
Moutinho Agent Talking Up CSKA & Barca Deals

Image for Moutinho Agent Talking Up CSKA & Barca Deals

Good morning.

Ah, the familiar strains of the lesser spotted weasel faced football agent. The following from Pini Zahavi [ taking to Izvestia] who appears to be representing Joao Moutinho. Moutinho some some readers may vaguely recall was linked with us in the last transfer window.

If this quote is anything to go by, we don’t feature prominently in the boy’s future.

“I will not hide that there is interest on the part of Zenit, and we will analyze their proposal in January! Zenit is a very strong team, who may be the next step in the career of Joao.”

“However at the same time we have to take into account the interests of Joao! Any footballer would like to play in Barcelona, and this option is a priority for us. In my opinion the style of his game adapts perfectly to that of Barcelona. In addition he is a fan of the club”

When you see how characters like this are at work how easier it is to magic up a tale that the incompetence of Levy & Co. is in fact the driving factor behind unsuccessful transfer deals.

Oh well.

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  • CincinnatiYid says:

    Here we go again. Who’s to say el agente is not simply trying to jack up the price the profligate Daniel will pay. Moutinho may still want to work with AVB. Lets hope so.

    Yes we still need a striker.

    And I would start Parker ahead of Sandro. But there are plenty of games for them both. Rotation rotation rotation.

  • Yid Vicious says:

    We can’t afford to get into a bidding war for that caliber of player. It’s likely that we won’t have another chance of signing him if Zenit throw money at him and any other clubs become involved.

    So lets all get our scouting hats on and start scouring Youtube, FIFA and FM for the next World star before Chelsea get them!

  • BillyFiore says:

    More players like SuperJan please.. committed, hungry and not represented by a cancerous arse polyp.

  • Yidango says:

    ….Starting Sandro that is.

  • Bruxie says:

    £30 million.

    Who else is worth that much?

    We ain’t going to make a profit off Moutinho as we did with Modric. And Moutinho will always be looking to Spain – according to his agent.

    We are not a stepping stone. Let’s get a top of the heap midfielder and a striker who would be happy to stay.

    As I said earlier, you cannot have a team made up of other people’s targets.

    Long contracts and an injection of stability are paramount to ensuring we maintain our standing.

    I’d love to see Alonso finish his career at the Lane. I’d even go for someone else who has won a lot – why not someone like Schneider?

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      Completely agree, sir. He’s either looking for a move, or a springboard.

      If we’re not the move, then time to move on unless it’s declared a loan move from the very start.

      • Bruxie says:

        It’s amazing to see all this manoevering pre-January.

        There’ll be more to deal with in the next months.

        If we are top four in January it will help. Everton are short of cash an Fallaini is bloody good. As is Baines.

        If the Toffees are still showing we could do worse than make a bid for their best.

        Newcastle. Ba. Cabaye. Ben Arfa.

        I’ve seen worse – and we could take our opposition for top four out in January.

        Obviously it won’t all happen…but Fellaini would be tasty. Dempsey should watch out.

        • Alspur says:

          I can see Ba coming in, on price alone (7.5m buy-out clause) – that’s a bargain that Levy might find hard to resist!

        • LosLorenzo says:

          I believe his buy-out has expired, so it’s free market rules in January, I’m afraid.

        • Alspur says:

          Don’t think so, Los – Pardew came out a couple of weeks back and said that the buy-out was still in place in January…

      • Habib says:

        If we finish top 4 Moutinho will come and we will need him.

    • Billy Legit says:

      Alonso?!, personally i’d go for Schumacher (he’s better in wet conditions).

    • Hot_Spur says:

      Well you didn’t answer any of my questions in the earlier posts. How are you so clever you can read other people’s minds and know what their intentions are? How do you know which players are looking for a “step up” or looking to stay? How do you know Bale, Dembele, Vertonghen won’t have their head turned if RM or Barca come knocking? The fact is that you don’t know. If a player comes to spurs and gives good service for 3 or 4 years and then moves to RM good luck to him, you would do the same. Every player wants to play for those clubs but it doesn’t mean they haven’t helped spurs to achieve things while they were here. If you expect to get a squad of players that will stay for life you are a dreamer.

      • Bruxie says:

        Hey, that’s a bit aggressive!

        Which questions didn’t I answer?

        You are missing my point.

        Read my posts again and you’ll see I am merely advocating signing established players who have seen it all and would welcome a move to Spurs either for EPL experience or to finish their careers here.

        I don’t know whether or not players are going to move on…but when an agent starts going on about Barcelona you know where the priority lies. And you don’t have to have an o-level to see what’s going on with Moutinho.

        Fellaini is an exception. I’d sign him in a heartbeat and give Defoe his partner.

        If you want a discussion then find a little humility.

      • Bruxie says:

        If it helps, I said…

        “You cannot have a team made up of other people’s targets.

        We already have Bale and Sandro. Our future superstars…Vertonghen, Lloris, Walker (if he gets his act together) and Caulker will form a nucleus of the team. We cannot afford to add players looking to step up to pastures new within two years.
        I reckon Moutinho is one such player. He has a greedy but ambitious agent.

        If we lose our best players at the same time – for example, if we win a major honour – then the rebuilding will be traumatic.”

        • Harry Hotspur says:

          It’s pretty bleedin’ obvious to anyone with half a brain (Hello Felching) that players these days have the loyalty of alley cats.

          Bruxie (and I) clearly made the distinction that we need to buy those that will hurt us least.

          We can’t presume that anyone wants to stay ‘forever’. That would be naive. But we need to buy guys like say Sandro who may view us less of a short term option.

        • Alspur says:

          Are we talking about buying ‘decent sorts’?

          If so, I’m all for it… far rather have a team of Parkers, Sandros, Bales, etc than a team of “misunderstoods”, such as J Barton, C Adam and EH Diouf…

          It’s the Spurs way…

        • essexian76 says:

          It must be head-turning regardless of who the player is when your Agent is continually telling you how green the grass is elsewhere.
          Modric was on record and Berbatov a few seasons back, as being happy and content-then when all’s good in the hood-an offer of treble your money-win gold and move to paradise-all with a guarantee’s come flooding in. Spurs are potentially a big club and are still WIP,and unforuntaley footballs a now game-fans want it now-and players are no different, it’s what and where we are right now.

        • Bruxie says:

          Decent sorts..?


          I want wnankers who show no loyalty and score 30+ per season.

          Let’s sign RvP.

          Then our home crowd will have cause to booooooo.

          And let’s have Walcott too, while we’re on.
          He’s loyal!

        • essexian76 says:

          Didn’t Dempsey effectively go on strike, also Lee when at PSV in order to secure a move to Spurs?
          We have to remember these guys are footballers not supporters-For example,would Ledders have been so loyal if his knee wasn’t dodgy and the offers came flooding in? I’m all for players staying long term-but don’t forget the likes of Jenas and Keane, who were difficult to shift when on long term deals.

        • Hot_Spur says:

          HH – The point is that you can’t read people’s minds. There is no way to KNOW which players will stay and which players wont. All you are doing is guessing. In any case, players may arrive with the intention of staying a while, RM come knocking and everything immediately changes so it’s not always a case of what the player intended in the first place. As for agent talk, I’m surprised that people pay heed to that. Even if it’s true what Moutinho’s agent said, (and that is far from a certainty), it doesn’t mean the player has the same view. All agents talk bollox to try to increase transfer value so they get a higher pay day.

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