
Good News & Bad News

Image for Good News & Bad News

Good morning.

The good news is in the clip below as Hugo Lloris saves a penalty conceded by an Arsenal player and taken by an ex Arsenal player. Laurent Koscielny did his best to put Pedro’s shin into a different part of the stadium from the rest of him and the resulting penalty was saved well by our new boy.

I know we’ve seen little of him, but he looks right to me.


The bad news is in the clip below and you’ll not be shocked to know that it relates to the nasty treatment that Danny Rose (and others) were subjected to last night.

UEFA president Michel Platini has already threatened Serbia with expulsion from Euro 2012 before a ball was kicked; because of their hooliganism and racist fans. Clearly they thought he was bluffing. Which is funny, because I think he was bluffing.

If Platini does do any more than make a dull speech and call for a low key enquiry resulting in a notional fine I’ll be pretty surprised.

But all football’s governing bodies are the same. Bathed in cash, basking in their own self importance. It’s 2012 and we have two Internationals scheduled. One is marred by right wing thugs and the other is allowed to degenerate in farce as a roof that takes just 20 minutes to close is left open for hours in torrential rain.

I wonder, just much more of a ride the people at the top of football family tree can take fans for before the money begins to dry up?


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  • Ronnie Wolman says:

    Its wrong to paint the Serbians all with the same brush.
    Probably 10% of any group are arseholes.Sometimes that pervades all as history has shown us but we should be careful when throwing around these comments.

    • LosLorenzo says:

      :daumen: :daumen:

    • essexian76 says:

      You have to take into account that in Serbia-it’s mainly Serbs (Stating the obvious), they have little inter-racial understanding or cultural differences to comprehend and until recently were indoctrinated into believing in the Serbia for Serbians mentality against the Western powers-we’re not talking ancient history but a mere 15 years ago.
      It’s as much about showing and teaching as well as getting heavy handed,which will initially cause a more closed mind (no one likes us and we don’t care) to change than it will solve the problem at a stroke.

  • nobby nobbs says:

    That all very nice..but what do they learn if they are not jumped on for being Racist.
    The changes made in British football changed British Society.
    fuck all this top down shite FIFA and Platini need to work from the bottom up.
    When Hitler entered politics the Germans didnt become Facist overnight.

    • essexian76 says:

      The War ended in 1945, the US Civil war in 1862-yet they the US still had segregation until the late 1960’s and we were showing ‘love thy Neighbour’ in 1975ish…Change isn’t an overnight thing-not forgetting as in Serbia’s case, Yugoslavia was always going to erupt after Tito’s death, because he alone was the sticking plaster over a festering wound that once removed allowed the poison to seep through-Which is why education is better than enforcement in the long run-you have to change the mindset not merely enforce change with the same force.

  • dixta says:

    just got a text that Milija Aleksic passed away. i was too young to sere him play, know nothing about him other than that he stepped up and helped us win the Cup For Tottingham, therefore making him a Spurs Ledgend. Similar to Tony Parks in 84 I guess. As I say, before my time but proper Spurs history, Chas n Dave, Ossie’s Dream, Glenn, Robbo, Tony Galvin, Milija Aleksic may you RIP sir.

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