
An Extraordinarily Balanced Analysis Of Last Night’s Borefest

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Last night was a lot like the game against the Bubbles but with 13,000 Rammstein fans in the crowd. The overwhelming concern to all of us watching was that it really was a terribly dull fare. Once you got past the Maribor ‘I’ve been shot in the face’ play-acting the actual entertainment to be had was less than meager.

The star of our show – that if it was a pilot episode wouldn’t get commissioned for a series – was Tommy Huddlestone. I’ve been increasingly frustrated with him and the ‘myth of him’ perpetuated by his fanboys. But in the midst of this wake with no booze of a match he stood out as someone who was at least attempting to offer some class.

Difficult to argue there is a sweeter strike of the ball in the Premier League, I’d say. His distribution was like watching one of those slick frisbee players from the 1970’s. A slight delay as the grip was decided then the thing pinged effortlessly with extraordinary care and precision. Kind words from a blogger that described him only two weeks ago as looking like he’d been smoking ketamine. Possibly for weeks on end.

The problem is or was that Maribor are actually a bit rubbish.

My gusto for this tournament wanes when we don’t field a full strength team and we looked utterly characterless against a team greyer than John Major’s favourite sweater. Allegations that the manager is taking it more seriously than the players is a conspiracy theory that dissipates once the quality of the men in the Lilywhite nosedives this low.

Falque had a go, but at 23 you have to ask why he isn’t doing more than games like this. Lennon was in flatter to deceive mode again which against the schmucks he was facing is depressing.

Poor old/young Kyle Walker needs a rest. The bloke needs to urgently regroup. Don’t get sidetracked with the Twitter thing. Get focused on a naff game for England followed by a worse one for us against Chelsea. This guy isn’t too far away from being the business.But he needs to be reeled in now before we get a ‘trying too hard’ performance in the Premier League that also doesn’t amount to a hill of beans.

Jan was buried in the mediocrity. Naughton did little wrong, I want him to play against Southampton. Sandro was out of control. Mind you no one else was doing anything so it probably seemed like a good idea at the time. Livermore should ask Nottingham Forest if they have any openings. Gilfy needs Bale. Needs a plan. He’s a boy with no job description. Townsend look like he’d been taking tips from Kyle Walker. Lots of gusto, no bloody brain.

Defoe as a lone striker is like staring at the last match in the box and hoping it doesn’t snap/isn’t damp …

So what of the bosses’ Europa project? Mmmn. Bale on paternity leave. Adebayor with arse back ache. Moussa with a knocked out hip. Parker on a Saga Spa Break. Mmmn. If we don’t win the two home games we don’t deserve to progress. I just wish we’d played better. Unlovable stuff.

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  • Paul9inch says:

    The players looked totally uninterested in this game (same in Greece).

    If AVB doesent have the ability to kick their arses and get them motivated we might as well field the reserves in the remaining matches.

    Maybe Redknapp and his approach to the EL was right after all; just let the kids have a go.

    • C.O.T.I says:

      Agree about the lack of motivation.
      With a bit more motivation/drive/will to win, some of our lack luster games this year could have been more memorable.

  • Bruxie says:

    You cannot be serious about Huddlestone!

    Mini Roundabout.

    Yes he can hit a sweet ball. But never the killer pass.

    Maybe LLL will tell us how many assists he has as a PL player.

    As I said last evening – he’d do a great job at Swansea.

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      As manager?!

      • Bruxie says:

        Passing to wingers. Passing to CBs. Passing square.

        Sorry, Hudd. Just give the bloody money to charity, get your haircut and pack your bags for January!

        I’m sick of his flattering to deceive.


    • LLL says:

      Hiya mate. Since you asked, I checked it out for you, and Big Tom has apparently clocked up 18 assists in 128 games in the PL. This compares relatively well with the boy Bale who has 24 assists in 120 PL appearances. Sandro, who was playing far in advance of Tom last night (which I argued was somewhat strange) has never made an assist in the PL, scoring 1 goal.

      • TonyRich says:

        …and Sandro has played just 53 games…

        • LLL says:

          Yes, and so his stats read: Played 53, goals 1, assists zero.

          I’m not drawing any conclusions from this, I’m just helping out a fellow yid who asked for the facts. He can now use this information and draw his own conclusions, which I’m sure will be as enlightening as ever.

        • essexian76 says:

          Maybe when Huddlestone’s got over two years of constant injury then perhaps you can judge him more clearly-Perhaps consider reflecting on his partnership with Modric in a two man central core three seasons back may refresh your memory of how good a player he really is?,

      • Bruxie says:

        Cheers, Sleepyhead!

        Now whilst I appreciate the numbers of assists…

        Couple that with the number of goals and you have a pretty average midfield general there.

        I am saying midfield general because that’s how Huddlestone is perceived and he is coming up short. Bale is not such a player. And is not perceived as such.

        Comparisons with Alonso (in the PL) Cabaye and Scholes/Carrick would put his performances into context.

        Go to mon brave..!

  • Mark says:

    Found the entire saga very frustrating.. A bunch of guys queuing up on the edge of the box – if not further away taking potshots towards the end.

    We lacked the ability to unlock their defense with a killer pass, and the defending for the goal… woeful.

    Must do better.

    Must have a ‘target’ up top

  • nipper says:

    …what has AVB got against Manu? Good description of Defoe, you never know who is going to turn up with him….Above all though HH you seemed so intent that AVB was the new messiah, do you still think that? I think as long he gets to January we will see a couple of his own signings, and he’ll turn it around. Forget Maribor, remember the Manure game….

    • BrisbaneSpur says:

      The only difference from ManUre this season and the last 3 or so is that we had some good fortune and a couple of refereeing decisions. Don’t get me wrong I enjoyed it as much as the next man, but you’re making it sound like we should have had at least nine clear goals, got presented with a ‘platinum’ cup by George Best!

      I personally think AVB sHould be remembered (or judged) on our inadequate performances through team selection and squad rather than a fortunate result where we were due some serious luck and a good referee for some years!

  • NE40 Spur says:

    Thankfully only had to watch 1st half as was going out – was gutted when I realised but turned out to be a blessing. The Thudd only looked decent because the opposition were poor.

    I don’t care about this competition (or league cup) so once in the group stage blood the young players trying to break in to the 1st team with a backbone of experience made up of fringe senior players who might impress AVB or a new employer!

    Walker reminds me of Bale so maybe put Naughton at right back, Lennon on the bench and Walker as right winger!!! Might work again.

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