
Bring On The Bubbles!

Image for Bring On The Bubbles!

Good evening.

The old Bubble & Squeaks away in the Europa or the ‘Europen’ as ODM thinks it’s called. I guess there could be worse long term use side effects of continuous Centrum® Silver® Women 50+.

You can find more sportsbook review information here, but the Greeks are marginal favourites despite their last performance in the tournament and this should provide the opportunity for some value in several Tottenham markets so it’s a game worth casting your eye over.

I’d put Lloris right in there. If you read my analysis after the Yanited game and if you dared to play this week’s Hotspur’s Half Hour than you’ll know my position this week on Brad.

Our midfield ought to see Siggy, Thud and the boy Townsend step in and step up.Sandro needs a breather, Christ knows he’s earned one. I think the inclusion of Dembélé wouldn’t be pushing it. This is a tournament we want to continue to quietly go about our business in. The boss has the mission statement spot on, we want a cup, we want Champions League qualification.

In attack I’d like to see Dempsey Defoe and Adebayor all involved subject of course to all the usual fitness terms and conditions stuff.

Your thoughts on who we ought to field please.


It’s been on my mind, it’s my blog and I’ll do as I please so here goes: There’s a little girl ‘gone missing’ in England called April Jones. If you have any information that could help police trace missing 5yr old, April Jones, please phone the dedicated hotline on 0300 2000 333.

Hotspurs Half Hour – Show 7 Jan Vertonghen Mash Up by hotspurshalfhour

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  • SpursSince67 says:

    The Ghost of Old Spurs still haunting the corridors I’m afraid….even new legend in the making Vertigo had a few howlers in the 2nd half.

    If the team is going to learn it’s going to have to take a few “hard knocks” but will any of us be man enough to take it with them ?

    Playing in Europe is a really tough experience, and I chuckle when folks think that we are truly ready for the CL…the Europa is the training ground for “wannabe” clubs like ours to do well in the CL in the future so we must pay it respect otherwise we are truly deceiving ourselves.

    At last we have in AvB someone to take it seriously, don’t blame him if the guys on the pitch can’t handle the responsibility, a few of them still have a lot of growing up to do. The ref in the 2nd half seemed on a mission to give as much to Pan as possible, this is typical when playing any side from the Med I’m afraid.

    I’m confident that we will move on from this, still sick about how we tossed it away, but a point is a point but we will have to sharpen up in the knock out phase.

    There is still a lot of work to be done, don’t get disheartened…

  • Don Mcallisters says:

    What a load of poo….onwards and upwards y’all…beat Villa and we’re sweet…lose or draw and the press will be on the Portu-Geezers haystack again….lesson Endeth here….don’t believe the hype…YIDS.

  • UnkleKev says:

    Oh, well. In happier news Liverpool have just gone 2-1 down.

  • Hartley says:

    Correction, from above….
    The Europa is only a joke when the man in charge players treat(s) it like one…….thankfully the man in charge now doesn’t, unfortunately bar Dawson, Walker, Lloris and Caulker the rest of em thought a victory was a god given right……

  • Stu Barney says:

    I missed the game as worked late.

    Was Liversalts injured, why no defensive midfielder?

    As for the bubble and squeak comment, come on, it is rhyming slang, it is not offensive, some people are too precious I guess.

    Very much looking forward to see what Ade can add to us, as much as I think the midget gem (am I allowed to type that?) has improved for us, I think these footballers do need resting, perhaps a mental thing?

    Anyway, we have Villa this weekend, let’s move onto the next game, I’m sure AVB and his team will have taken stock on what happened tonight and remedy anything that went wrong.

    Very interested to see if AVB listened to HH and ODM podcast and will drop big Brad.

    And on that matter, for those that have not listened to the half hours, please do, they are a right riveting “listen”!! Particularly the songs! What a truly fab supporter Kanut was, cycling all the way to Newcastle, HH please include the foreign fans, so interesting to hear their views.

    Over and out.

    • david says:

      Midget gem ? Sounds rather sizeist to me.

      You were lucky you were working, better than watching that piss poor second half.

      Oh dear, have I just discriminated against the second half in favour of the first half ?

    • LLL says:

      As for the bubble and squeak comment, come on, it is rhyming slang, it is not offensive, some people are too precious I guess.

      Like the bloke said, there is other rhyming slang that most people would consider pretty offensive.

      I’m half Irish. If we were playing Shamrock and the blog was titled ‘Bring On The Micks’, I would be a little bit offended, given the specific context of categorizing a whole team you want to beat by using a slang term about their nationality. I wouldn’t say anything and wouldn’t lose sleep over it, but I would probably think, ‘you twat’. You know?

      • BrisbaneSpur says:

        “You Twat” doesn’t rhyme with anything so we must be fine with that one… :-D

      • Stu Barney says:

        Yes I see your point LLL, different for the party the saying is attributed too,its just that as born and bred in London and it being part of my culture at an early age, as long as it was not deemed racist, I thought it was just a bit of fun.

        At the end of the day, we are all the same Spurs fans.

    • LLL says:

      As for the game, well done for missing. Very boring and ultimately depressing.

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