
Good News & Bad News

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Good morning.

The good news is in the clip below as Hugo Lloris saves a penalty conceded by an Arsenal player and taken by an ex Arsenal player. Laurent Koscielny did his best to put Pedro’s shin into a different part of the stadium from the rest of him and the resulting penalty was saved well by our new boy.

I know we’ve seen little of him, but he looks right to me.


The bad news is in the clip below and you’ll not be shocked to know that it relates to the nasty treatment that Danny Rose (and others) were subjected to last night.

UEFA president Michel Platini has already threatened Serbia with expulsion from Euro 2012 before a ball was kicked; because of their hooliganism and racist fans. Clearly they thought he was bluffing. Which is funny, because I think he was bluffing.

If Platini does do any more than make a dull speech and call for a low key enquiry resulting in a notional fine I’ll be pretty surprised.

But all football’s governing bodies are the same. Bathed in cash, basking in their own self importance. It’s 2012 and we have two Internationals scheduled. One is marred by right wing thugs and the other is allowed to degenerate in farce as a roof that takes just 20 minutes to close is left open for hours in torrential rain.

I wonder, just much more of a ride the people at the top of football family tree can take fans for before the money begins to dry up?


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  • Bruxie says:

    While I’m busy ranting (it comes with (r)age!), I sat watching that muppet from the FA give a flacid interview with the ITV pitch side reporter.

    He didn’y criticise; he didn’t apportion blame; he was more worried about the relationship between the FA and FIFA than giving it to the Polish FA and FIFA in the neck.

    Diplomacy isn’t about keeping everyone happy. It’s about saying “when you behave or act like you have, then we feel like this…”

    Soporific and toothless following Treismann the English FA now has to mind it’s Ps & Qs when talking about FIFA and its myriad of rogues, cheats and bribe takers.

    When will we stand up for the fans. They made the journey, paid the airfare, hotel bills and ticket prices.

    It’s bollocks. We know it is – and we will still watch at 16:00 this afternoon.

    • hoofing says:

      ‘When will we stand up for the fans. They made the journey, paid the airfare, hotel bills and ticket prices. It’s bollocks. We know it is – and we will still watch at 16:00 this afternoon.’

      Political correctness springs to mind, Club Bollocks are very good at it. Future revenues to all Football associations and their governing (by authority) bodies are based on your last sentence. Its a corporate enterprise now. If you are against the use of aspartame by Coca-Cola then don’t buy it and educate others about it. As for 16:00, no interest.

  • Gibbo says:

    Completely off story after this nonsense in Serbia seeing some very ugly scenes.
    I believe the players should set the bans for racism on a pitch. Send out a letter to all English footballers what they think should be the band everything from a fine to being banned from the game for good. This could be implemented in the English game immediately, then hopefully FIFA would take note. I also believe Serbia should be banned from playing football for 5 years

  • Bruxie says:

    Off story…

    We are about to find out where Tim’s loyalties lie.

    By refusing Blackburn permission to speak to him, Spurs are giving a clear message that he will have to resign if he wants the job. That will obviously affect the compo.

    Compensation even at this level is on Levy’s mind.

    And it tells Sherwood that he has a future with us.
    Well done Daniel.

    • Habib says:

      No good ever comes of keeping someone who doesnt want to stay. I’m afraid the fact that we play every season a season of 35 games is testament to that.

      • Bruxie says:

        It’ll probably give us the answer to the “insider” ITK from a couple of weeks ago.

        If he stays…he’s innocent!

        You wouldn’t stay if you were disgruntled, would you?

        And is there a promise of promotion sometime in the future?

        If we are aiming for the “bootroom” ethos then I’d welcome that. Continuity is key to success.

      • nobby nobbs says:

        More Venky Chicken baby..not to be sniffed at.

    • UnkleKev says:

      You’d have to be mentally unstable to take over at Blackburn right now. So if Sherwood thinks it’s the job for him it probably means he’s not for us.

      Hopefully he is possessed of enough common sense to realise where his future prospects are best served.

  • Eyeball Paul aka The Eyeballer says:

    The Eyeballer wants action – (not that type!) – get rid of Serbia as paul Ince said, for at least two tournaments – they are serial racist offenders.

    Lloris must start in goal on Saturday – The Eyeballer believes that he will have as big an influence on the prem as Schmeichel, Cech (under Mourihno) and so, if we can keep our ‘spine’ of world class players: Caulker (wait and see), Sandro, Bale, Dembele etc, the Eyeballer can really see us kicking on towards a title over the next few years…(provided we get a proven marksman, over to you Daniel)

    COYS! (cant wait for Saturday)

  • BrizzleSpur says:

    Good man! I’d be surprised if there were many people who still needed evidence of Lloris’ abilities.

    I knew you’d blog about our boy Danny and the racist abuse he got and I’m glad you have. It’s disgusting, simple as that. To think these guys can’t even host a football match without all this drama is pathetic and I don’t see why they should be allowed any further participation in the tournament. A team that cannot play without acts of racist abuse and physical violence should not be eligible to play at all.


    • essexian76 says:

      We paid 9-10m for a clown based on a penalty save and a half decent performance as I recall-still got him come to think of it, but I bet you a pound to penny we won’t get more than 4m in return. The fact we had to employ another GK coach and enlist Cuddles makes the deal an awful lot more wouldn’t you think?
      I sooner Lloris put in a good season with us before lauding him to the rafters as being World Class etc, etc-He’s still young in GK terms and has yet to make his mark with us-feet on the ground eh?

      • BrizzleSpur says:

        We bought the French international keeper. He kept them in that gakme, something Brad has done for us a lot.
        Your so full of Doom and Gloom Essex! I can tell you’re old skool Spurs.
        Yeah he’s young and has a lot to learn and I’m in no rush to see him take over from Brad at all. I just think that over the course of the season he’ll be gradually phased in and become a solid keeper for many seasons to come.

        One thing he definitely needs to work on is actually trapping the ball with his hands and not parrying it away all the time. Brad is Brad, he is what he is and we all respect what he’s done. But Lloris could potentially be even greater as he’s a player that can still be moulded for the specific requirements at THFC. Strongly believe that we bought a good keeper, at a good age for a good price.

        • essexian76 says:

          Not gloom and doom at all,I’m just wary of going overboard about a keeper we know next to nothing about. As I said before I hope he’ll become an iconic,legendary keeper for us over many years-but-and here’s the rub-I’ve seen nothing as yet to warrant this hero worship based on three indifferent performances. It seems in this day and age, we’re having to label players as World Class or shit-there’s no middle ground longer. Equally I’m not nor have made comparisons between our keepers either.
          My moan was about team matters and how dropping him (or rotating as it’s now laughingly called) can set a precedent that can cause longer term problems, as AVB has already experienced at Chelsea with Lampard et-al.

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