan says:

    Not one of our finest performances, to be sure. Let’s hope we do better, although I’m now getting concerned about the lads playing so many matches.

    • Gus says:

      Dawson won’t have that worry. Hudd either.

      • Bobbles says:

        I thought Hudd did ok actually. He was involved, and was pinging the passes about, but as we know, he’s not too ‘snappy’ so needs to play alongside Sandro I think, not Dembele.

        Dawson’s long balls will ultimately be the cause of frustration to those at Loftus Road before much longer, and I’m all for that.

    • jim says:

      hopefully expectations will get realistic, after the man utd game they went ridiculous again with talk of title challengersand top 4. Utter nonsense.

      • Garth Crooks the ruffneck ting says:

        Huddlestone = fat b@stard, Dawson = Donkey sanctuary, Defoe = lots of wasted bullets, Avb needs to clear his throat.

  • Happy says:

    Agree 100% with your views. If we are going to go to these games players must put in creditable performances. Other than 2 or 3 half decent passes Thudd looked lost and confused. Daws, great servent that he is, looked uncomfortable and Lennon was in a ‘just run about a bit’ mood. For balance though, no one stood out and all should be kicking themselves for giving the Greeks belief. I have a horrible feeling all we have managed to do is exactly what we did for Arsenal last season and give them a massive boost.

  • KLSpurs says:

    Agreed. Poor performance. Too many long balls and no penetration. Hardly surprising then that our goal came from a freekick


    Adebayor! Shake things up and add some Goals and Assists to the thrust. In games we’ve lost – only two I might add – and draws that should and could have gone the other way – we tuck em away and defensive frailty at the tail end of games becomes an irritation as opposed to the downfall of our season. We are NOT LOSING there is reason to be cheerful 1 2 3 :-)

    • LosLorenzo says:

      “In the games we’ve lost – only two I might add[…]”

      So there was the loss against Toon. Aaaaaaaand…..??


    PS 2nd :-0

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