
Bring On The Bubbles!

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Good evening.

The old Bubble & Squeaks away in the Europa or the ‘Europen’ as ODM thinks it’s called. I guess there could be worse long term use side effects of continuous Centrum® Silver® Women 50+.

You can find more sportsbook review information here, but the Greeks are marginal favourites despite their last performance in the tournament and this should provide the opportunity for some value in several Tottenham markets so it’s a game worth casting your eye over.

I’d put Lloris right in there. If you read my analysis after the Yanited game and if you dared to play this week’s Hotspur’s Half Hour than you’ll know my position this week on Brad.

Our midfield ought to see Siggy, Thud and the boy Townsend step in and step up.Sandro needs a breather, Christ knows he’s earned one. I think the inclusion of Dembélé wouldn’t be pushing it. This is a tournament we want to continue to quietly go about our business in. The boss has the mission statement spot on, we want a cup, we want Champions League qualification.

In attack I’d like to see Dempsey Defoe and Adebayor all involved subject of course to all the usual fitness terms and conditions stuff.

Your thoughts on who we ought to field please.


It’s been on my mind, it’s my blog and I’ll do as I please so here goes: There’s a little girl ‘gone missing’ in England called April Jones. If you have any information that could help police trace missing 5yr old, April Jones, please phone the dedicated hotline on 0300 2000 333.

Hotspurs Half Hour – Show 7 Jan Vertonghen Mash Up by hotspurshalfhour

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  • Ronnie Wolman says:

    what a silly goal the goalie didnt stop!

  • Ronnie Wolman says:

    Great equalizer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Lordy says:

    Lloris, Smith ,Dawson ,Caulker, Vertonghen , Huddlestone, Mason Townsend Sigurdsson ,Falque and Dempsey. Would like to see Jan the man get a break but needs must, Is Carroll injured? would’ve liked to see him feature in some way.

  • essexian76 says:

    So many are still putting Verts in their side? wasn’t the fact he was knackered in the 2nd half on Sunday proof enough that continually playing 2 games a week takes it toll. Walker, Verts and Defoe need a week off. perhaps playing them tomorrow and then resting them on Sunday may be better served?

    • Lordy says:

      I agree but looking at the squad taken who else can play LB

      • essexian76 says:

        Well that’s the managers problem,but he must have seen how tired Verts was and to ask him to put in two more quality performances again in 4 days is asking too much IMHO

  • Ronnie Wolman says:

    -Hart made a fantastic save,but they are 1-0 down
    arse are lucky bastards

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