
Benny Off To The Bridge?

Image for Benny Off To The Bridge?

Good morning.

The source is and their suggestion is that Benoit Assou-Ekotto is wanted, enquiries made etc by Chelsea football club to us, Tottenham Hotsour football club about purchasing him for rumoured £10m.

Factors at play here are pretty straightforward.

Benny won much respect/sent shivers down a few spines with his public admission that football was just a job. Despite it being 2012, the world is still swimming with naive fans who like to see a bit badge kissing and actually believe the players remotely mean it.

Ashley Cole has reportedly been told that he won’t be getting a fat new contract and has as a response reportedly said he’ll pick up his boots and leave Second Hand Fridge when the window reopens in January.

But is this true?

Who knows.

Would it work? Well, I’d be surprised if Chelsea went for Benny. Yes, he’s Premiership house trained, but is he a typical Chelsea pick? I think not. He’s not solid enough, not uniform enough and I can see them seeing him as a bit flaky.

If we get offered £10m should we sell him to them? My first reaction is that I can’t see anyone else giving us anywhere near the same figure for him in this lifetime. Not a chance. My second reaction is that while I prefer Jan at left back, if we get an injury in one of the 27 competitions the boss wants us to participate fully in and win; then that £10m isn’t really going to help us too much.

What will happen then is Dawson gets wheeled out as the cash dissolves into the ether. So in conclusion it’s a thanks but no thanks from me.

Hotspurs Half Hour – Show 8 by hotspurshalfhour

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  • Cheeky Bill says:

    BAE is a very good left back. He makes a lot of other left backs look ordinary. Vertonghen is an exceptional left back he makes even BAE look ordinary.

    There are not a lot of really good left backs in the PL. And none of the more serious teams seem to really value this position. How much would he cost if he was a right back? A lot more than £10,000,000 I reckon.

    Anyway, the idea of Levy doing business with Chelski is laughable.

  • Mabelode The Faceless says:

    Why would Benny go there? The only people that should go there is a WWII denazification unit.

  • melcyid says:

    How comes its gonna cost the bindippers only 150 mil to knock down some houses and build a 60,000 seater and its costing us 400 mil, are they nicking the materials or not paying vat etc.

  • Firsttouchds says:

    Some Tottenham fans are racist too! I was coming back from a game in Clapton at Dorset gate station we had just finished playing the hammers, on the platform a group of so-called spurs fans was singing “yours town’s full of paki’s ” broad daylight
    I was so embarrassed and disgraced… there was even a black guy with them :(
    (I’m black so it offends me to see this even more)

    • Boy Charioteer says:

      In all the years I have been to see Spurs I have never heard that vile word used at White Hart Lane. You should have contacted the stationmaster. Who knows; film of these creatures could be passed on to the police and their pictures circulated at White Hart Lane. Zero tolerance of racism at Spurs. (Hopefully barred for life).

      • Billy Legit says:


      • rich g says:

        contact the station master? biggest laugh ive had all week, maybe tell thomas the tank engine to refuse to carry them

        • Boy Charioteer says:

          Ok sit on your arse and do nothing then. That’s fine. But just recently people who have been, shall we kindly say, lax in acting on allegations of racial abuse or sexual abuse have found themselves under investigation.

    • SpursGator says:

      Racism is one of the darker threads of human nature and there are always going to be a few disaffected people who turn to it precisely because it is so utterly wrong and unacceptable. Because it shocks.

      A group of drunk yobs on a train platform singing a song like that could happen pretty much anywhere, sadly, and I’m not naive enough to think there aren’t a few Spurs fans who might have done this. But B.C. is right – if the club were somehow made aware of this behaviour I pretty much guarantee action would be taken. I am not saying that Tottenham fans are perfect, but I am proud of where we, as a group and club, stand on this. The P.C. brigade that thinks it’s just orrible that we call ourselves Yids need to educate themselves exactly as to why we say it. In short, despite what you might have seen one drunk group of idiots doing at a train station, I think our club’s position on this issue is well-established.

      It isn’t the same as when an entire stadium lights up with a song about gassing Jews. I mean, for God’s sake, I can’t even believe I even just typed that. It boggles the mind.

  • spurskip says:

    it might be just a job for benny but he does it very well,naughton being mentioned,is he better than benny?he is a fekin right back not a left back,we need benny as cover for vert if he gets an injury,as for the blue @ucks,they are in for a shock saterday..if we play like we did second half against villa for 90mins,coys

    • Hartley says:

      I concur, Naughton is a right back….

    • spursguv says:

      If Spurs play Vertonghen at left back he will leave. He hates the left back position. He’s said it over and over. He is physically too big to play there. He will be worn out by mid season. He even had a dig for being played there of late. That’s without adding he’s our best CB.

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