
Benny Off To The Bridge?

Image for Benny Off To The Bridge?

Good morning.

The source is and their suggestion is that Benoit Assou-Ekotto is wanted, enquiries made etc by Chelsea football club to us, Tottenham Hotsour football club about purchasing him for rumoured £10m.

Factors at play here are pretty straightforward.

Benny won much respect/sent shivers down a few spines with his public admission that football was just a job. Despite it being 2012, the world is still swimming with naive fans who like to see a bit badge kissing and actually believe the players remotely mean it.

Ashley Cole has reportedly been told that he won’t be getting a fat new contract and has as a response reportedly said he’ll pick up his boots and leave Second Hand Fridge when the window reopens in January.

But is this true?

Who knows.

Would it work? Well, I’d be surprised if Chelsea went for Benny. Yes, he’s Premiership house trained, but is he a typical Chelsea pick? I think not. He’s not solid enough, not uniform enough and I can see them seeing him as a bit flaky.

If we get offered £10m should we sell him to them? My first reaction is that I can’t see anyone else giving us anywhere near the same figure for him in this lifetime. Not a chance. My second reaction is that while I prefer Jan at left back, if we get an injury in one of the 27 competitions the boss wants us to participate fully in and win; then that £10m isn’t really going to help us too much.

What will happen then is Dawson gets wheeled out as the cash dissolves into the ether. So in conclusion it’s a thanks but no thanks from me.

Hotspurs Half Hour – Show 8 by hotspurshalfhour

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  • Bruxie says:

    We’ll be losing Ade in January/Feb for the ANC.

    Striker a priority. No messing. Just let’s get one. Or two.

    If Cole leaves the scum he won’t go to Russia.

    PSG is my tip. After all he’s got his medal now.

  • Sweetsman says:


  • LLL says:

    Jan is not a left back. Going forwards yes, but seems to lose his defence brain moved out a few yards.

    Benny probably one of the top 3 left backs in PL over the past 3 or more years. So definitely worth 10m of Chelsea’s money. But we should never sell them anyone decent, we never have done and never ever should do.

  • Spurstacus says:

    Its not just that Benny Sue is a top top player he’s a great lad as well. A real character and great to have around the club.

    He also seems to love the Spurs!

    We still want him to stay/ We still want him to stay.
    He’s got a mad afro/ We still want him to stay.

  • pleb says:

    Jan is our captain in waiting, he plays where he thinks he can contribute most, but plays out of position for the team. BAE is spurs and nothing else so sod off CHELSKI.

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