
An Extraordinarily Balanced Analysis Of Last Night’s Borefest

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Last night was a lot like the game against the Bubbles but with 13,000 Rammstein fans in the crowd. The overwhelming concern to all of us watching was that it really was a terribly dull fare. Once you got past the Maribor ‘I’ve been shot in the face’ play-acting the actual entertainment to be had was less than meager.

The star of our show – that if it was a pilot episode wouldn’t get commissioned for a series – was Tommy Huddlestone. I’ve been increasingly frustrated with him and the ‘myth of him’ perpetuated by his fanboys. But in the midst of this wake with no booze of a match he stood out as someone who was at least attempting to offer some class.

Difficult to argue there is a sweeter strike of the ball in the Premier League, I’d say. His distribution was like watching one of those slick frisbee players from the 1970’s. A slight delay as the grip was decided then the thing pinged effortlessly with extraordinary care and precision. Kind words from a blogger that described him only two weeks ago as looking like he’d been smoking ketamine. Possibly for weeks on end.

The problem is or was that Maribor are actually a bit rubbish.

My gusto for this tournament wanes when we don’t field a full strength team and we looked utterly characterless against a team greyer than John Major’s favourite sweater. Allegations that the manager is taking it more seriously than the players is a conspiracy theory that dissipates once the quality of the men in the Lilywhite nosedives this low.

Falque had a go, but at 23 you have to ask why he isn’t doing more than games like this. Lennon was in flatter to deceive mode again which against the schmucks he was facing is depressing.

Poor old/young Kyle Walker needs a rest. The bloke needs to urgently regroup. Don’t get sidetracked with the Twitter thing. Get focused on a naff game for England followed by a worse one for us against Chelsea. This guy isn’t too far away from being the business.But he needs to be reeled in now before we get a ‘trying too hard’ performance in the Premier League that also doesn’t amount to a hill of beans.

Jan was buried in the mediocrity. Naughton did little wrong, I want him to play against Southampton. Sandro was out of control. Mind you no one else was doing anything so it probably seemed like a good idea at the time. Livermore should ask Nottingham Forest if they have any openings. Gilfy needs Bale. Needs a plan. He’s a boy with no job description. Townsend look like he’d been taking tips from Kyle Walker. Lots of gusto, no bloody brain.

Defoe as a lone striker is like staring at the last match in the box and hoping it doesn’t snap/isn’t damp …

So what of the bosses’ Europa project? Mmmn. Bale on paternity leave. Adebayor with arse back ache. Moussa with a knocked out hip. Parker on a Saga Spa Break. Mmmn. If we don’t win the two home games we don’t deserve to progress. I just wish we’d played better. Unlovable stuff.

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  • A_Felching says:

    Tom Huddlestone is shite, he has had long enough to develop as a player and it just has not happened. He needs shifting, I’m 41 smoke 20 fags a day and weigh 14 stone and I would still put in a better shift in a midfield than that lump.

    • Steveo1987 says:

      Sounds like you are on some medication as well mate.

    • Boy Charioteer says:

      Please try and give it up. I was on 40 Park Drive a day. 60 at weekends. Chain smoked at White Hart Lane. Then one morning in May 1988 I woke up and it felt like Hulk Hogan and the WWF were sitting on my chest. I couldn’t breathe and I went through stages from panic to sheer terror and I thought “this is it”. When it finally subsided I thought that if I didn’t stop that I would die. The way I avoided it again was if I had the urge I immediately did something to take my mind off it. Run round the field, play a video game, anything. We don’t want to lose any more Spurs fans; they are at a premium as it is.

      • BrisbaneSpur says:

        Without wanting to turn this into a ‘quit the fags’ routine I was 20+ a day for 20 years a d never thought I would quit, until a friend of mine (that I also never thought would quit) appeared to quit with minimum stress.

        It was a book called ‘Easy Way’ by Allen Carr. I an honestly believe 100% this should be bought for every single smoker as it would have a much MUCH higher success rate than majority of other options. A simple man gave a great gift to the world and the beauty is you don’t even need to quit while you read. What has anyone got to lose? Sooo much to gain…… Please sir give it a go, easy to read and 90%+ success rate.

        • BrisbaneSpur says:

          ….and its been nearly 2 years withur even waivering or considering so! I implore you try my mate!

        • Boy Charioteer says:

          The immediate effect I noticed after packing in was how much my clothes stank when I came home from the pub from other people’s smoke. Senses start to come alive again. To think I spent from 1966-1988 trying to kill myself makes me shudder now.

  • Hartley says:

    “A good player let’s the ball do his running” Hartley, 2012 ;-)

    • BrisbaneSpur says:

      “A team that plays a certain way (or formation) needs the players to suit (or compliment) that style of play, otherwise its like wearing a tailor made Hugo Boss jacket with Puma shell suite bottoms (the person that had a full shell suit on would look far less of an arse!)” Anyone with >14 brain cells, 2012

      • Hartley says:

        If the players to suit the formation aren’t available or the trousers are split then plan B comes into operation and you adapt with what you have…..common sense 2012 :-p

        • BrisbaneSpur says:

          Our squad is too weak to have a B plan, heck we haven’t even got a solid A plan! I would try and relate that to my clothing analogy, but all I can think of is:

          “Plan A = Debenhams
          Plan B = Pound Stretcher

          Plan BrisbaneSpur = Savile Row” … Concerned 2012

        • BrisbaneSpur says:

          Oh and :-p :daumen:

    • Matt says:

      There is truth in this.. If you are in possession, then it is the opposition chasing and tiring.. If Towsend hadn’t given the ball away, Hudd wouldn’t have been defending within his own box… Hudd is pretty good at keeping the ball and picking a pass… If the rest of the team were as good on the ball, we wouldn’t be doing much chasing back or pressing…

  • thenight says:

    Is this the most boring spurs team since the sixties?, when will avb realise that if you play one up front he has to hold the ball up for the midfield breakers not shoot on sight.
    One league cup in 11 years Levy will do well to add to his massive haul this season.

  • triniblack_lilywhite says:

    …only caught the 2nd half but thought we looked completely adrift and rudderless…good thing people around just thought i was mad at the ‘puter; all in all, i saw some encouraging signs in Falque – def want to see more of this guy, Naughton should have been given a penalty and i support his frustration…was the most passion shown all night…aside from Lemon’s ugly bit at Wlaker/Caulker…can’t remember but 1 goal in two years doesn’t qualify for barking license but save it for the opposition defense…HH, i agree, Hudds looking solid: when he comes off, we lose that ‘big guy’ presence that gives opposition pause…COYS!

  • Ronnie Wolman says:

    Can somebody explain how Mourinho and Levy worked out a joint strategy of them buying our best players?

    • BrisbaneSpur says:

      Excuse my wine driven ignorance but wasn’t it ‘player’ (i.e. Modders)?

      Has there been any news over there in regards to Bale pre-contract etc?

      • Ronnie Wolman says:

        We made a deal with Mourinho and now are these rumours.
        That must have been the deal.We agree to sell Bale to RM.
        Then we can buy a 2 million pound winger(ok he is a bit heavy!)

        • Boy Charioteer says:

          We could be in a different dimension now. I spent all morning running round the house putting the clocks back. My wife thinks I am mad. But it just might fool Treadstone into turning up when I’m out.

      • Ronnie Wolman says:

        As long as you stay away from Fenchurch street its fine.The place is full of Treadstone agents (read Millwall Bovver Boys)
        The fact is you have to be in Berlin,then Madagascar then Moscow and get back for that important draw against Maribor at home

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